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 0    14 fiche    anaalijinovic
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Reci to drugim riječima.
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Say it in other words.
Koja je razlika između A i B?
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What is the difference between A and B?
Kako to misliš?
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What do you mean?
Ne razumijem.
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I do not understand.
Oprosti, nisam to shvatio.
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Sorry, I didn't get it.
Možeš li to ponoviti?
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Can you repeat that?
Reci to ponovno.
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Say it again.
Što je obrnuto do A?
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What is the reverse of A?
Daj mi primjer.
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Give me an example.
Možeš li govoriti sporije?
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Can you speak more slowly?
Možeš li to napisati?
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Can you write that?
Reci to na drugom jeziku.
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Say it in another language.
Možeš li mi pomoć?
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Can you help me?
Pokaži to na karti.
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Show it on the map.

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