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question réponse
trenować jako
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to train as a
I’m training as a tour guide here in Rome.
wziąć udział w kursie
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to take a course in
I’m taking this course in English because I want to improve my speaking skills
uzyskać kwalifikację
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get a qualification
I want to get a qualification in tourism
zdobyć stopień w
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do a degree in
My wife is doing a degree in economics
mieć stopień naukowy
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have a degree
I have a degree in civil engineering
podchodzić do egzaminu/mieć egzamin
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take an exam
I have to take my exam soon
zdać egzamin
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pass an exam
I hope I pass my exam
pracować jako przewodnik wycieczek
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work as a tour guide
prowadź własną firmę
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run your own company
I’m qualified accountant and I run my own company
pracować dla siebie
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work for myself
I work full time and I enjoy working for myself
pracować dla firmy
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work for company
I work for a multinational company
na stopień
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for a degree
I’m studying for a degree in environmental science
w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
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part time
I work part time to help pay for my studies
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I think I’m a caring person
niezawodny, godny zaufania
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I’m reliable and people trust ne to take care of them
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I work fron home so I need to be organised, but sometimes I feel a bit lazy and I don’t wirk at all
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I have to be patient when I coach players as people are very sensitive
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I’m pretty hard working, I practise ten hours a day
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Miquel says he’s waiting in a very long queue
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By answering questions like the one belows, a life map can help you to decide what you’d like to do in the future
Co w tym lubisz
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What do you like about it
Jakie rzeczy lubisz
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What things do you enjoy
co chciałbyś zmienić
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What would you like to change
wyznacz sobie cele
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set yourself some goals
zrób listę celów dla każdego obszaru each
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make a list of goals for each area of your life
podjąć, aby osiągnąć
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take to achieve
You need to decide what actions you can take to achieve you goals
zwiększać / wzrastać
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to increase
The number of online dating sites is increasing
stać się łatwiejszym
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become easier
Finding a date is becoming easier
zmniejszać się
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to decrease
The numver of young people buying house has decreased this year
obniżać się/spadać
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go down
The number of new home owners went down this year
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Driverless cars could reduce the number of accidents.
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Driving in big city should improve
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to rise
The population of cities is rising as more young people move to big cities
iść w górę
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go up
The population of London went up again this year
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In some countries power from wind farma and the sun is replacing energy from oil
upaść, spadać
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to fall
Air pollution in tiwna is falling as a result
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The weather is not likely to improve
pogorszyć się
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get worse
It’s getting worse, not grtting better
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Maybe we’ll stop using petrol
A co z (robieniem czegoś)?/ co z (robieniem czegoś)?
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How about (doing sth)?/ what about (doing sth)?
What/How about (trying/taking up yoga)?
Dlaczego nie sprobujesz?
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Why not try (doing)
Why not try (hiking)
Oto kolejny pomysł
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Here’s another idea
polecam (robienie czegoś)
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I recommend (doing sth)
I recommend doing some exercise
Myślę, że spodoba ci się (robienie czegoś)
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I think you’ll enjoy (doing sth)
I think you’ll enjoy swimming
To bardzo dobre rozwiązanie
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It’s very good for sth
It’s very good for your health
to pomoże ci to zrobić
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It helps you to do
It helps you to sleep
To sprawia, że jesteś lepszy/szczęśliwszy
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It makes you better/happier
Poczujesz się znacznie lepiej/świetnie
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You’ll feel much better/great
Piesze wędrówki to dobry pomysł, ponieważ...
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I’n sure hiking is a good idea because...
Nie chcę robić czegoś
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I’m not keen on doing sth
I’m not keen on swimming
Naprawdę nie lubię tego typu rzeczy, obawiam się
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I’m not really into that kind of thing, I’m afraid
Nie mam ochoty (robić), ponieważ
nie uśmiecha mi się
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I don’t fancy (doing) because
I don’t fancy dancing because...
Które brzmi interesująco.
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That sounds interesting.

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