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What seems to be the problem?
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Mam trudności w oddychaniu commencer à apprendre
I have difficulty in breathing
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Masz wysokie ciśnienie krwi commencer à apprendre
You have high blood pressure
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Przyjdź się ze mną zobaczyć commencer à apprendre
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I'll take your temperature
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Strasznie boli mnie głowa commencer à apprendre
I have a terrible headache
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Strasznie bolą mnie plecy commencer à apprendre
I have a terrible headache
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I have a terrible earache
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Jestem na zwolnieniu lekarskim commencer à apprendre
Gdzie są moje krople do oczu? commencer à apprendre
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Will you give me an injection?
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zapalenie migdałków, angina commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
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