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Turkish sentences from Tatoeba 3
Turkish sentences from Tatoeba 3
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Nobody taught me.
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Kimse bana öğretmedi.
Note how I do it.
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Onu nasıl yaptığımı not et.
Pass me the salt.
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Tuzu bana iletin.
Peter loves Jane.
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Peter Jane'i seviyor.
Please be gentle.
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Lütfen nazik olun.
Please come here.
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Lütfen buraya gel.
Please copy this.
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Lütfen bunu kopyalayın.
Please don't ask.
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Lütfen sormayın.
Please don't cry.
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Lütfen ağlama.
Please don't die.
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Lütfen ölme.
Please enter now.
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Lütfen şimdi giriniz.
Please follow me.
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Lütfen beni izleyiniz.
Please let me go.
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Lütfen gitmeme izin verin.
Please make sure.
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Lütfen emin olun.
Please phone him.
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Lütfen ona telefon et.
Please step back.
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Lütfen geri çekilin.
Put on your coat.
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Ceketini giy.
Put out the fire.
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Ateşi söndür.
Red wine, please.
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Kırmızı şarap, lütfen.
Rome is in Italy.
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Roma İtalya'dadır.
See you at lunch.
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Öğle yemeğinde görüşürüz.
She attacked him.
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O, ona saldırdı.
She became happy.
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O mutlu oldu.
She began crying.
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O, ağlamaya başladı.
She came at once.
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O derhal geldi.
She defeated him.
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O onu yendi.
She despised him.
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O onu hor gördü.
She despises him.
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O onu küçümsüyor.
She disliked him.
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O onu sevmiyordu.
She divorced him.
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O ondan boşandı.
She hit him hard.
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O ona sert vurdu.
She idolized him.
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O onu idolleştirmişti.
She insulted him.
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O ona hakaret etti.
She is a pianist.
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O bir piyanist.
She is a student.
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O bir öğrenci.
She is easygoing.
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O yumuşak başlı.
She is mad at me.
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O bana deli oluyor.
She's stubborn.
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O inatçı.
She is on a diet.
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O bir diyette.
She is very busy.
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O çok meşgul.
She is very wise.
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O çok akıllıdır.
She kept working.
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O çalışmaya devam etti.
She lost her way.
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Ona yolunu kaybetti.
He may not come.
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O gelmeyebilir.
She must be sick.
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O hasta olmalı.
He denied it.
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O onu reddetti.
She repulses him.
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O onu kovar.
She rode a camel.
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O bir deveye bindi.
She said goodbye.
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O, hoşçakal dedi.
She smiled at me.
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Bana gülümsedi.
She startled him.
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O onu ürküttü.
She stood by him.
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O onun yanında durdu.
She took my hand.
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O benim elimi tuttu.
She was promoted.
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O, terfi ettirildi.
She waved at him.
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O ona el salladı.
She wore glasses.
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O gözlük takıyordu.
She worships him.
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O ona tapar.
She wrote in ink.
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O mürekkeple yazdı.
Sit down with me.
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Benimle otur.
Sit down, please.
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Oturun, lütfen.
Someone is lying.
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Birisi yalan söylüyor.
Sorry I'm late.
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Geç kaldığım için üzgünüm.
Stand up, please.
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Ayağa kalk, lütfen.
Stop saying that!
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Böyle söylemeyi bırak!
Summer has ended.
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Yaz sona erdi.
Swimming is easy.
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Yüzme kolaydır.
Take a short cut.
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Kestirmeden gidelim.
Take me with you.
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Beni de götür.
Tell him to wait.
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Ona beklemesini söyle.
Tell me about it.
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Bana ondan bahset.
That baby is Tom.
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O bebek Tom'dur.
That bag is mine.
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O çanta benim.
That car is hers.
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O araba onunki.
That car is mine.
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O araba benimki.
That is a pagoda.
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O bir pagodadır.
That is a pencil.
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O bir kurşun kalem.
That's his house.
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Bu onun evi.
That's no excuse.
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O mazeret değil.
That's not funny.
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Hiç komik değil.
That's our house.
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O bizim ev.
The baby's awake.
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Bebek uyanık.
The battery died.
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Pil öldü.
The book is easy.
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Kitap kolay.
The boy ran away.
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Çocuk kaçtı.
The boy was full.
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Çocuk toktu.
The can is empty.
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Teneke boş.
The car is ready.
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Araba hazır.
The curtain fell.
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Perde düştü.
The curtain rose.
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Perde kalktı.
The dog is dying.
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Köpek ölüyor.
The dog is white.
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Köpek beyaz.
The dog was dead.
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Köpek öldü.
The food is cold.
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Yiyecekler soğuk.
The game is over.
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Oyun bitti.
The kid got hurt.
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Çocuk incindi.
The light is out.
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Işık söndü.
The line is busy.
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Hat meşgul.
The man ran away.
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Adam kaçtı.
The man stood up.
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Adam ayağa kalktı.
The show is over.
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Gösteri bitti.
The sky is clear.
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Gökyüzü açık.
The sky was dark.
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Gökyüzü karanlıktı.
The sun came out.
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Güneş çıktı.
The well ran dry.
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Kuyu kurudu.
The whistle blew.
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Düdük üfledi.
The work is done.
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İş yapılmıştır.
There's no doubt.
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Hiç şüphe yok.
There's no hurry.
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Hiç acelesi yok.
They are artists.
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Onlar sanatçılar.
They are at work.
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Onlar işteler.
They are doctors.
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Onlar doktordur.
They are singers.
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Onlar şarkıcıdır.
They call me Bob.
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Onlar bana Bob diyorlar.
They call me Bob.
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Onlar bana Bob derler.
They dug a grave.
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Onlar bir mezar kazdı.
They feel hungry.
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Onlar açlık hissediyorlar.
They go shopping.
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Alışverişe giderler.
They got married.
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Onlar evlendiler.
They had no food.
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Onların yiyecekleri yoktu.
They like apples.
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Onlar elma severler.
They made her go.
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Onlar onu gönderdiler.
They respect him.
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Onlar ona saygı duyuyorlar.
This bag is mine.
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Bu çanta benim.
This book is new.
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Bu kitap yeni.
This book is old.
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Bu kitap eski.
I own this car.
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Bu araba benim.
This doesn't fit.
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Bu uymuyor.
This hat is mine.
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Bu şapka benim.
This is her book.
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Bu onun kitabı.
This is the life.
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Hayat budur.
This is too long.
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Bu çok uzun.
This is your key.
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Bu sizin anahtarınız.
This tastes good.
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Bunun tadı iyi.
Those are my CDs.
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Onlar benim CD'lerim.
Tom arrived last.
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Tom son olarak vardı.
Tom beat Mary up.
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Tom Mary'yi dövdü.
Tom began to cry.
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Tom ağlamaya başladı.
Tom can run fast.
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Tom hızlı koşabilir.
Tom changed jobs.
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Tom işleri değiştirdi.
Tom did his best.
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Tom elinden geleni yaptı.
Tom didn't do it.
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Tom onu yapmadı.
Tom died in 2009.
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Tom 2009 yılında öldü.
Tom drinks a lot.
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Tom çok içer.
Tom drives a BMW.
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Tom bir BMW sürer.
Tom felt awkward.
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Tom garip hissetti.
Tom felt foolish.
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Tom aptalca hissetti.
Tom gave up hope.
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Tom ümidini yitirdi.
Tom got a suntan.
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Tom'un bir bronzlaşması var.
Tom got a tattoo.
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Tom'un bir dövmesi var.
Tom got into bed.
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Tom yatağa girdi.
Tom got some pie.
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Tom biraz turta aldı.
Tom had no money.
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Tom'un hiç parası yoktu.
Tom hailed a cab.
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Tom bir taksi çağırdı.
Tom has gone mad.
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Tom delirdi.
Tom has insomnia.
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Tom'un uyuyama hastalığı var.
Tom has two jobs.
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Tom'un iki mesleği var.
Tom hit a triple.
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Tom üçlü çarptı.
Tom hurt himself.
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Tom kendini incitti.
Tom ignored Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi görmezden geldi.
Tom is a bad boy.
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Tom kötü bir çocuk.
Tom is a refugee.
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Tom bir mülteci.
Tom is a shy boy.
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Tom utangaç bir çocuktur.
Tom is a student.
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Tom bir öğrencidir.
Tom is a veteran.
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Tom bir eski kurttur.
Tom is dangerous.
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Tom tehlikelidir.
Tom is easygoing.
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Tom babacan.
Tom is in prison.
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Tom cezaevinde.
Tom is my friend.
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Tom, benim arkadaşımdır.
Tom is my friend.
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Tom benim arkadaşımdır.
Tom is our guest.
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Tom bizim misafirimiz.
Tom is unpopular.
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Tom popüler değildir.
Tom is very kind.
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Tom çok naziktir.
Tom is very tall.
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Tom çok uzun boyludur.
Tom isn't a fool.
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Tom bir aptal değildir.
Tom isn't stupid.
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Tom aptal değildir.
Tom isn't up yet.
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Tom Henüz kalkmadı.
Tom lied to Mary.
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Tom Mary'ye yalan söyledi.
Tom likes cheese.
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Tom peynir sever.
Tom lit the fire.
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Tom ateş yaktı.
Tom lit the oven.
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Tom fırını yaktı.
Tom looked happy.
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Tom mutlu görünüyordu.
Tom looks strong.
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Tom güçlü görünüyor.
Tom lost his job.
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Tom işini kaybetti.
Tom lost his job.
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Tom kovuldu.
Tom lost his way.
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Tom yolunu kaybetti.
Tom lost the bet.
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Tom bahsi kaybetti
Tom loves skiing.
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Tom kayak sever.
Tom may be right.
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Tom haklı olabilir.
Tom may be wrong.
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Tom hatalı olabilir.
Tom may not come.
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Tom gelmeyebilir.
Tom never cheats.
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Tom asla aldatmaz.
Tom put on a tie.
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Tom bir kravat taktı.
Tom quit smoking.
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Tom sigara içmekten vazgeçti.
Tom saw a doctor.
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Tom bir doktora gitti.
Tom scolded Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi azarladı.
Tom slapped Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi tokatladı.
Tom took the job.
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Tom işi aldı.
Tom walks slowly.
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Tom yavaşça yürür.
Tom was confused.
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Tom'un kafası karıştı.
Tom was ecstatic.
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Tom kendinden geçmişti.
Tom was executed.
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Tom idam edildi.
Tom was homesick.
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Tom vatan hasreti çekiyordu.
Tom was startled.
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Tom ürktü.
Tom was worn out.
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Tom yıpranmıştı.
Tom went bonkers.
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Tom keçileri kaçırdı.
Tom went bonkers.
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Tom kafayı sıyırdı.
Tom went too far.
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Tom çok uzağa gitti.
Tom will survive.
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Tom yaşayacak.
Tom won the race.
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Tom yarışı kazandı.
Tom won't get it.
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Tom onu almayacaktır.
Try it once more.
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Bir kez daha deneyin.
Turn off the gas.
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Gazı kapatın.
Turn to the left.
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Sola dön.
Walk ahead of me.
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Benim önümde yürü.
Walk more slowly.
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Daha yavaş yürüyün.
Water the plants.
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Bitkileri sula.
We aim to please.
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Biz müşteri memnuniyeti için çalışıyoruz.
We arrived first.
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Biz ilk olarak vardık.
We call him Mike.
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Ona Mike diye çağırırız.
We depend on you.
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Biz size bağlıyız.
We enjoy talking.
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Biz konuşmaktan hoşlanıyoruz.
We hate violence.
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Biz şiddetten nefret ederiz.
We have no sugar.
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Hiç şekerimiz yok.
We heard her cry.
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Biz onun çığlık attığını duyduk.
We left by train.
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Biz trenle gittik.
We like children.
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Biz çocukları severiz.
We lost the game.
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Biz oyunu kaybettik.
We saw her dance.
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Biz onun dansını gördük.
We won the match.
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Biz maçı kazandık.
We're classmates.
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Biz sınıf arkadaşlarıyız.
We're in a hurry.
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Bizim acelemiz var.
Welcome to Japan.
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Japonya'ya hoş geldiniz.
What a fine view!
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Ne güzel bir manzara!
What a good shot!
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Ne güzel vuruş!
What did she say?
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O ne dedi?
What did you buy?
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Ne satın aldınız?
What did you say?
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Ne dediniz?
What did you say?
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Ne dedin?
What've you got?
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Neyin var?
What do you make?
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Ne yaparsın?
What do you mean?
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Ne demek istiyorsun?
What do you want?
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Ne istiyorsun?
What does she do?
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O ne iş yapar?
What does Tom do?
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Tom ne iş yapar?
What is he after?
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O neyin peşinde?
What is he doing?
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O ne yapıyor?
What is he up to?
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O ne işler çeviriyor?
What is the news?
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Haber nedir?
What woke you up?
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Seni ne uyandırdı?
What's that bird?
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O kuş nedir?
What's the cause?
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Neden nedir?
What's the point?
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Ne faydası var?
When does it end?
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Ne zaman biter?
Where can I park?
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Nereye park edebilirim?
Where did you go?
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Nereye gittin?
Where is my seat?
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Benim koltuğum nerede?
Where's the boss?
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Patron nerede?
Who doesn't know?
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Kim bilmiyor?
Who is that lady?
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O bayan kim?
Who will help me?
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Bana kim yardım edecek.
Who wrote Hamlet?
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Hamlet'i kim yazdı?
Whose turn is it?
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Kimin sırası?
Why did you quit?
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Neden bıraktın?
Why do you study?
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Niçin çalışıyorsun?
Why is it so hot?
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Neden bu kadar sıcak?
Will he get well?
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O iyileşecek mi?
Will you go, too?
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Sen de gidecek misin?
Will you help me?
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Bana yardımcı olur musun?
Will you join us?
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Bize katılır mısınız?
Will you tell me?
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Bana söyler misin?
You are a doctor.
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Sen bir doktorsun.
You are to blame.
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Sen suçlanacaksın.
You can't go out.
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Dışarı çıkamazsın.
You look amazing.
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Müthiş görünüyorsun.
You look so pale.
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Çok solgun görünüyorsun.
You may be right.
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Haklı olabilirsin.
You may go there.
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Oraya gidebilirsin.
You may sit here.
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Buraya oturabilirsin.
You may swim now.
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Şimdi yüzebilirsin.
You must go home.
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Eve gitmelisin.
You should sleep.
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You shouldn't go.
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Your dog is here.
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Köpeğiniz burada.
Your face is red.
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Yüzün kızarmış.
A boy spoke to me.
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Bir çocuk benimle konuştu.
A dog bit her leg.
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Bir köpek onun bacağını ısırdı.
A dog was running.
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Bir köpek koşuyordu.
All men are equal.
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Bütün insanlar eşittir.
Am I making sense?
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Sözlerimin anlamı var mı?
Am I under arrest?
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Ben tutuklu muyum?
Are they American?
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Onlar Amerikalı mı?
Are they Japanese?
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Onlar Japon mu?
Are you a student?
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Sen bir öğrenci misin?
Are you all ready?
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Hepiniz hazır mısınız?
Are your eyes bad?
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Gözlerin kötü mü?
Aren't you hungry?
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Aç değil misin?
Aren't you sleepy?
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Uykulu değil misin?
Ask your question.
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Sorunu sor.
Be kind to others.
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Başkalarına karşı nazik olun.
Betty drives fast.
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Betty hızlı araba sürer.
Betty drives fast.
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Betty hızlı sürer.
Bill was in Japan.
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Bill, Japonya'daydı.
Bill was in Japan.
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Bill Japonya'daydı.
Birds build nests.
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Kuşlar yuvalar yaparlar.
Bob saw him again.
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Bob onu tekrar gördü.
Call an ambulance.
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Bir ambulans çağırın.
Call her tomorrow.
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Onu yarın arayın.
Can I do anything?
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Ben bir şey yapabilir miyim?
Can I go home now?
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Şimdi eve gidebilir miyim?
Can I have a bite?
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Ben bir ısırık alabilir miyim?
Can we rent a car?
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Bir araba kiralayabilir miyiz?
Can you handle it?
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Onu tutar mısın?
Can you swim well?
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İyi yüzebilir misin?
Carry this for me.
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Bunu benim için taşı.
Champagne, please.
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Şampanya, lütfen.
Choose one person.
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Bir kişi seçin.
Christmas is soon.
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Noel yakında.
Clean up the room.
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Odayı temizleyin.
Come closer to me.
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Bana yakın gel.
Come here at once.
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Hemen buraya gel.
Come home at once.
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Derhal eve gel.
Come home by 6:30.
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6:30'a kadar eve gel.
Come into my room.
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Odama gel.
Come sing with me.
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Gel benimle şarkı söyle.
Come swim with me.
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Gel benimle yüz.
Could you help me?
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Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
Crime doesn't pay.
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Suç ödemez.
Deal us the cards.
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Bize kartları dağıt.
Did Cathy go, too?
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Cathy de gitti mi?
Did you know that?
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Onu biliyor muydunuz?
Did you live here?
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Burada yaşadın mı?
Didn't you go out?
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Dışarı çıkmadın mı?
Do it by yourself.
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Onu tek başına yap.
Do it this way.
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Onu bu şekilde yap.
Do we have a deal?
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Bizim bir anlaşmamız var mı?
Do you believe me?
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Bana inanıyor musun?
Do you have a car?
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Bir araban var mı?
Do you have a pen?
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Bir kalemin var mı?
Do you have a pet?
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Bir evcil hayvanın var mı?
Do you like sushi?
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Suşi sever misiniz?
Do you want a car?
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Bir araba istiyor musunuz?
Do you want money?
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Para istiyor musunuz?
Do your very best.
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En iyisini yapın.
Does she know you?
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O seni biliyor mu?
Dogs are faithful.
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Köpekler sadıktır.
Don't be so angry.
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O kadar kızgın olmayın.
Don't laugh at me.
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Bana gülme.
Don't let me down.
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Benim yüzümü kara çıkarma.
Don't let me down.
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Beni hayal kırıklığına uğratma.
Don't run so fast.
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O kadar hızlı çalışmayın.
Don't threaten me.
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Beni tehdit etmeyin.
Don't touch these.
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Bunlara dokunmayın.
Earth is a planet.
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Dünya bir gezegendir.
Every bus is full.
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Her otobüs doludur.
Fill in this form.
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Bu formu doldurun.
Fry an egg for me.
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Benim için bir yumurta kızartın.
Get me my glasses.
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Bana gözlüğümü getir.
Get ready quickly.
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Çabucak hazırlanın.
Give me five days.
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Bana beş gün verin.
Give me some milk.
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Bana biraz süt ver.
Go ahead and talk.
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Devam edin ve konuşun.
Go straight ahead.
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Dümdüz gidin.
Green suits Alice.
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Yeşil Alice'e uyuyor.
Green suits Alice.
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Green Alice'e yakışır.
Has the bell rung?
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Zil çaldı mı?
Have your own way.
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Dilediğiniz gibi yapın.
He asked for food.
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O yiyecek istedi.
He began to shout.
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O bağırmaya başladı.
He blocked my way.
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O benim önümü kesti.
He bought a Honda.
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O bir Honda aldı.
He called my name.
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O ismimi çağırdı.
He came about two.
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O yaklaşık ikide geldi.
He came back soon.
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O kısa süre sonra geri geldi.
He came in person.
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O bizzat geldi.
He came to see me.
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O beni görmeye geldi.
He can be trusted.
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O güvenilir olabilir.
He deals in grain.
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O tahıl ticareti yapar.
He did it for fun.
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O, eğlence için onu yaptı.
He did it himself.
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O onu kendisi yaptı.
He did not say so.
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O öyle söylemedi.
He died of cancer.
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O kanserden öldü.
He died yesterday.
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O, dün öldü.
He drives roughly.
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O, sert araba sürer.
He dropped a vase.
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O bir vazo düşürdü.
He gave me a hint.
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O bana bir ipucu verdi.
He gave me a wink.
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Bana bir göz kırptı.
He got me a watch.
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Bana bir saat aldı.
He got very drunk.
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O, çok sarhoş oldu.
He had no coat on.
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Onun üzerinde bir ceketi yok.
He had three sons.
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Üç oğlu vardı.
He hanged himself.
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Kendisini astı.
He has a cold now.
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O soğuk almış.
He has brown eyes.
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Onun kahverengi gözleri var.
He is a biologist.
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O bir biyolog.
He is a brave man.
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O cesur bir adam.
He is a daredevil.
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O gözüpek.
He is a dramatist.
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O bir oyun yazarı.
He is a gentleman.
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O bir beyefendi.
He is a physicist.
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O bir fizikçi.
He is a scientist.
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O bir bilim adamıdır.
He is about forty.
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O yaklaşık olarak 40 yaşında.
He is about forty.
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O aşağı yukarı 40 yaşında.
He is an American.
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O bir Amerikalı.
He is an evil man.
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O kötü bir adam.
He is at his desk.
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Onun masasındadır.
He is beyond hope.
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O umutsuzdur.
He is but a child.
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O, ancak bir çocuk.
He is fast runner.
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O hızlı koşucu.
He is getting old.
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O yaşlanıyor.
He is in business.
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O ticaret yapmaktadır.
He is influential.
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O nüfuzludur.
He is just my age.
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O tam benim yaşımda.
He is kind to her.
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O, ona karşı naziktir.
He is not so tall.
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O o kadar uzun boylu değil.
He is on the team.
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O takımdadır.
He is quite right.
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O oldukça haklı.
He is running now.
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O şimdi çalışıyor.
He is still alive.
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O hala hayatta.
He is still angry.
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O hala kızgın.
He is still young.
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O hala genç.
He is sure to win.
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O kazanacağından emin.
He is unrealistic.
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O gerçekçi değildir.
He is very honest.
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O çok dürüst.
He is walking now.
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O şimdi yürüyor.
He is watching TV.
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O TV seyrediyor.
He isn't here now.
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O şimdi burada değil.
He keeps his word.
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O, sözünü tutar.
He keeps two cats.
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O iki kedi besler.
He kept it secret.
commencer à apprendre
O onu gizli tuttul.
He lives close by.
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O yakın yaşıyor.
He lost his honor.
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Onun onurunu kaybetti.
He made a mistake.
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O bir hata yaptı.
He made her happy.
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Onu mutlu etti.
He made me a suit.
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O, bana bir takım elbise yaptı.
He may come today.
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O, bugün gelebilir.
He moved to Tokyo.
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Tokyo'ya taşındı.
He must work hard.
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O çok çalışmalı.
He needed to rest.
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Onun dinlenmesi gerekiyordu.
He ordered a beer.
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O bir bira aldı.
He owns this land.
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O, bu toprağın sahibidir.
He raised his arm.
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O kolunu kaldırdı.
He ran five miles.
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O beş mil koştu.
He runs very fast.
commencer à apprendre
O çok hızlı çalışır.
He sat on the bed.
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O, yatağın üzerine oturdu.
He shook his head.
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Başını salladı.
He speaks English.
commencer à apprendre
O İngilizce konuşur.
He stole my watch.
commencer à apprendre
O benim saatimi çaldı.
He struck a match.
commencer à apprendre
O, bir kibrit yaktı.
He talks too fast.
commencer à apprendre
O çok hızlı konuşur.
He threw the ball.
commencer à apprendre
O, topu attı.
He threw the ball.
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O, topu fırlattı.
He told the truth.
commencer à apprendre
O gerçeği söyledi.
He took a day off.
commencer à apprendre
O bir gün izin aldı.
He took a picture.
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O bir resim çekti.
He turned the key.
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O anahtarı döndürdü.
He wakes up early.
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O erken uyanır.
He walked quietly.
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O sessizce yürüdü.
He was a tall man.
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O uzun boylu bir adamdı.
He was very happy.
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O çok mutluydu.
He will come soon.
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O yakında gelecek.
He writes scripts.
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O senaryolar yazar.
He's a big coward.
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O büyük bir korkak.
He's already left.
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Zaten gitti.
He's just arrived.
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O az önce geldi.
He's now studying.
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[sound: O+C59Fimdi+eC49Fitim+gC3B6rC3BCyor. mp3] O şimdi eğitim görüyor.
He's studying now.
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[sound: O+C59Fimdi+eC49Fitim+yapC4B1yor. mp3] O şimdi eğitim yapıyor.
He's swimming now.
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[sound: O+C59Fimdi+yC3BCzC3BCyor. mp3] O şimdi yüzüyor.
Her eyes are blue.
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[sound: Onun+gC3B6zleri+mavidir. mp3] Onun gözleri mavidir.
Here is your book.
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[sound: C4B0C59Fte+kitabC4B1n. mp3]İşte kitabın.
Here's my receipt.
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[sound: C4B0C59Fte+benim+makbuz. mp3]İşte benim makbuz.
Here's some water.
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[sound: C4B0C59Fte+bir+miktar+su. mp3]
His car is a Ford.
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[sound: Onun+arabasC4B1+bir+ford. mp3] Onun arabası bir ford.
How about a drink?
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[sound: Bir+iC3A7kiye+ne+dersin. mp3] Bir içkiye ne dersin?
How are you, Mike?
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[sound: NasC4B1lsC4B1n2C+Mike. mp3] Nasılsın, Mike?
How complex is it?
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[sound: Ne+kadar+karmaC59FC4B1k. mp3] Ne kadar karmaşık?
How lucky you are!
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[sound: Ne+kadar+C59FanslC4B1sC4B1n21. mp3] Ne kadar şanslısın!
How should I know?
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[sound: Nereden+bileyim. mp3] Nereden bileyim?
How was your trip?
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[sound: YolculuC49Fun+nasC4B1ldC4B1. mp3] Yolculuğun nasıldı?
How was your walk?
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Yürüyüşünüz nasıldı?
How's the weather?
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Hava durumu nasıl?
How is the family?
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Aileniz nasıl?
How's your mother?
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Annen nasıl?
How's your sister?
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Kız kardeşin nasıl?
I agreed with her.
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Onunla aynı fikirdeydim.
I also went there.
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Ben de oraya gittim.
I am a cat person.
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Bir bir kedi insanım.
I am afraid to go.
commencer à apprendre
Gitmeye korkuyorum.
I am from Shikoku.
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I am good at math.
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Ben matematik iyiyim.
I am studying now.
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Şimdi çalışıyorum.
I am the same age.
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Ben aynı yaştayım.
I am very pleased.
commencer à apprendre
Ben çok memnunum.
I baited the hook.
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Oltayı yemledim.
I bought that car.
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Ben şu arabayı satın aldım.
I called for help.
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Ben yardım için çağrıda bulundum.
I can comfort her.
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Onu teselli edebilirim.
I can hardly swim.
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Ben hemen hemen hiç yüzemem.
I can hardly walk.
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Güçlükle yürüyebiliyorum.
I can play soccer.
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Ben futbol oynayabilirim.
I can play tennis.
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Ben tenis oynayabilirim.
I can't trust him.
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Ona güvenemem.
I changed my mind.
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Fikrimi değiştirdim.
I climbed Mt. Aso.
commencer à apprendre
Ben Aso Dağı'na tırmandım.
I come from Japan.
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Ben Japonya'lıyım.
I couldn't get in.
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Ben içeri giremedim.
I couldn't get it.
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Ben anlayamadım.
I didn't hear you.
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Ben seni duymadım.
I do not feel sad.
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Ben üzgün değilim.
I do not think so.
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Öyle düşünmüyorum.
I don't blame you.
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Seni suçlamıyorum.
I don't like dogs.
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Ben köpekleri sevmem.
I don't like eggs.
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Ben yumurta sevmiyorum.
I don't like this.
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Bunu sevmiyorum.
I doubt his story.
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Ben onun hikayesinden şüphe duyuyorum.
I failed the exam.
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Sınavda başarısız oldum.
I felt very happy.
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Ben çok mutlu hissettim.
I finally escaped.
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Sonunda kaçtım.
I forget his name.
commencer à apprendre
Onun adını unuturum.
I forgot her name.
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Onun adını unuttum.
I forgot her name.
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Onun ismini unuttum.
I found him a job.
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Ona bir iş buldum.
I gave him a book.
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Ona bir kitap verdim.
I got a bee sting.
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Beni bir arı soktu.
I got a flat tire.
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Patlak bir lastiğim var.
I got a flat tire.
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Kabak bir lastiğim var.
I got a good seat.
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Benim iyi bir koltuğum var.
I got my hair cut.
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Saçımı kestirdim.
I got to know him.
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Onu bilmek lazım.
I got up at seven.
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Ben yedide kalktım.
I got very sleepy.
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Ben çok uykuluyum.
I had a good idea.
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İyi bir fikrim vardı.
I had a good time.
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Ben iyi vakit geçirdim.
I had a hard time.
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Zor bir zaman geçirdim.
I had a nightmare.
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Ben bir kabus gördüm.
My back hurts.
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Sırtım ağrıyor.
I have a bad cold.
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Benim kötü bir soğuk algınlığım var.
I have a cold now.
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Şimdi bir soğuk algınlığım var.
I have a computer.
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Benim bir bilgisayarım var.
I have a cut here.
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Benim burada bir kesiğim var.
I have a few pens.
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Bir kaç kalemim var.
I have a hangover.
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Akşamdan kalmalığım var.
I have a headache.
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Benim başım ağrıyor.
I have a migraine.
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Benim migrenim var.
I have a question.
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Bir sorum var.
I have an earache.
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Kulağım ağrıyor.
I have an opinion.
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Bir görüşüm var.
I have an opinion.
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Bir düşüncem var.
I have bad breath.
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Kötü nefesim var.
I have many books.
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Benim çok sayıda kitabım var.
I have no friends.
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Hiç arkadaşım yok.
I have no sisters.
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Hiç kız kardeşim yok.
I have one sister.
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Bir kız kardeşim var.
I have seen a UFO.
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Ben bir UFO gördüm.
I have some money.
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Benim biraz param var.
I have three dogs.
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Benim üç köpeğim var.
I have to find it.
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Ben onu bulmak zorundayım.
I have to go home.
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Eve gitmek zorundayım.
I haven't met her.
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Ona rastlamadım.
I haven't met him.
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Ben onunla karşılaşmadım.
I held his sleeve.
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Onun kolunu tuttum.
I hit the jackpot.
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Turnayı gözünden vurdum.
I hit the jackpot.
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Büyük ikramiyeyi kazandım.
I hope to see you.
commencer à apprendre
Sizi görmeyi umuyorum.
I know he is busy.
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Ben onun meşgul olduğunu biliyorum.
I know his family.
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Onun ailesi biliyorum.
I know how to ski.
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Ben nasıl kayacağımı biliyorum.
I know what to do.
commencer à apprendre
Ne yapacağımı biliyorum.
I like coffee hot.
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Kahveyi sıcak severim.
I like jazz music.
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Ben caz müziği severim.
I like Kevin Nash.
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Kevin Nash'i severim.
I like short hair.
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Kısa saç seviyorum.
I listen to music.
commencer à apprendre
Müzik dinlerim.
I love music, too.
commencer à apprendre
Ben de müzik seviyorum.
I love that chair.
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O sandalyeyi seviyorum.
I love this photo.
commencer à apprendre
Bu fotoğrafı seviyorum.
I made Ann a doll.
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Ann'e oyuncak bir bebek yaptım.
I made her a doll.
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Ona bir bebek yaptım.
I made John happy.
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John'ı mutlu ettim.
I mean what I say.
commencer à apprendre
Söylediğim demek istediğimdir.
I met your friend.
commencer à apprendre
Ben senin arkadaşınla buluştum.
I need an ashtray.
commencer à apprendre
Bir kül tablasına ihtiyacım var.
I need some paper.
commencer à apprendre
Biraz kağıda ihtiyacım var.
I should go home.
commencer à apprendre
Eve gitmeliyim.
I owe him 100 yen.
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Ona 100 yen borçluyum.
I owe him my life.
commencer à apprendre
Ona hayatımı borçluyum.
I play the violin.
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Keman çalarım.
I played football.
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Ben futbol oynadım.
I pulled a muscle.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir kası incittim.
I put up a notice.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir haber koydum.
I ran for my life.
commencer à apprendre
Hayatım için çalıştım.
I ran into a tree.
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Ben bir ağaca rastladım.
I really like you.
commencer à apprendre
Seni gerçekten seviyorum.
I saw him running.
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Onun çalışmasını gördüm.
I saw you cooking.
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Senin yemek pişirmeni gördüm.
I seem to be lost.
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Kaybolmuş gibi görünüyorum.
I sent her a doll.
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Ona bir oyuncak bebek gönderdim.
I share your idea.
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Ben senin fikrini paylaşıyorum.
I should head out.
commencer à apprendre
Ben gitmeliyim.
I sometimes skate.
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Bazen patenle kayarım.
I stand corrected.
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Hatamı kabul ediyorum.
I stopped smoking.
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Sigara içmekten vazgeçtim.
I study at school.
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Ben okulda eğitim görüyorum.
I think he did it.
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Onun onu yaptığını düşünüyorum.
I think I'm right.
commencer à apprendre
Ben haklı olduğumu düşünüyorum.
I think it's true.
commencer à apprendre
Sanırım bu doğru.
I think otherwise.
commencer à apprendre
Ben başka türlü düşünüyorum.
I took Highway 58.
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Highway 58'i seçtim.
I tried to escape.
commencer à apprendre
Ben kaçmaya çalıştım.
I usually eat out.
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Ben genellikle dışarıda yerim.
I want a computer.
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Ben bir bilgisayar istiyorum.
I want a lot more.
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Çok daha fazlasını istiyorum.
I want a new oven.
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Yeni bir fırın istiyorum.
I want a notebook.
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Ben bir dizüstü bilgisayar istiyorum.
I want some money.
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Ben biraz para istiyorum.
I want some paper.
commencer à apprendre
Bir miktar kağıt istiyorum.
I want some water.
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Biraz su istiyorum.
I want to see you.
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Seni görmek istiyorum.
I was an outsider.
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Ben bir yabancıydım.
I was embarrassed.
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Ben utandım.
I was just mugged.
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Az önce saldırıya uğradım.
I was out all day.
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Ben bütün gün dışardaydım.
I was tired today.
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Bugün yoruldum.
I was very hungry.
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Ben çok acıktım.
I went on reading.
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Ben okumaya devam ettim.
I went to the zoo.
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Hayvanat bahçesine gittim.
I will do my best.
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Ben elimden geleni yapacağım.
I will go on foot.
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Ben yaya gideceğim.
I will never tell!
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Asla söylemeyeceğim.
I wish I could go.
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Keşke gidebilsem.
I won the lottery.
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Ben piyango kazandım.
I work for a bank.
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Ben bir banka için çalışırım.
I worry about him.
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Onu hakkında endişe ediyorum.
I wrote this book.
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Bu kitabı yazdım.
I'll be back soon.
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Yakında döneceğim.
I'll get off here.
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Burada ineceğim.
I'll see you soon.
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Yakında görüşürüz.
I'll shut you out.
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Seni dışarda bırakacağım.
I'll wait for you.
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Senin için bekleyeceğim.
I'm a careful man.
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Ben dikkatli bir adamım.
I'm a salesperson.
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Bir satış elemanıyım.
I'm bad at sports.
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Ben sporlarda kötüyüm.
I'm being patient.
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Ben sabırlı oluyorum.
I'm busy as a bee.
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Bir arı gibi meşgulüm.
I'm extremely fat.
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Ben son derece şişmanım.
I'm feeling tired.
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Kendimi yorgun hissediyorum.
I'm getting happy.
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Ben mutlu oluyorum.
I'm just starving.
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Ben sadece açlıktan ediyorum.
I'm kind of happy.
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Ben az çok mutluyum.
I'm losing weight.
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Ben kilo kaybettim.
I'm not ready yet.
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Ben henüz hazır değilim.
I'm not satisfied.
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Ben memnun değilim.
I'm still on duty.
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Ben halen görevdeyim.
I'm taking a bath.
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Banyo yapıyorum.
I've visited Nara.
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Nara'yı ziyaret ettim.
Is he nice to her?
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O ona karşı kibar mı?
Is her story true?
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Onun hikayesi gerçek mi?
Is his story true?
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Onun hikayesi doğru mudur?
Is Mr. Johnson in?
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Bay Johnson içeride mi?
Is somebody there?
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Orada biri var mı?
Is that pure gold?
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O saf altın mı?
Is that your book?
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Şu senin kitabın mı?
Is that your room?
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O senin odan mı?
Is the bath clean?
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Banyo temiz mi?
Is the bath ready?
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Banyo hazır mı?
Is there a curfew?
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Bir sokağa çıkma yasağı var mı?
Is this hat yours?
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Bu şapka senin mi?
Is this Tom's bag?
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Bu Tom'un çantası mı?
Is this your bike?
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Bu senin bisikletin mi?
Is this your book?
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Bu senin kitabın mı?
It doesn't matter.
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Bu önemli değil.
It fell to pieces.
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O, parçalara ayrıldı.
It has cooled off.
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O sakinleşti.
It has to be true.
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O doğru olmak zorundadır.
It is a small dog.
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Bu küçük bir köpek.
It is a white lie.
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O, beyaz bir yalandır.
It is clearing up.
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Hava açıyor.
It is raining now.
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Şimdi yağmur yağıyor.
It rained heavily.
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Şiddetli yağmur yağdı.
It was a warm day.
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Bu sıcak bir gündü.
It was quite cold.
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Hava oldukça soğuktu.
It won't clear up.
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Hava açık olmayacak.
It's a cloudy day.
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Bulutlu bir gün.
It's a dictionary.
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O bir sözlük.
It's a lovely day.
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Bu güzel bir gün.
It's a short walk.
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O kısa bir yürüyüş.
It's already 7:00.
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Zaten 07:00.
It's an old piano.
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O eski bir piyano.
It's blowing hard.
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Sert esiyor.
It's cloudy today.
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Bugün hava bulutlu.
It's dark outside.
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Dışarısı karanlık.
It's like a dream.
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O bir rüya gibi.
It's my brother's.
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O, erkekkardeşimin.
It's not my fault!
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Bu benim hatam değil!
It's not my fault.
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Bu benim hatam değil.
It's now or never.
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Ya şimdi ya da asla.
It's our pleasure.
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O zevk bize ait.
It's starting now.
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O şimdi başlıyor.
It's time for bed.
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Yatma zamanıdır.
It's too late now.
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Artık çok geç.
It's touch and go.
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O çok tehlikeli bir durum.
It's unbelievable.
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Bu inanılmaz bir şey.
John has two sons.
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John'ın iki oğlu var.
John has two sons.
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John'ın iki oğlu vardır.
John is my nephew.
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John benim yeğenim.
John is my nephew.
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John benim yeğenimdir.
John sits by Jack.
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John, Jack'le birlikte oturuyor.
Judy looked at me.
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Judy bana baktı.
Judy smiled at me.
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Judy bana gülümsedi.
Just be cool.
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Sadece sakin ol.
Keep away from me.
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Benden uzak durun.
Keiko is a singer.
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Keiko bir şarkıcıdır.
Ken likes camping.
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Ken kamp yapmayı sever.
Knock on the door.
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Kapıyı çal.
Let me have a try.
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Bir kere deneyelim.
Let me in, please.
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Lütfen içeri girmeme izin verin.
Let them all come.
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Hepsi gelsin.
Let us go, please.
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Gidelim lütfen.
Let's do it again.
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Onu tekrar yapalım.
Let's do the work.
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İşi yapalım.
Let's get married.
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Let's have dinner.
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Akşam yemeği yiyelim.
Let's leave early.
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Erken ayrılalım.
Let's play soccer.
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Futbol oynayalım.
Let's shake hands.
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Let's sing a song.
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Bir şarkı söyleyelim.
Let's take a rest.
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Let's get a cab.
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Bir taksiye binelim.
Let's take a trip.
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Bir gezi yapalım.
Let's take a walk.
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Bir yürüyüş yapalım.
Let's talk turkey.
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Dobra dobra konuşalım.
Life is beautiful.
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Hayat güzeldir.
Life is enjoyable.
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Yaşam tatlıdır.
Long time, no see.
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Uzun süre görüşmedik.
Look at the girls.
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Kızlara bak.
Look into the box.
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Kutunun içine bakın.
Look out for bees.
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Arılara dikkat edin.
May I go with you?
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Ben sizinle birlikte gidebilir miyim?
May I put it here?
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Onu buraya koyabilir miyim?
May I take a bath?
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Ben bir banyo yapabilir miyim?
May I take a rest?
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Ben dinlenebilir miyim?
May I talk to you?
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Sizinle konuşabilir miyim?
Miho is a pianist.
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Miho bir piyanist.
Monday's not good.
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Pazartesi iyi değil.
Muiriel is 20 now.
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Muiriel 20 yaşında.
Muiriel is 20 now.
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Muiriel şimdi 20.
My arms went numb.
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Kollarım uyuştu.
My bag was stolen.
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Çantam çalındı.
My bag was stolen.
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Benim çantam çalındı.
My brother is out.
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Erkekkardeşim dışarı çıktı.
My eyes are itchy.
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Gözlerim kaşınıyor.
My father is busy.
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Babam meşgul.
My father is tall.
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Babam uzun boylu.
My hair got kinky.
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Saçlarım çok karışık oldu.
My hobby is music.
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Benim hobim müzik.
My name is Yamada.
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Benim adım Yamada.
My shoes are gone.
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Benim ayakkabılar gitti.
My stomach's full.
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Midem dolu.
Nancy has a piano.
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Nancy'nin bir piyanosu var.
Nancy likes music.
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Nancy müziği sever.
No problem at all!
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Hiç sorun değil!
No, I didn't help.
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Hayır, ben yardım etmedim.
Once more, please.
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Bir kez daha lütfen.
Our money ran out.
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Bizim para bitti.
Paul has dry hair.
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Paul kuru saça sahiptir.
Please come again.
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Lütfen yine gel.
Please correct it.
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Lütfen onu düzeltin.
Please explain it.
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Lütfen bunu açıklayın.
Please fix my toy.
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Lütfen oyuncağımı tamir edin.
Please forgive me.
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Lütfen beni affet.
Please keep quiet.
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Lütfen sessiz durun.
Please look at me.
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Lütfen bana bak.
Please step aside.
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Lütfen kenara çekilin.
Please turn it on.
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Lütfen onu açın.
Please wrap it up.
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Lütfen onu paketleyin.
Poets write poems.
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Şairler şiirler yazar.
Pretend you're me.
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Benmişim gibi davran.
Pretend you're me.
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Benmişim gibi yap.
Prices are rising.
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Fiyatlar yükseliyor.
Put on your shoes.
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Ayakkabılarınızı giyin.
Put out the light.
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Işığı söndür.
Put your hands up!
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Ellerini kaldır!
Read it once more.
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Onu bir kez daha okuyun.
Rugs absorb sound.
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Kilimler sesi absorbe eder.
Say it in English.
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Lütfen İngilizce olarak söyle.
She always smiles.
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O, hep gülümser.
She appeals to me.
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O bana hitap ediyor.
She began to sing.
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O şarkı söylemeye başladı.
She can handle it.
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O, onunla başa çıkabilir.
She can jump high.
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O yüksek sıçrayabilir.
She cooks for him.
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O onun için yemek pişiriyor.
She decided to go.
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O gitmeye karar verdi.
She did come here.
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O buraya geldi.
She did it easily.
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O onu kolayca yaptı.
She didn't go far.
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O uzağa gitmedi.
She died of shock.
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O şok nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti.
She got him drunk.
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Onu sarhoş etti.
She has a picture.
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Onun bir resmi var.
She has blue eyes.
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Onun mavi gözleri var.
She has long hair.
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O uzun saçlı.
She hates carrots.
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O havuçlardan nefret ediyor.
She hates running.
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O çalışmaktan nefret ediyor.
She heard him cry.
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Onun çığlık attığını duydu.
She is aggressive.
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O saldırgan.
She is attractive.
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O çekici.
She is mad at you.
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O sana kızgın.
She is not up yet.
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O henüz kalkmadı.
She isn't married.
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O evli değil.
She isn't running.
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O çalışmıyor.
She keeps secrets.
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O, sırlarını saklar.
She likes oranges.
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O portakalları seviyor.
She looked lonely.
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O yalnız görünüyordu.
She looks unhappy.
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O mutsuz görünüyor.
She made him rich.
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O onu zengin yaptı.
She made me hurry.
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Bana acele ettirdi.
She married young.
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O, genç ile evlendi.
She may be French.
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O Fransız olabilir.
She must be angry.
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O kızgın olmalı.
She must go there.
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O oraya gitmeli.
She saw him smile.
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Onun gülümsemesini gördü.
She seems excited.
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Heyecanlı görünüyor.
She smiled at him.
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O ona gülümsedi.
She threw him out.
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O onu dışarı attı.
She tried to swim.
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O yüzmeye çalıştı.
She was very busy.
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O çok meşguldü.
She went shopping.
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O, alışverişe gitti.
She went with him.
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Onunla birlikte gitti.
She wept bitterly.
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O için için ağladı.
She's fashionable.
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O şık.
She's fashionable.
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O modaya uygun.
She's got a point.
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O konuyu anladı.
She's in the bath.
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O, banyodadır.
She's our teacher.
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O bizim öğretmenimiz.
She's unconscious.
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O baygındır.
Stay here with us.
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Bizimle burada kal.
Quit bothering me.
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Beni rahatsız etmeyi bırak.
Take off your cap.
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Kepinizi çıkarınız.
Take some aspirin.
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Biraz aspirin al.
Tell me the truth.
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Bana gerçeği söyle.
Tell me the truth.
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Bana gerçeği anlat.
Thanks in advance.
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Şimdiden teşekkür ederiz.
That boy is smart.
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O çocuk akıllıdır.
That house is big.
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O ev büyük.
That is her house.
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Bu onun evidir.
That is my school.
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Şu benim okulum.
That won't happen.
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O olmayacak.
That's a pheasant.
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O bir sülün.
That's my problem.
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Bu benim sorunum.
That's news to me.
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İlk kez duyuyorum.
That's not my job.
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O benim işim değil.
That's not my job.
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O beni ilgilendirmez.
That's really sad.
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O gerçekten üzücü.
That's ridiculous.
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O çok saçma.
The bath is ready.
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Banyo hazırdır.
The clock stopped.
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Bir saat durdu.
The clock stopped.
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Saat durdu.
The dog was dying.
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Köpek ölüyordu.
The dog went away.
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Köpek uzaklaştı.
The doorbell rang.
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Kapı zili çaldı.
The earth rotates.
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Dünya dönüyor.
The fight is over.
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Kavga sona erdi.
The fire went out.
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Yangın söndü.
The light went on.
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Işık gitti.
The lovers kissed.
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Aşıklar öptüler.
The man was dying.
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Adam ölüyordu.
The meeting ended.
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Toplantı bitti.
The pain has gone.
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Ağrı gitti.
The party's over.
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Parti bitti.
The pen is broken.
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Kalem kırık.
The river is wide.
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Nehir geniştir.
The room was hot.
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Oda sıcaktı.
The ship set sail.
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Gemi yola çıktı.
The soup is thick.
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Çorba koyu.
The sun is rising.
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Güneş doğuyor.
The switch is off.
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Anahtar kapalı.
The war continued.
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Savaş devam etti.
The water is pure.
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Su saftır.
The worst is over.
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En kötüsü bitti.
There is no doubt.
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Şüphe yoktur.
There is no water.
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Hiç su yoktur.
They're all dead.
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Onların hepsi öldü.
They are at lunch.
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Onlar öğle yemeğinde.
They are in class.
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Onlar sınıfta.
They are our cars.
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Onlar bizim arabalarımız.
They are very big.
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Onlar çok büyük.
They are well off.
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Onlar iyi durumda.
They bought a car.
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Onlar bir araba satın aldı.
They hunted foxes.
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Tilkileri avladılar.
They kidnapped me.
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Onlar beni kaçırdı.
They kidnapped me.
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Onlar beni kaçırdılar.
They look healthy.
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Onlar sağlıklı görünüyorlar.
They sang in tune.
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Onlar ahenk içinde şarkı söyledi.
They went fishing.
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Balığa gittiler.
This apple is bad.
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Bu elma kötü.
This book is hers.
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Bu kitap onunki.
This book is mine.
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Bu kitap benimdir.
This book was new.
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Bu kitap yeniydi.
This book will do.
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Bu kitap işimi görür.
This coat is warm.
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Bu ceket sıcak tutuyoır.
This desk is good.
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Bu masa iyidir.
This egg is fresh.
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Bu yumurta taze.
This fish is done.
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Bu balık iyi pişmiş.
This is a picture.
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Bu bir resim.
This is good meat.
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Bu iyi et.
This is my choice.
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Bu benim seçimim.
This is my cousin.
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Bu benim kuzenim.
This is my mother.
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Bu benim annem.
This is Tom's dog.
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Bu Tom'un köpeği.
This is too short.
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Bu çok kısa.
This is your book.
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Bu senin kitabın.
This isn't my bag.
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Bu benim çantam değil.
This lake is deep.
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Bu göl derin.
This plane is his.
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Bu uçak onun.
This tastes moldy.
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Bunun tadı küflü.
Tom became a hero.
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Tom bir kahraman oldu.
Tom began talking.
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Tom konuşmaya başladı.
Tom blew his nose.
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Tom burnunu sümkürdü.
Tom broke his leg.
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Tom bacağını kırdı.
Tom can swim well.
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Tom iyi yüzebilir.
Tom changed color.
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Tom renk değiştirdi.
Tom cooked dinner.
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Tom akşam yemeğini pişirdi.
Tom despised Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi hor gördü.
Tom despises Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi küçümsüyor.
Tom did it easily.
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Tom onu kolayca yaptı.
Tom didn't get it.
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Tom onu almadı.
Tom disliked Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi sevmiyordu.
Tom divorced Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi boşadı.
Tom doesn't agree.
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Tom onaylamıyor.
Tom doesn't drink.
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Tom içmez.
Tom doesn't smoke.
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Tom sigara içmiyor.
Tom drives a Ford.
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Tom bir Ford sürer.
Tom drives safely.
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Tom güvenli bir şekilde araba sürer.
Tom drove the car.
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Tom arabayı sürdü.
Tom eats too much.
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Tom çok fazla yer.
Tom felt confused.
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Tom şaşırmış hissetti.
Tom felt left out.
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Tom dışarıda bırakılmış hissetti.
Tom felt relieved.
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Tom rahatlamış hissetti.
Tom gave a speech.
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Tom bir konuşma yaptı.
Tom gave me a pen.
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Tom bana bir dolma kalem verdi.
Tom got a haircut.
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Tom bir saç tıraşı oldu.
Tom got beaten up.
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Tom'a dayak atıldı.
Tom got depressed.
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Tom depresyona girdi.
Tom got sunburned.
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Tom güneş yanığı oldu.
Tom had a bad day.
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Tom kötü bir gün geçirdi.
Tom has allergies.
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Tom'un alerjisi var.
Tom has arthritis.
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Tom'un artriti var.
Tom has been busy.
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Tom meşgul.
Tom has big hands.
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Tom'un büyük elleri var.
Tom has blue eyes.
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Tom'un mavi gözleri var.
Tom has dark skin.
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Tom koyu tenli.
Tom has hay fever.
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Tom'un saman nezlesi var.
Tom has heartburn.
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Tom'un midesi ekşidi.
Tom has nice skin.
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Tom güzel bir cilde sahiptir.
Tom has thin lips.
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Tom'un ince dudaklar vardır.
Tom hasn't called.
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Tom aramadı.
Tom hates his job.
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Tom işinden nefret ediyor.
Tom heard a noise.
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Tom bir gürültü duydu.
Tom hung up on me.
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Tom beni kafasına taktı.
Tom insulted Mary.
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Tom Mary'ye hakaret etti.
Tom is a bad cook.
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Tom, kötü bir aşçı.
Tom is a beginner.
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Tom bir acemi.
Tom is a musician.
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Tom bir müzisyen.
Tom is a reporter.
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Tom bir muhabir.
Tom is a real man.
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Tom gerçek bir erkek.
Tom is an amateur.
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Tom bir amatör.
Tom is just a kid.
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Tom tam bir çocuk.
Tom is thirty-one.
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Tom otuz bir yaşında.
Tom is unsociable.
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Tom sosyal değil.
Tom is very blunt.
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Tom çok açık sözlüdür.
Tom is very hungry.
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Tom çok aç
Tom is very smart.
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Tom çok akıllı.
Tom is very tired.
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Tom çok yorgun.
Tom isn't a crook.
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Tom bir dolandırıcı değildir.
Tom isn't married.
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Tom evli değildir.
Tom isn't so tall.
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Tom o kadar uzun boylu değil.
Tom keeps a diary.
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Tom bir günlük tutar.
Tom let Mary swim.
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Tom Mary'yi yüzdürdü.
Tom likes to knit.
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Tom örgü örmeyi sever.
Tom lit his cigar.
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Tom purosunu yaktı.
Tom lit the stove.
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Tom sobayı yaktı.
Tom looked lonely.
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Tom yalnız görünüyordu.
Tom looks worried.
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Tom endişeli görünüyor.
Tom lost the race.
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Tom yarışı kaybetti.
Tom loves fishing.
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Tom balık tutmayı seviyor.
Tom loves his job.
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Tom işini seviyor.
Tom loves singing.
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Tom şarkı söylemeyi seviyor.
Tom made Mary cry.
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Tom Mary'yi ağlattı.
Tom needs a break.
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Tom'un bir molaya ihtiyacı var.
Tom never gave up.
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Tom asla vazgeçmedi.
Tom offended Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi incitti.
Tom paid the bill.
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Tom faturayı ödedi.
Tom paid the fare.
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Tom bilet parasını ödedi.
Tom paid the rent.
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Tom kirayı ödedi.
Tom ran for mayor.
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Tom belediye başkanlığı için yarıştı.
Tom should try it.
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Tom onu denemeli.
Tom shut his eyes.
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Tom gözlerini kapadı.
Tom skipped lunch.
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Tom öğle yemeğini atladı.
Tom stood in line.
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Tom kuyrukta durdu.
Tom sure can sing.
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Tom şarkı söyleyebileceğinden emin.
Tom sure is lucky.
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Tom şanslı olduğundan emin.
Tom took a shower.
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Tom bir duş aldı.
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