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Turkish sentences from Tatoeba 2
Turkish sentences from Tatoeba 2
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She came alone.
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O tek başına geldi.
She choked him.
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O onu boğdu.
She dumped him.
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O onu terketti.
She fooled him.
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O onu enayi yerine koydu.
She grew roses.
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O güller yetiştirdi.
She helped him.
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O ona yardımcı oldu.
She hugged him.
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O ona sarıldı.
She is a nurse.
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O bir hemşire.
She is awkward.
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O sakardır.
She is out now.
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O şimdi dışarıda.
She is prudish.
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O aşırı dürüst geçinen biridir.
She isn't poor.
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O zavallı değildir.
She kept quiet.
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O, sessiz kaldı.
She kicked him.
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O ona tekme attı.
She kissed him.
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O onu öptü.
She likes wine.
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O şarap sever.
She looked sad.
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O, üzgün görünüyordu.
She loves cats.
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O kedileri seviyor.
She misses him.
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O onu özlüyor.
She seems rich.
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O zengin görünüyor.
She shot a gun.
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O bir silah sıktı.
She sings well.
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O iyi şarkı söyler.
She teased him.
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O ona sataştı.
She trusts him.
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O ona güvenir.
She types well.
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O iyi yazar.
She's a beauty.
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O güzel bir kadındır.
Smoke appeared.
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Duman ortaya çıktı.
It's spring.
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Bahar geldi.
Stop grumbling.
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Homurdanmayı bırak.
Take your time.
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Acele etmeyin.
Thanks, Yukina.
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Teşekkürler Yukina.
That's a shame.
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Bu bir utanç.
That's a tower.
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Bu bir kule.
That's my line!
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Sıra bendedir.
That's strange.
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Bu çok garip.
That's the way.
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Bu böyledir.
That's too bad.
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Bu çok kötü.
That's unusual.
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Bu sıradışı.
The birds sang.
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Kuşlar öttü.
The flag is up.
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Bayrak yukarda.
Their eyes met.
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Gözleri bir araya geldi.
Their lips met.
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Dudakları dokundu.
There is a cat.
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Bir kedi var.
They are happy.
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Onlar mutlulular.
They asked him.
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Ona soru sordular.
They hated Tom.
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Onlar Tom'dan nefret ediyorlardı.
They quarreled.
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Onlar tartıştılar.
They were busy.
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Onlar meşgullerdi.
Think about it.
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Bunu düşünün.
This annoys me.
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Bu beni rahatsız ediyor.
This is a book.
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Bu bir kitaptır.
This is a desk.
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Bu bir masa.
This is broken.
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Bu bozuk.
This is my car.
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Bu benim arabam.
This is my cat.
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Bu benim kedimdir.
This is my dog.
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Bu benim köpeğim.
Ticket, please.
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Bilet, lütfen.
Tom can't swim.
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Tom yüzemez.
Tom died young.
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Tom genç yaşta öldü.
Tom felt great.
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Tom mükemmel hissetti.
Tom felt happy.
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Tom mutlu hissetti.
Tom felt tired.
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Tom yorgun hissetti.
Tom got burned.
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Tom yandı.
Tom got robbed.
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Tom soyuldu.
Tom has a cold.
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Tom üşütmüş.
Tom has a rash.
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Tom'un bir kaşıntısı var.
Tom has asthma.
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Tom'un astımı var.
Tom hated Mary.
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Tom Mary'den nefret ediyordu.
Tom hates Mary.
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Tom Mary'den nefret ediyor.
Tom is a thief.
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Tom bir hırsız.
Tom is at work.
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Tom işte.
Tom is at work.
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Tom çalışıyor.
Tom is nervous.
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Tom sinirlidir.
Tom is out now.
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Tom şimdi dışarda.
Tom is patient.
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Tom sabırlıdır.
Tom isn't here.
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Tom burada değil.
Tom isn't home.
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Tom evde değildir.
Tom isn't tall.
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Tom uzun boylu değil.
Tom looks pale.
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Tom solgun görünüyor.
Tom set a trap.
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Tom bir tuzak kurdu.
Tom slept late.
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Tom geç uyudu.
Tom was mugged.
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Tom yağmalanmıştı.
Tom was scared.
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Tom korktu.
Tom, don't die.
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Tom, ölme.
Try this sauce.
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Bu sosu deneyin.
Turn on the TV.
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TV'yi açın.
Wash your face.
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Yüzünüzü yıkayın.
Watch yourself.
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Kendine dikkat et.
We are cousins.
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Biz kuzenleriz.
We are doctors.
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Bizler doktoruz.
We made him go.
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Biz onu gönderdik.
We need a plan.
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Bizim bir plana ihtiyacımız var.
We study music.
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Müzik çalışıyoruz.
We'll paint it.
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Biz onu boyarız.
What do you do?
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Ne iş yaparsınız?
When's it over?
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Ne zaman biter.
Where is Paris?
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Paris nerede?
Where were you?
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Which side won?
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Hangi taraf kazandı.
Who broke this?
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Bunu kim kırdı?
Who is on duty?
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Kimler görevde?
Who killed Tom?
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Tom'u kim öldürdü?
Who knows that?
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Onu kim biliyor?
Who likes Tony?
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Tony'yi kim seviyor?
Who painted it?
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Onu kim boyadı?
Why do you ask?
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Neden soruyorsun?
Why do you lie?
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Neden yalan söylüyorsun?
Why is he here?
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Neden o orada?
Why is he here?
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O niçin burada?
Will Jane sing?
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Jane şarkı söyleyecek mi?
Yes, I know it.
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Evet, bunu biliyorum.
You look bored.
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Sıkılmış görünüyorsun.
You look tired.
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Yorgun görünüyorsun.
You look upset.
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Üzgün görünüyorsun.
You were right.
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Sen haklıydın.
You're in luck.
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Siz şanslısınız.
You're kidding!
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Dalga geçiyorsun!
You're my type.
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Sen benim tipimsin.
You're welcome.
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Bir şey değil.
You've changed.
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A boat capsized.
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Bir tekne alabora oldu.
A fish can swim.
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Bir balık yüzebilir.
A man must work.
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Bir adam çalışmak zorundadır.
All are present.
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Herkes mevcut.
Allen is a poet.
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Allen bir şair.
Do I annoy you?
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Seni sıkıyor muyum?
Anybody will do.
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Herhangi biri işe yarar.
Aoi dances well.
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Aoi iyi dans eder.
Are drinks free?
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İçecekler ücretsiz mi?
Are these yours?
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Bu sizin mi?
Are you home?
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Evde misin?
Are you excited?
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Heyecanlı mısın?
Are you kidding?
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Dalga mı geçiyorsun?
Are you serious?
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Ciddi misin?
Are you working?
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Çalışıyor musunuz?
Balls are round.
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Toplar yuvarlaktır.
Bees make honey.
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Arılar bal yapar.
Be yourself.
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Kendine gel.
Boil some water.
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Biraz su kaynatın.
Call me anytime.
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Beni her zaman arayın.
Call the police!
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Polis çağır!
Call the police!
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Polisi çağır!
Can Bob be sick?
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Bob hasta olabilir mi?
Can I go now?
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Şimdi gidebilir miyim?
Can you do that?
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Onu yapabilir misin?
Can you hear me?
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Beni duyabiliyor musun?
Cats catch mice.
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Kediler fareleri yakalar.
Clean your room.
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Odanızı temizleyin.
Come and see me.
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Beni görmeye gel.
Come and see me.
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Gel ve beni gör.
Come here, John.
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Buraya gel, John.
Come home early.
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Eve erken gel.
Come if you can.
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Gel gelebilirsen.
Come on, get up.
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Haydi, kalk.
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Count to thirty.
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Otuza kadar say.
Did he go there?
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O oraya gitti mi?
Do you miss me?
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Beni özledin mi?
Do I need a tie?
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Bir kravata ihtiyacım var mı?
Do you have one?
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Bir tanesine sahip misin?
Do you know her?
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Onu tanıyor musunuz?
Do you remember?
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Hatırlıyor musun?
Do you think so?
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Öyle düşünüyor musun?
Do you want him?
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Onu istiyor musunuz?
Does he know me?
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O beni biliyor mu?
Don't apologize.
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Özür dileme.
Don't be a fool.
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Aptal olmayın.
Don't be absurd.
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Saçma olmayın.
Don't be afraid.
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Don't get angry.
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Don't look back.
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Geriye bakmayın.
Don't overdo it.
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Aşırıya kaçmayın.
Don't play here.
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Burada oynamayın.
Don't stop here.
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Burada durma.
Don't tell lies.
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Yalan söylemeyin.
Don't trust him.
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Ona güvenme.
Drive carefully.
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Dikkatli sür.
Emi looks happy.
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Emi mutlu görünüyor.
Enjoy your meal!
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Afiyet olsun!
Enjoy your trip.
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Seyahatin tadını çıkarın.
Follow that car.
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O arabayı izleyin.
Get out of here.
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Give her a doll.
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Ona bir oyuncak verin.
Give me a break.
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Bana bir mola verin.
Go home quickly.
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Çabucak eve git.
Goodbye, Sayoko.
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Güle güle, Sayoko.
Great, isn't it?
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Harika, değil mi?
Green suits you.
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Yeşil size uyar.
Green suits you.
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Yeşil size uyuyor.
Has he come yet?
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Henüz geldi mi?
Good afternoon.
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İyi günler.
He began to cry.
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O ağlamaya başladı.
He began to run.
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O koşmaya başladı.
He bought a hat.
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O bir şapka aldı.
He can run fast.
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O hızlı koşabilir.
He can't be ill.
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O hasta olamaz.
He did his best.
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O elinden geleni yaptı.
He felt at home.
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O evindeymiş gibi hissetti.
He gave up hope.
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O, ümidinden vazgeçti.
He had jeans on.
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Üzerinde kot pantolon vardı.
He had no money.
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Onun hiç parası yoktu.
He has a camera.
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Onun bir kamerası var.
He has a hat on.
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Kafasında bir şapkası vardı.
He has a racket.
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Onun bir raketi var.
He has a Toyota.
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Onun bir Toyotası var.
He has gone mad.
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O çıldırdı.
He has gone out.
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O gitti.
He has no money.
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Onun hiç parası yok.
He has ten cows.
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Onun on ineği var.
He has two dogs.
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Onun iki köpeği var.
He is a bad boy.
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O kötü bir çocuk.
He is a painter.
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O bir ressam.
He is a teacher.
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O bir öğretmen.
He is depressed.
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O bunalımlı.
He is my friend.
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O benim arkadaşım.
He is off today.
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O bugün izinli.
He is unmarried.
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O, bekar.
He is very kind.
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O çok kibardır.
He is very kind.
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O çok nazik.
He kept singing.
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O şarkı söylemeyi sürdürdü.
He kept talking.
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O konuşmaya devam etti.
He lied readily.
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O kolayca yalan söyledi.
He likes Disney.
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O Disney'i sever.
He likes soccer.
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O futbolu seviyor.
He likes sweets.
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O şekerlemeden hoşlanır.
He likes tigers.
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O kaplanlar seviyor.
He likes to run.
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O koşmayı sever.
He likes to run.
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O çalıştırmayı seviyor.
He looked about.
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O etrafına bakındı.
He looks strong.
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O güçlü görünüyor.
He lost his job.
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O işini kaybetti.
He loves trains.
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O trenleri sever.
He made a robot.
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O bir robot yaptı.
He made me sing.
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O bana şarkı söyletti.
He may be there.
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O orada olabilir.
He mentioned it.
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O ondan bahsetti.
He plays soccer.
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O futbol oynar.
He seems honest.
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O dürüst görünüyor.
He swindled her.
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O onu dolandırdı.
He walks slowly.
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O, yavaşça yürüyor.
He was cheating.
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O hile yapıyordu.
He was speaking.
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O konuşuyordu.
He was standing.
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O, ayakta duruyordu.
He was very old.
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O çok yaşlıydı.
He writes books.
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O kitaplar yazar.
He's a comedian.
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O bir komedyen.
He's a comedian.
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O bir komedyendir.
He's kind to me.
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O bana karşı nazik.
He's very timid.
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O çok ürkek.
Help me, please.
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[sound: LC3BCtfen+bana+yardC4B1m+et. mp3] Lütfen bana yardım et.
How about 12:45?
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12:45'e ne dersin?
How is your dad?
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Baban nasıl?
How rude of you!
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Ne kadar kabasın!
How's your cold?
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Soğuk algınlığın nasıl?
How's your wife?
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Karın nasıl?
I ache all over.
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Benim her yerim ağrıyor.
I am a bachelor.
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Ben bekarım.
I am in a spot.
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Başım dertte.
I'm in trouble.
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Başım belada.
I'm dead tired.
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Ben çok yorgunum.
I bought a book.
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Ben bir kitap satın aldım.
I broke a glass.
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Ben bir bardak kırdım.
I bump into her.
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Onu çarparım.
I call him Mike.
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Onu Mike olarak çağırırım.
I called her up.
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Onu aradım.
I called him up.
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Ben onu aradım.
I called Tom up.
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Tom'a telefon ettim.
I can swim fast.
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Ben hızlı yüzebilirim.
I can swim well.
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Ben iyi yüzebilirim.
I can't hear it.
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Ben onu duyamıyorum.
I can't help it.
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Elimde değil.
I caught a cold.
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Soğuk aldım.
I cooked dinner.
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Ben akşam yemeğini pişirdim.
I didn't see it.
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Ben onu görmedim.
I don't need it.
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Ona ihtiyacım yok.
I don't see him.
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Onu görmüyorum.
I escaped death.
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Ölüm tehlikesini atlattım.
I feel feverish.
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Ateşim çıktı./Ateşim var.
I feel homesick.
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Vatan hasreti hissediyorum.
I feel relieved.
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Ben rahatlamış hissediyorum.
I felt left out.
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Ben dışarıda bırakılmış hissettim.
I get up at six.
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Ben altıda kalkarım.
I go every year.
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Ben her yıl giderim.
I got up at six.
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Altıda kalktım.
I guessed right.
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Ben doğru tahmin ettim.
I hate politics.
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Siyasetten nefret ederim.
I hate reptiles.
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Sürüngenler nefret ediyorum.
I have a bruise.
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Bir çürüğüm var.
I have diabetes.
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Diyabetim var.
I have dry skin.
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Ben kuru bir cilde sahibim.
I have no fever.
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Ben ateşim yok.
I have no money.
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Hiç param yok.
I have ten pens.
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Benim on dolma kalemim var.
I have to work.
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Çalışmak zorundayım.
I have two cars.
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İki arabam var.
I hear the drum.
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Ben davulu duyuyorum.
I hurt my elbow.
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Dirseğimi incittim.
I just miss him.
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Ben sadece onu özlüyorum.
I know her well.
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Onu iyi tanırım.
I know the girl.
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Kızı tanıyorum.
I lay on my bed.
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Yatağımda uzandım.
I lent him a CD.
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Ona bir CD ödünç verdim.
I like baseball.
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Beyzbolu severim.
I like sleeping.
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Ben uyumayı seviyorum.
I like swimming.
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Yüzmeyi severim.
I like the cold.
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Ben soğuğu severim.
I like your car.
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Arabanı severim.
I live in Japan.
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Ben Japonya'da yaşıyorum.
I live in Tokyo.
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Tokyo'da yaşıyorum.
I lost my watch.
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Saatimi kaybettim.
I love comedies.
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Komedileri seviyorum.
I meant no harm.
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Amacım zarar vermek değildi.
I must go there.
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Oraya gitmeliyim.
I must help her.
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Ona yardım etmeliyim.
I need his help.
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Benim onun yardımına ihtiyacım var.
I need somebody.
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Birine ihtiyacım var.
I never give up.
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Ben asla vazgeçmem.
I often see him.
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Ben sık sık onu görürüm.
I outwitted him.
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Onu kurnazlıkla altettim.
I paid the bill.
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Ben faturayı ödedim.
I played tennis.
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Tenis oynadım.
I prefer coffee.
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Kahveyi öneririm.
I run every day.
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Her gün koşarım.
I run every day.
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Her gün çalışırım.
I saw her again.
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Ben onu tekrar gördüm.
I saw him again.
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Onu tekrar gördüm.
I shook my head.
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Kafamı salladım.
I stay in Osaka.
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Osaka'da kalıyorum.
I study English.
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İngilizce çalışırım.
I teach English.
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Ben İngilizce öğretirim.
I think it's OK.
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Tamam olduğunu sanıyorum.
I think so, too.
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Ben de öyle düşünüyorum.
I voted for Ken.
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Ken için oy kullandım.
I wake up early.
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Erken uyanırım.
I want a friend.
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Bir arkadaş istiyorum.
I want a guitar.
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Bir gitar istiyorum.
I want a refund.
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Paramı geri istiyorum.
I want a Toyota.
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Ben bir Toyota istiyorum.
I want that bag.
commencer à apprendre
[sound: O+C3A7antayC4B1+istiyorum. mp3] O çantayı istiyorum.
I want to drive.
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Araba sürmek istiyorum.
I want to sleep.
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Uyumak istiyorum.
I will warn him.
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Onu uyaracağım.
I wish you luck.
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Sana şanş diliyorum.
I work with him.
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Onunla çalışıyorum.
I'll be glad to.
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Memnun olurum.
I'll buy a Ford.
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Ben bir Ford alacağım.
I'll call later.
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Ben daha sonra ararım.
I'll come by 10.
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10'a kadar döneceğim.
I'll do my best.
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Ben elimden gelenin en iyisini yapacağım.
I'm a bit tired.
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Ben biraz yorgunum.
I'm a good cook.
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Ben iyi bir aşçıyım.
I'm a policeman.
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Ben bir polisim.
I'm a TV addict.
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Ben bir TV bağımlısıyım.
I'm able to run.
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I'm about ready.
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Ben neredeyse hazırım.
I'm almost done.
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Neredeyse bitirdim.
I'm begging you.
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Size yalvarıyorum.
I'm feeling fit.
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Ben formda hissediyorum.
I'm from Canada.
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Ben Kanadalıyım.
I'm from Zambia.
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Ben Zambiyalıyım...
I'm in no hurry.
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Ben hiç acelem yok.
I'm leaving now.
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Ben şimdi gidiyorum.
I'm left-handed.
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Ben solağım.
I'm on holiday.
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I'm tired of it.
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Ondan usandım.
I'm tired of TV.
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TV'den usandım.
I'm very hungry.
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Ben çok açım.
I've had enough.
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Bu kadarı yeter.
Is anybody here?
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Burada biri var mı?
Is anybody home?
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Evde kimse var mı?
Is he a teacher?
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O bir öğretmen mi?
Is he breathing?
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O, nefes alıyor mu?
Is she a doctor?
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O bir doktor mudur?
Is she here yet?
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O henüz burada mı?
Is this a radio?
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Bu bir radyo mu?
Is this a river?
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Bu bir nehir mi?
It doesn't hurt.
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Bu incitmez.
It is necessary.
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Bu gerekli.
It is seven now.
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Şimdi yedidir.
It looked cheap.
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O, ucuz görünüyordu.
It snowed a lot.
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Çok kar yağdı.
It tasted sweet.
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Tatlı bir tadı vardı.
It was very hot.
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Çok sıcaktı.
It's a dead end.
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Bu bir çıkmaz sokak.
It's a fine day.
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Güzel bir gün.
It's a surprise.
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O bir sürprizdir.
It's about time.
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Bu bir zaman meselesi.
It's almost six.
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Neredeyse altı.
It's an eyesore.
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O, göz zevkini bozar.
It's cool today.
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Bugün hava serin.
It's fine today.
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Bugün hava güzel.
It's impossible.
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O imkansız.
It's lunch time.
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Şimdi, öğlen yemeği zamanı.
It's lunch time.
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Öğle yemeği zamanı.
It's not so far.
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O kadar uzak değil.
It's OK with me.
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Benim için sakıncası yok.
It's okay to go.
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It's sweltering.
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Hava bunaltıcı.
It's time to go.
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Gitme zamanı geldi.
Jack isn't here.
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Jack, burada değil.
Jane was fuming.
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Jane kızgındı.
Jim is Canadian.
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Jim Kanadalıdır.
John works hard.
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John sıkı çalışır.
Kate has a cold.
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Kate soğuk almış.
Keep it in mind.
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Aklınızda bulundurun.
Keep on smiling.
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Gülümsemeye devam edin.
Keep the secret.
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Sırrı saklayın.
Ken has made it.
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Onu Ken yaptı.
Ken looks happy.
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Ken mutlu görünüyor.
Ken's turn came.
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Ken'in sırası geldi.
Kumi made a box.
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Kumi bir kutu yaptı.
Large, isn't it?
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Büyük, değil mi?
Leave him alone.
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Onu yalnız bırak.
Leave Tom alone.
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Tom'u yalnız bırak.
Lemons are sour.
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Limonlar ekşidir.
Let me check it.
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Onu kontrol edeyim.
Let me go alone.
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Ben yalnız gideyim.
Let me help you.
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Sana yardım edeyim.
Let me see that.
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Onu görmeme izin ver.
Let me see that.
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Şunu görmeme izin ver.
Let's eat lunch.
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Öğle yemeği yiyelim.
Let's eat sushi.
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Suşi yiyelim.
Let's fly kites.
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Uçurtmalar uçuralım.
Let's go by bus.
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Haydi otobüsle gidelim.
Let's go by car.
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Araba ile gidelim.
Let's rest here.
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Burada dinlenelim.
Let's stop here.
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Burada duralım.
Let's try again.
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Tekrar deneyelim.
Let's turn back.
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Geri dönelim.
Look at the cat.
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Kedi'ye bak.
Look behind you.
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Arkana bak.
Make it smaller.
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Onu daha küçük yap.
Mary helped Tom.
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Mary Tom'a yardımcı oldu.
May I go to bed?
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Ben yatağa gidebilir miyim?
May I cut in?
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Sözünüzü kesebilir miyim?
May I try it on?
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Bunu deneyebilir miyim?
Maybe he's dead.
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Belki de öldü.
Mike sings well.
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Mike iyi şarkı söylüyor.
Mike sings well.
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Mike iyi şarkı söyler.
My dog is white.
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Köpeğim beyaz.
My father is in.
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Babam içeride.
My father walks.
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Babam yürüyüş yapar.
My hat blew off.
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Şapkam uçtu.
My name is Jack.
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Benim adım Jack.
Never tell lies.
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Asla yalan söylemeyin.
Nice to see you.
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Seni gördüğüme sevindim.
No one can tell.
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Hiç kimse söyleyemez.
No, I didn't go.
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Hayır, gitmedim.
Nobody likes it.
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Kimse ondan hoşlanmıyor.
Open the bottle.
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Şişeyi aç.
Open your mouth!
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Ağzını aç!
Pass me the pen.
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Kalemi bana iletin.
Please be quiet.
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Lütfen sessiz olun.
Please call him.
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Lütfen onu ara.
Please fix this.
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Lütfen bunu tamir edin.
Please hurry!
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Lütfen acele et!
Please sit here.
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Lütfen burada oturun.
Please take one.
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Lütfen birini alın.
Please, tell me.
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Lütfen söyle bana.
Prices are high.
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Fiyatlar yüksek.
Put on your cap.
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Şapkanı giy.
Repeat after me.
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Benden sonra tekrarla.
See you about 7.
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Yedi gibi görüşürüz.
Send it by mail.
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Posta ile gönder.
He admired her.
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Ona hayran oldu.
She forgave him.
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O, onu bağışladı.
She got up late.
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O geç kalktı.
She had a radio.
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Onun bir radyosu vardı.
She is a runner.
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O bir koşucu.
She is a typist.
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O bir daktilo memuru.
She is graceful.
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O şıktır.
She is not tall.
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O uzun boylu değil.
She is very sad.
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O çok üzgün.
She looked away.
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O yüzünü çevirdi.
She married him.
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Ona evlendi.
She pinched him.
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O ona çimdik attı.
She scolded him.
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O onu azarladı.
She slapped him.
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O onu tokatladı.
She stabbed him.
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O onu bıçakladı.
She talks a lot.
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O çok konuşur.
She tempted him.
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O onu baştan çıkardı.
She tied him up.
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O ona bağlandı.
She took it off.
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Onu çıkardı.
She went inside.
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O içeri girdi.
She woke him up.
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O onu uyandırdı.
She's assertive.
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O iddialıdır.
He's depressed.
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O depresyondadır.
She's my sister.
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O, benim kız kardeşim.
Shut your mouth.
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Kapa çeneni.
Silk feels soft.
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İpek yumuşaktır.
Sit up straight.
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Dik oturun.
That car is his.
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O araba onun.
That is a table.
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Bu bir tablodur.
That is her car.
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O, onun otomobili.
It is unfair.
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Bu adil değil.
That's a relief.
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Bu bir rahatlama.
That's about it.
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Bu onun hakkında.
That's my fault.
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O, benim hatam.
That's not real.
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O gerçek değil.
That's not true.
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O doğru değil.
She's awesome.
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O korkunçtur.
That's too much.
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O çok fazla.
That's very big.
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Şu çok büyük.
The boy is kind.
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Çocuk naziktir.
The cup is nice.
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Fincan güzel.
The dog is dead.
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Köpek ölüdür.
The door opened.
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Kapı açıldı.
The engine died.
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Motor durdu.
The fire is out.
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Ateş söndü.
The leaves fell.
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Yapraklar düştü.
The light is on.
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Işık açık.
The man blushed.
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Adam kızardı.
The room is hot.
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Oda sıcak.
There's no soap.
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Sabun yok.
These are birds.
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Bunlar kuştur.
They are actors.
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Onlar aktördür.
They are melons.
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Onlar kavun.
They are pilots.
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Onlar pilotturlar.
Those are nice.
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Onlar güzel.
They drink coke.
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Onlar kola içerler.
They greeted me.
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Onlar beni selamladı.
They live apart.
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Onlar ayrı yaşarlar.
They live there.
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Onlar orada yaşıyor.
They seem happy.
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Onlar mutlu görünüyorlar.
They'll kill me.
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Onlar beni öldürecek.
This dog is big.
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Bu köpek büyük.
This is for you.
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Bu sizin için.
This is her pen.
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Bu onun kalemi.
This is my book.
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Bu benim kitabım.
This is my desk.
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Bu benim masam.
This is the end.
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Bu sondur.
It's too large.
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Bu çok büyük.
It's not mine.
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Bu benim değil.
Time is wasting.
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Zaman boşa geçiyor.
Tom almost died.
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Tom neredeyse ölüyordu.
Tom ate quickly.
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Tom çabucak yedi.
Tom called Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi aradı.
Tom came by car.
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Tom araba ile geldi.
Tom felt guilty.
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Tom kendini suçlu hissetti.
Tom felt hungry.
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Tom aç hissetti.
Tom felt lonely.
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Tom yalnız hissetti.
Tom felt uneasy.
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Tom huzursuz hissetti.
Tom fooled Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi aptal yerine koydu.
Tom got a raise.
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Tom'un bir zammı var.
Tom got his way.
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Tom istediğini yaptırdı.
Tom got nervous.
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Tom sinirlendi.
Tom got shot at.
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Tom'a ateş edildi.
Tom had jet lag.
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Tom'u uçak tutmuştu.
Tom had no food.
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Tom'un hiç yiyeceği yok.
Tom has a cough.
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Tom öksürüğü var.
Tom has hiccups.
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Tom hıçkırığı var.
Tom hugged Mary.
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Tom Mary'ye sarıldı.
Tom is divorced.
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Tom boşanmış.
Tom is my buddy.
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Tom benim arkadaşım.
Tom kicked Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi tekmeledi.
Tom killed Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi öldürdü.
Tom kissed Mary.
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Tom Mary'yi öptü.
Tom let Mary go.
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Tom Mary'nin gitmesine izin verdi.
Tom let me down.
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Tom yüzümü kara çıkardı.
Tom looks bored.
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Tom sıkılmış görünüyor.
Tom looks tired.
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Tom yorgun görünüyor.
Tom looks young.
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Tom genç görünüyor.
Tom needs a job.
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Tom'un bir işe ihtiyacı var.
Tom seems happy.
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Tom mutlu görünüyor.
Tom teased Mary.
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Tom Mary'ye şaka yollu takıldı.
Tom walked home.
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Tom eve yürüdü.
Tom was shocked.
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Tom şok oldu.
Tom went hiking.
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Tom yürüyüşe gitti.
Tom won the bet.
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Tom bahsi kazandı.
Tony is playing.
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Tony oynuyor.
Turn off the TV.
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TV'yi kapatın.
Unlock the door.
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Kapının kilidini açın.
Watch your step.
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Adımına dikkat et.
Watch your step.
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Dikkatli ol.
Watch your toes.
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Ayak parmaklarınıza dikkat edin.
We all like him.
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Hepimiz onu seviyoruz.
We are his sons.
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Biz onun oğullarıyız.
We're students.
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Biz öğrenciyiz.
We are teachers.
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Biz öğretmeniz.
We love picnics.
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Biz piknikleri seviyoruz.
We made him cry.
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Onu ağlattık.
We ought to win.
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Biz kazanmalıyız.
We sang for her.
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Biz onun için şarkı söyledik.
We went to Gifu.
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Biz Gifu'ya gittik.
What a surprise!
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Ne sürpriz!
What did he say?
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O ne söyledi?
What is he like?
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O nasıl biridir?
What is missing?
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Ne eksik?
What time is it?
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Saat kaç?
What was stolen?
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Ne çalındı ?
What year is it?
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Hangi yıl?
What's going on?
commencer à apprendre
Neler oluyor?
What's her name?
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Onun adı nedir?
What's kept you?
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Seni ne korudu?
What's Tom like?
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Tom nasıl biri?
What's up, Mike?
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Ne haber, Mike?
What's your job?
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Sizin işiniz nedir?
When can we eat?
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Biz ne zaman yiyebiliriz?
When do you run?
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Ne zaman çalışırsın?
Where did he go?
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Nereye gitti?
Where's my book?
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Benim kitabım nerede?
Who is that boy?
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O çocuk kimdir?
Who's this guy?
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Bu adam kim?
Who's that girl?
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O kız kimdir?
Why did you cry?
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Niçin ağladın?
You look stupid.
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Aptal görünüyorsun.
You can go home.
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Eve gidebilirsin.
You'll be sorry!
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You'll get lost.
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You're a person.
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Sen bir insansın.
You've been had.
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Aptal yerine konuldun.
Your time is up.
commencer à apprendre
Zamanın bitti.
A dog is barking.
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Bir köpek havlıyor.
A fox came along.
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A tilki birlikte geldi.
A fuse has blown.
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Bir sigorta atmış.
A girl phoned me.
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Bir kız beni aradı.
Anything will do.
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Herhangi birşey olur.
Are you busy now?
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Şimdi meşgul müsün?
Are you free now?
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Şimdi boş musun?
Are you Japanese?
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Japon musun?
Are you new here?
commencer à apprendre
Burada yeni misin?
Are you students?
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Siz öğrenci misiniz?
Are you studying?
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Çalışıyor musun?
Aren't you happy?
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Mutlu değil misin?
Aren't you ready?
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Hazır değil misin?
Ask him about it.
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Bu konuda ona sorun.
Betty killed her.
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Betty onu öldürdü.
Bite your tongue!
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Dilini ısır!
Bob is my friend.
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Bob benim arkadaşım.
Brian looks blue.
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Brian hüzünlü görünüyor.
Bring me the key.
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Anahtarı bana getir.
Brush your teeth.
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Dişlerini fırçala.
Business is slow.
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İş yavaş.
Call me sometime.
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Beni bazen ara.
Can I go to work?
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İşe gidebilir miyim?
Can I study here?
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Burada çalışabilir miyim?
Can you meet him?
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Onu görüşebilir misin?
Can you prove it?
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Bunu kanıtlayabilir misin?
Can you run fast?
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Hızlı koşabilir misin?
Check your order.
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Siparişinizi kontrol edin.
Cherries are red.
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Kirazlar kırmızıdır.
Close the window.
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Pencereyi kapat.
Come and help us.
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Gelin ve bize yardımcı olun.
Come and join us.
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Gelin ve bize katılın.
Come on, wake up.
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Haydi, uyanın.
Come to my house.
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Evime gel.
Could I help you?
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Ben size yardımcı olabilir mi?
Cows supply milk.
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İnekler süt sağlarlar
Cross the street.
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Karşıya geç.
Did Spot go, too?
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Spot da gitti mi?
Did you know him?
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Onu tanıyor muydunuz?
Do as I tell you.
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Sana söylediğim gibi yap.
Do as I told you.
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Söylediğim gibi yapın.
Do as you please.
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Lütfen istediğiniz gibi yapın.
Do not come here.
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Buraya gelme.
Do what is right.
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Doğru olanı yapın.
Do what you like.
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İstediğinizi yapın.
Do you feel sick?
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Kendinizi hasta hissediyor musunuz?
Do you have rice?
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Pirincin var mı?
Do you like fish?
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Balık sever misiniz?
Do you live here?
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Burada mı yaşıyorsun?
Do your homework.
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Evödevinizi yapın.
Do your own work.
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Kendi işini yap.
Don't ask me why.
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Nedenini bana sormayın.
Don't deceive me.
commencer à apprendre
Beni kandırma.
Don't deceive me.
commencer à apprendre
Beni aldatma.
Don't lose heart.
commencer à apprendre
Cesaretini kaybetme.
Don't mention it.
commencer à apprendre
Don't oppose him.
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Ona karşı gelmeyin.
Don't tell on me.
commencer à apprendre
Beni gammazlama.
Don't use my pen.
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Benim kalemimi kullanma.
Don't waste time.
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Zamanı israf etmeyin.
Don't yell at me.
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Bana bağırma.
Dreams come true.
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Hayalleri gerçek olur.
Either day is OK.
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Her iki gün de tamam.
It's all OK.
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Her şey yolunda.
Follow my advice.
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Benim tavsiyemi izleyin.
For what purpose?
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Hangi amaçla?
George was livid!
commencer à apprendre
George mosmor oldu!
Get on the horse.
commencer à apprendre
Ata bin.
Give me the book.
commencer à apprendre
Bana kitabı verin.
Goodnight, Timmy.
commencer à apprendre
İyi geceler, Timmy.
Harry is only 40.
commencer à apprendre
Harry sadece 40.
Have a good time.
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İyi eğlenceler.
Have a nice trip!
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İyi yolculuklar.
Have a safe trip.
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Güvenli yolculuklar.
Have it your way.
commencer à apprendre
İstediğin gibi yap.
Have some coffee?
commencer à apprendre
Kahve içer misin?
He ate all of it.
commencer à apprendre
O onun hepsini yedi.
He became famous.
commencer à apprendre
O ünlü oldu.
He behaved badly.
commencer à apprendre
O kötü davrandı.
He blew the deal.
commencer à apprendre
Anlaşmayı kaçırdı.
He broke the law.
commencer à apprendre
O yasayı ihlal etti.
He calls me Pete.
commencer à apprendre
O bana Pete der.
He can read well.
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O iyi okuyabilir.
He can swim fast.
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O, hızlıca yüzebilir.
He can swim well.
commencer à apprendre
O iyi yüzebilir.
He can't read it.
commencer à apprendre
O onu okuyamaz.
He died recently.
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O geçenlerde öldü.
He fell backward.
commencer à apprendre
O geriye düştü.
He fixed the net.
commencer à apprendre
O ağı onardı.
He flew to Paris.
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O, Paris'e uçtu.
He gave it to me.
commencer à apprendre
O onu bana verdi.
He got a new job.
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Onun yeni bir işi var.
He had no hat on.
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O, şapka giymemişti.
He has a Picasso.
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Onun bir Picasso'su var.
He has been busy.
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O meşguldür.
He has big hands.
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Onun büyük elleri var.
He has long hair.
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Onun uzun saçı var.
He has long legs.
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Onun uzun bacakları vardır.
He hates spiders.
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O örümceklerden nefret ediyor.
He heard a shout.
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O bir bağırma sesi duydu.
He hung up on me.
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O telefonu yüzüme kapadı.
He is a kind boy.
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O kibar bir çocuk.
He is dead drunk.
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O körkütük sarhoş.
He is doing well.
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O iyi yapıyor.
He is her friend.
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O, onun arkadaşı.
He is in pajamas.
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O pijamalarını giymiş.
He is in trouble.
commencer à apprendre
Onun sorunları var.
He's my brother.
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O benim erkek kardeşim.
He is my teacher.
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O benim öğretmenim.
He's not stupid.
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O aptal değil.
He is overweight.
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O kilolu.
He is past forty.
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O kırkı geçmiş.
He is still here.
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O hala burada.
He is unsociable.
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O sosyal değildir.
He is very angry.
commencer à apprendre
O çok kızgın.
He is very brave.
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O çok cesurdur.
He keeps a diary.
commencer à apprendre
O bir günlük tutar.
He left just now.
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Şimdiliğine buradan ayrıldı.
He likes fishing.
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O balık tutmayı seviyor.
He likes to hunt.
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O avlamayı seviyor.
He looks healthy.
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O sağlıklı görünüyor.
He loves animals.
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O hayvanları sever.
He made for home.
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O, eve doğru yürüdü.
He moves quickly.
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O hızla hareket eder.
He must be tired.
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O yorgun olmalı.
He must love you.
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O seni seviyor olmalı.
He must not live.
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O yaşamamalı.
He played tennis.
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O tenis oynadı.
He ran into debt.
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O, borca girdi.
He shares a room.
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O bir odayı paylaşıyor.
He shut the door.
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O kapıyı kapattı.
He slept all day.
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O bütün gün uyudu.
He slept an hour.
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O, bir saat uyudu.
He slept soundly.
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O adamakıllı uyudu.
He speaks French.
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O Fransızca konuşur.
He threw his toy.
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Oyuncağını attı.
He told us a lie.
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O bize bir yalan söyledi.
He took his book.
commencer à apprendre
O kitabını aldı.
He used to drink.
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O eskiden içerdi.
He was acquitted.
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O beraat ettirildi.
He was very poor.
commencer à apprendre
O, çok fakirdi.
He went bankrupt.
commencer à apprendre
O, iflas etti.
He's over thirty.
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O otuz yaşın üzerindedir.
Her hair is long.
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Onun saçlı uzun.
Here is my album.
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İşte benim albümüm.
Here is your bag.
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İşte senin çantan.
Here is your dog.
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İşte sizin köpeğiniz.
Here is your dog.
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İşte senin köpeğin.
Here is your key.
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İşte anahtarın.
Here's my wallet.
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İşte benim cüzdanım.
How about a beer?
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Bir biraya ne dersiniz?
How about a walk?
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Bir yürüyüşe ne dersiniz?
How are you, Tom?
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Nasılsın, Tom?
How did Amy look?
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Amy nasıl görünüyordu?
How embarrassing!
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Ne kadar utanç verici!
How long is this?
commencer à apprendre
Bu ne kadar uzunluktadır?
How stupid he is!
commencer à apprendre
Ne kadar aptal!
How tall you are!
commencer à apprendre
Ne kadar uzunsun!
How tall are you?
commencer à apprendre
Ne kadar uzunsun?
How tall are you?
commencer à apprendre
Boyun ne kadar?
How unlucky I am!
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Ben ne kadar şanssızım!
How was your day?
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Günün nasıl geçti?
How you've grown!
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Nasılda büyüdün!
I agree with him.
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Onunla aynı fikirdeyim.
I almost drowned.
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Neredeyse boğuluyordum.
I also like cake.
commencer à apprendre
Ben de keki severim.
I always eat out.
commencer à apprendre
Ben her zaman dışarıda yerim.
I'm a bit drunk.
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Biraz sarhoşum.
I am a professor.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir profesörüm.
I am an American.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir Amerikanım.
I am called John.
commencer à apprendre
Ben John'um.
I am cooking now.
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Şimdi yemek pişiriyorum.
I am Edgar Degas.
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Ben, Edgar Degas.
I am embarrassed.
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Ben utanç duyuyorum.
I am not working.
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I am on duty now.
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Şimdi görevdeyim.
I am out of time.
commencer à apprendre
Zamanım yok.
I'm unemployed.
commencer à apprendre
Ben işsizim.
I am pretty sure.
commencer à apprendre
Ben oldukça eminim.
I believe in God.
commencer à apprendre
Ben Tanrı'ya inanıyorum.
I believe in him.
commencer à apprendre
Ona inanıyorum.
I believe in Ken.
commencer à apprendre
Ben Ken'e inanıyorum.
I believe in you.
commencer à apprendre
Ben size inanıyorum.
I bought a watch.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir saat aldım.
I can't eat meat.
commencer à apprendre
Ben et yiyemem.
I can't find Tim.
commencer à apprendre
Tim'i bulamıyorum.
I can't hear you.
commencer à apprendre
Seni duyamıyorum.
I can't reach it.
commencer à apprendre
Ben ona ulaşamam.
I can't remember.
commencer à apprendre
Ben hatırlayamıyorum.
I can't see well.
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İyi göremiyorum.
I can't stand it.
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Ona katlanamıyorum.
I can't stand up.
commencer à apprendre
Ayağa kalkamam.
I caught the flu.
commencer à apprendre
Ben gribe yakalandım.
I couldn't sleep.
commencer à apprendre
I didn't hear it.
commencer à apprendre
Ben onu duymadım.
I didn't like it.
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Ondan hoşlanmadım.
I didn't mean it.
commencer à apprendre
Ben onu demek istemedim.
I dislike coffee.
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Ben kahve sevmem.
I don't know her.
commencer à apprendre
Onu bilmiyorum.
I don't know yet.
commencer à apprendre
Ben henüz bilmiyorum.
I don't know you.
commencer à apprendre
Seni tanımıyorum.
I don't like her.
commencer à apprendre
Onu sevmiyorum.
I don't mean you.
commencer à apprendre
Sizi kasdetmiyorum.
I don't remember.
commencer à apprendre
Ben hatırlamıyorum.
I don't think so.
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Öyle olduğunu sanmıyorum.
I expect to come.
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Ben gelmeyi umuyorum.
I feel just fine.
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Ben tam iyi hissediyorum.
I feel lethargic.
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Ben uyuşuk hissediyorum.
I feel refreshed.
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Yenilenmiş hissediyorum.
I feel something.
commencer à apprendre
Ben bir şey hissediyorum.
I feel very cold.
commencer à apprendre
Ben çok üşümüş hissediyorum.
I feel very sick.
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Ben çok hasta hissediyorum.
I found your cap.
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Ben senin kepini buldum.
I gave up my job.
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İşimden vazgeçtim.
I get up at 6:30.
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06:30'da kalkarım.
I get up at 7:00.
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Saat yedide kalkarım.
I go to the park.
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Parka giderim.
I got her a doll.
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Ona bir oyuncak aldım.
I got hurt today.
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Bugün incindim.
I had a bad cold.
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Ben kötü soğuk almışım.
I had a flu shot.
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Ben grip aşısı oldum.
I hate chemistry.
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Ben kimyadan nefret ederim.
I have a bicycle.
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Bir bisikletim var.
I had a huge dog.
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Büyük bir köpeğim var.
I have a problem.
commencer à apprendre
Bir sorunum var.
I have few books.
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Birkaç kitabım var.
I have hay fever.
commencer à apprendre
Saman nezlem var.
I have heartburn.
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Midem ekşidi.
I have no excuse.
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Benim hiçbir mazeretim yok.
I have some pens.
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Bazı kalemlerim var.
I have sore feet.
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Ayaklarım ağrıyor.
I have the video.
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Benim bir videom var.
I have to go now.
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Şimdi gitmek zorundayım.
I have turned 20.
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Ben yirmiyi geçtim.
I have two books.
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İki kitabım var.
I hear he is ill.
commencer à apprendre
Ben onun hasta olduğunu duyuyorum.
I hear the phone.
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Ben telefonu duyuyorum.
I hit on an idea.
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Aklıma bir fikir geldi.
I know only this.
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Ben sadece bunu biliyorum.
I know the truth.
commencer à apprendre
Ben gerçeği biliyorum.
I know who he is.
commencer à apprendre
Onun kim olduğunu biliyorum.
I like astrology.
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Ben astrolojiyi seviyorum.
I like chocolate.
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Çikolatayı severim.
I like fresh air.
commencer à apprendre
Ben temiz havayı severim.
I like her novel.
commencer à apprendre
Onun romanını seviyorum.
I like his music.
commencer à apprendre
Ben onun müziğini seviyorum.
I like languages.
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Dilleri severim.
I like languages.
commencer à apprendre
Dilleri seviyorum.
I like math best.
commencer à apprendre
En çok matematiği severim.
I like pop music.
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Pop müzikten hoşlanıyorum.
I like red roses.
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Ben kırmızı gülleri severim.
I like to travel.
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Seyahat etmeyi severim.
I live near here.
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Buraya yakın yaşıyorum.
I look up to you.
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Sana saygı duyuyorum.
I lost my camera.
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Ben kameramı kaybettim.
I lost the watch.
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Kol saatini kaybettim.
I love to travel.
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Seyahât etmeyi severim.
I made a mistake.
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Ben bir hata yaptım.
I made her angry.
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Onu kızdırdım.
I made him do so.
commencer à apprendre
Ben ona öyle yaptırdım...
I made it myself.
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Onu ben kendim yaptım.
I may be too old.
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Çok yaşlı olabilirim.
I might be wrong.
commencer à apprendre
Ben hatalı olabilirim.
I missed the bus.
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Otobüsü kaçırdım.
I need some soap.
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Biraz sabuna ihtiyacım var.
I never eat meat.
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Asla et yemem.
I play in a band.
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Ben bir grupta çalıyorum.
I pointed at him.
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Ben onu gösterdim.
I sat beside her.
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Ben onun yanında oturdum.
I saw him go out.
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Onun dışarı çıktığını gördüm.
I see your point.
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Ne demek istediğinizi anlıyorum.
I swim every day.
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Ben her gün yüzerim.
I talk to myself.
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Kendi kendime konuşuyorum.
I understand you.
commencer à apprendre
Seni anlıyorum.
I used to be fat.
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Eskiden şişmandım.
I walk every day.
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Ben her gün yürürüm.
I want you to go.
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Ben gitmeni istiyorum.
I was happy then.
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Ben o zaman mutluydum.
I was very tired.
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Ben çok yorgundum.
I'll be in touch.
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Ben irtibat halinde olacağım.
I'll do anything.
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Ben bir şey yapacağım.
I'll eat it here.
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Ben onu burada yiyeceğim.
I'll fix a drink.
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Bir içki hazırlayacağım.
I'll go to Kyoto.
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Kyoto'ya gideceğim.
I'll say no more.
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Ben artık söylemiyeceğim.
I'll treasure it.
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Ona değer vereceğim.
I'll try my luck.
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Ben şansımı deneyeceğim.
I'm a bank clerk.
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Ben bir banka memuruyum.
I'm a bit hungry.
commencer à apprendre
Biraz açım.
I'm able to swim.
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Ben yüzebilirim.
I'm already late.
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Ben zaten geciktim.
I'm best at math.
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Matematikte en iyiyim.
I'm checking out.
commencer à apprendre
Ben çıkış yapıyorum.
I'm cold and wet.
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Ben üşüdüm ve ıslağım.
I'm free tonight.
commencer à apprendre
Bu gece boşum.
I'm from Sapporo.
commencer à apprendre
Ben Sapporo'luyum.
I'm going to bed!
commencer à apprendre
Yatmaya gidiyorum.
I'm good at math.
commencer à apprendre
Ben matematikte iyiyim.
I'm killing time.
commencer à apprendre
Zaman geçiriyorum.
I'm not busy now.
commencer à apprendre
Ben şimdi meşgul değilim.
I'm off duty now.
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Şimdi izinliyim.
I'm proud of you.
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Seninle gurur duyuyorum.
I am truly sorry.
commencer à apprendre
Gerçekten üzgünüm.
I'm really tired.
commencer à apprendre
Ben gerçekten yorgunum.
I'm still single.
commencer à apprendre
Hala bekarım.
I'm still single.
commencer à apprendre
Ben hala bekarım.
I'm Susan Greene.
commencer à apprendre
Ben Susan Greene.
I'm very thirsty.
commencer à apprendre
Ben çok susadım.
Is everything OK?
commencer à apprendre
Herşey yolunda mı?
Is he still here?
commencer à apprendre
O hala burada mı?
Is it really bad?
commencer à apprendre
Gerçekten kötü mü?
Is she nice?
commencer à apprendre
O iyi mi?
Is the bank open?
commencer à apprendre
Banka açık mı?
Is this 223-1374?
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Orası 223-1374 mi?
Is this your pen?
commencer à apprendre
Bu senin kalemin mi?
Is your dog mean?
commencer à apprendre
Köpeğiniz huysuz mudur?
It began to snow.
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Kar yağışı başladı.
It can't be true.
commencer à apprendre
O doğru olmayabilir.
It is cloudy now.
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Hava şimdi bulutlu.
It is in the way.
commencer à apprendre
O ayak altındadır.
It may rain soon.
commencer à apprendre
Çok geçmeden yağmur yağabilir.
It was freezing!
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Hava çok soğuktu.
It'll snow today.
commencer à apprendre
Bugün kar yağacak.
It's a clear day.
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Bu açık bir gün.
It's a good deal.
commencer à apprendre
Bu gerçek bir pazarlık.
It's a rainy day.
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Yağmurlu bir gün.
It's a sunflower.
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Bu bir ayçiçeği.
It's a sunflower.
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O bir ayçiçeği.
It's a sunny day.
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Güneşli bir gün.
It's a windy day.
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Rüzgarlı bir gün.
It's almost over.
commencer à apprendre
Neredeyse bitti.
It's almost time.
commencer à apprendre
Neredeyse zamanı.
It's April first.
commencer à apprendre
Bugün bir Nisan.
It's frozen hard.
commencer à apprendre
Bu sıkı dondurulmuş.
It's interesting.
commencer à apprendre
Bu ilginç.
It's just a cold.
commencer à apprendre
Bu sadece bir soğuk algınlığı.
It's now my turn.
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Şimdi benim sıram.
It's on the sofa.
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O kanepenin üzerinde.
It's pretty cold.
commencer à apprendre
Hava oldukça soğuk.
It's pretty good.
commencer à apprendre
Oldukça iyi.
It's probably OK.
commencer à apprendre
Muhtemelen tamam.
It's really good.
commencer à apprendre
Bu gerçekten iyi.
It's so exciting.
commencer à apprendre
Çok heyecan verici.
It's time to eat.
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Yemek zamanı.
It's worth a try.
commencer à apprendre
Denemeye değer.
Jane looks happy.
commencer à apprendre
Jane mutlu görünüyor.
John likes chess.
commencer à apprendre
John satranç sever.
Kate keeps a dog.
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Kate bir köpek besliyor.
Keep the dog out.
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Köpeği dışarda tutun.
Keep to the left.
commencer à apprendre
Soldan git.
Ken has a guitar.
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Ken'in bir gitarı var.
Let go of my arm.
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Kolumu bırak.
Let me repair it.
commencer à apprendre
Onu tamir edeyim.
Let them come in.
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Onlar içeri gelsinler.
Let's cross here.
commencer à apprendre
Buradan geçelim.
Let's fly a kite.
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Bir uçurtma uçuralım.
Let's go dancing.
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Dans etmeye gidelim.
Let's keep quiet.
commencer à apprendre
Sessiz olalım.
Let's play cards.
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Kart oynayalım.
Let's play catch.
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Yakalamaç oynayalım.
Let's take a bus.
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Haydi otobüs çağıralım.
Listen carefully.
commencer à apprendre
Dikkatlice dinle.
Lucy is American.
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Lucy, Amerikalıdır.
Mail this letter.
commencer à apprendre
Bu mektubu postala.
May I open a can?
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Ben bir kutu açabilir miyim?
May I smoke here?
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Burada sigara içebilir miyim?
My album is here.
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Benim albümüm burada.
My car is German.
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Arabam Alman'dır.
My eyes are blue.
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Benim gözlerim mavi.
My eyes are blue.
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Gözlerim mavidir.
My eyes smart.
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Gözlerim acıyor.
My father is out.
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Babam dışarıda.
My father smokes.
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Babam sigara içer.
My feet are cold.
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Ayaklarım üşüyor.
My mother is out.
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Annem dışarıda.
My mouth was dry.
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Ağzım kuruydu.
My nose itches.
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Burnum kaşınıyor.
My pulse is fast.
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Benim nabzım hızlı.
My pulse is slow.
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Benim nabzım yavaş.
My stomach hurts.
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Midem acıyor.
My throat is dry.
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Boğazım kuru.
No need to worry.
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Endişelenmenize gerek yok.
No one helped me.
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Hiç kimse bana yardım etmedi.
No one likes war.
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Kimse savaşı sevmez.
No one thinks so.
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Hiç kimse öyle düşünmüyor.
No pain, no gain.
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Emek yoksa yemek te yok.
No pain, no gain.
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Zahmet yoksa kazanç ta yok.
Nobody knows why.
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Hiç kimse sebebini bilmiyor.
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