TRUDNE część 1

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question réponse
Ja zaczynam Cię lubić
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I begin to like you
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begin - began - begun
Ja staję się mężczyzną
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I become a man
stawać się
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become - became - become
Prowadzę swój zespół
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I lead my team
commencer à apprendre
lead - led - led
Ja zginam kolano
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I am bending my knee
commencer à apprendre
bend - bent - bent
Ten pies mnie ugryzł!
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The dog bit me!
commencer à apprendre
bite - bit - bitten
dumchać (stary youtuber)
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blow - blew - blown
Ja trzymam swoje sekrety w pamiętniku
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I keep my secrets in diary
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keep kept kept
Żyrandole wiszą
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Chandeliers hang
powiesić (wisieć)
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hang hung hung
Ja przynoszę ciasto
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I bring the cake
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bring brought brought
Ja znam Cię
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I know you
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know knew known
Ja słyszę hałas
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I hear noise
commencer à apprendre
hear - heard - heard
Daj prezent!
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Give a gift!
commencer à apprendre
give - gave - given
Zapomnij o mnie
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Forget about me
commencer à apprendre
forget - forgot - forgotten

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