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statek wycieczkowy
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cruise ship
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a cancellation
the act of stopping something that was going to happen or stopping an order for something
Last-minute cancellation
odjeżdżać z/odlatywać z
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depart from
to leave a certain place(platform or airport)
Our train is departing to Wroclaw from second platform
opłata za przejazd
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a fare
the price that you pay to travel on an aircraft, train, bus, etc
He didn’t have enough money for his bus fare.
biuro rzeczy znalezionych
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lost property office
choroba lokomocyjna
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travel sickness
a feeling of illness, especially of needing to vomit, that some people get in a moving vehicle
przesiadać się
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change (trains)
odległe miejsce
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a distant /remote place
far away in space or time
We hope to see you in the not too distant future.
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railway platform
kontrola paszportowa
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passport control
podróżować autostopem
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to hitch-hike
to get free rides in people's vehicles by standing next to the road and waiting for someone to pick you up
We had to hitchhike... back to L.A.?
spakowac/rozpkaować walizkę
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pack/unpack the suitcase

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