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The means of transport
środki transportu
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I mezzi di trasporto
Public transport
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I mezzi pubblici
I take the bus to go to school
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prendo l'autobus per andare a scuola
the train leaves at eight in the morning
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il treno parte alle otto di mattina
The metro is a fast way to get around the city
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la metro è un modo veloce per muoversi in città
muovere, ho mosso
La metro = la metropolitana
the tram passes every 10 minutes
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il tram passa ogni 10 minuti
passare przejeżdżać mijać
I take a taxi to go to the airport
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prendo il taxi per andare in aeroporto
another word
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un altra parola
an example
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un esempio
my plane lands at/takes off at three in the afternoon
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il mio aereo atterra alle/ decolla alle tre di pomeriggio
the cruise ship
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la nave da crociera è molto grande
crociera rejs, wycieczka morska
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boat sails the river
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battello naviga il fiume
cableway, funicular
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the cable car takes us to the top of the mountain
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la funivia ci porta in cima alla montagna
portare zabrać przyniesc
high speed train
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treno ad alta velocità
the high-speed train arrives in Rome in two hours
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il treno ad alta velocità arriva a Roma in due ore
velocità prędkość
The train carriage is full
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La carrozza del treno è piena
the train to Milan is arriving at platform 8
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il treno per Milano è in arrivo al binario 8
in arrivo w drodze, przychodzący
you have to buy a ticket before you get on the train
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devi comprare un biglietto prima di salire sul treno
to get on
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salire su
get off from
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scendere da
one way (ticket)
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solo andata (biglietto)
I need two one-way tickets to Rome
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Ho bisogno di due biglietti solo andata per Roma
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andata e ritorno
free entry
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l'ingresso gratuito
gdzie indziej, innym miejscu
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nei paraggi
in suburbs
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in periferia
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gas station
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il distributore di benzina
level crossing
przejazd kolejowy
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passaggio a livello
car washing
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I'm on the train, in a taxi, on the plane, on the ferry, on the bus, in the car
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sono sul treno, in un taxi, sull'aereo, sul traghetto, sull autobus, in macchina
the traffic jam
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the service area
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l'aera di servizio
komplet usług handlowych przy autostradzie
the overpass
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il cavalcavia
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la galleria
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il decollo/l'atterraggio
The luggage
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I bagagli
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il passaporto
your boarding pass
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la carta d'imbarco
the curve, the turn, the variant
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la curva, la svolta, la variante
we rented a car
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abbiamo preso una macchina a nollegio
to sit down
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stare seduti
the helicopter
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ruch drogowy
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il traffico
the traffic light
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il semaforo
the clutch
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la frizione
The headlights
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