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question English réponse English
She is the best chess player I've ever seen. SUCH
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I've never seen such a good chess player.
They have never been to Rome before. FIRST
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It's the first time they have been to Rome.
When did you book the tickets? AGO
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How long ago did you book the tickets?
She came to this country five years ago. FOR
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She has been in this country for five years.
We haven't had a Chinese meal for three months. LAST
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The last time we had a Chinese meal was three months ago.
She hasn't visited her sister in Australia for a long time. SINCE
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It's a long time since she visited her sister in Australia.
He hasn't typed the letters yet. STILL
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He still hasn't typed the letters.
They started tidying up as soon as Mary left. UNTIL
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They didn't start tidying up untill Mary had left.
He hasn't redecorated the house for years. SINCE
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It's years since he last redecorated the house.
If you don't close the window, the rain will come in. UNLESS
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Unless you close the window, the rain will come in.
I think Janet should stop smoking. WERE
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If I were Janet, I would stop smoking.
A famous poet wrote this poem. WRITTEN
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This poem was written by a famous poet.
Somebody broke into our house last night. WAS
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Our house was broken into last night.
That's Ann. Her father is the head teacher. WHOSE
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That's Ann whose father is the head teacher.
Greg is stronger than John. ISN'T
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John isn't as strong as Greg.
I've never seen such a thick forest. EVER
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It's the thickest forest I've ever seen.

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