Top 500 Latvian verbs 451 - 500

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to obtain
You need to obtain permission to enter the restricted area.
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Jums vajag saņemt atļauju, lai iekļutu aizliegtā zonā.
to occur
to exist
This rare plant occurs only in the Tatra mountains.
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Šis retais augs atrodas tikai Tatra kalnos.
to rise
to stand (up)
He rose to his feet when he saw Anna entering the room.
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Viņš piecēlās kājās brīdī kad redzēja kā Anna ienāk istabā.
to schedule
We scheduled a meeting for tomorrow.
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Mēs norunājām tikšanos uz rītdienu.
to expand
Are you thinking about expanding your business to foreign markets?
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Vai jūs domājat par biznesa paplašināšanu ārzemju tirgū?
to direct
to be in charge
As a manager she directs a staff of almost 50 employees.
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Kā menedžerei viņas pakļautībā ir 50 darbinieki.
to emerge
A strange figure emerged from the shadows.
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No ēnas parādijās dīvaina figūra.
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"Latvian Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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