to short german test (alle Wege fühern nach Berlin)

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question réponse
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die Bäckerei
the cafe
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das Café
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on left
commencer à apprendre
nach links
on right
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nach rechts
go Mr
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gehen Sie, Herr
take bus nr
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nehmen Sie den Bus Nr.
to lights
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zur Ampel
to intersection
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zur Kreuzung
to busstop
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zur Bushaltestelle
how do I get to the bakery
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wie komme ich zu dem Bäckerei
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die Apotheke
railway station
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der Bahnhof
the bookstore
commencer à apprendre
die Buchhandlung
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der Dom
shopping centre
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das Einkaufszentrum
cash machine
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der Geldautomat
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das Hotel
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der Kiosk
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die Kirche
candy shop, sweet shop
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die Konditorei
the hospital
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das Krankenhause
market square
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der Marktplatz
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das Museum
the pizzeria
commencer à apprendre
die Pizzeria
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die Polizei
town hall
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das Rathaus
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das Restaurant
the souvenir shop
commencer à apprendre
der Souvenirshop
the stadium
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das Stadion
the city center
commencer à apprendre
das Stradtzentrum
commencer à apprendre
der Supermarkt
commencer à apprendre
das Theater

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