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cosa vuoi fare questa sera?
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what do you want to do this evening?
hai dimenticato di spegnere la luce quando sei andato via
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you forgot to switch off the light when you went out
ho provato a leggere il mio libro ma ero cosi stanco
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I tried to read my book but I was so tired
non mi dispiace alzarmi presto
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I don't mind getting up early
avete finito di pulire la cucina?
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have you finished cleaning the kitchen?
sto provando a lavorare, per favore smettete di parlare
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I'm trying to work, please stop talking
andiamo a casa a piedi o prendiamo un taxy? non mi dispiace camminare ma un taxi sarebbe piu veloce
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shall we walk home or take a taxy? I don't mind walking but a taxi would be quicker
odio essere in ritardo
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I hate being late - or "I hate to be late"
cosa facciamo questo pomeriggio? ti piacerebbe andare alla spiaggia?
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what shall we do this afternoon? would you like going to the beach?
julia piacerebbe incontrarti
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Julia would like to meet you
ti piacerebbe sederti? no, preferirei rimanere in piedi
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would you like to sit down? no, I would prefer to stand
spero di vederti ancora presto
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I hope to see you again soon
dov'è bill? ha promesso di essere qui in orario
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where is bill? he promised to be here on time
cosa avete deciso di fare?
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what have you decide to do?
sono sorpreso di vederti qui, non mi aspettavo di vederti qui
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I'm surprised to see you here, I didn't expect to see you here
sei mai stato a new york? no ma mi piacerebbe andarci
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have you ever been in New York? no but I'd like to go there

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