To be going to zdania (Junior Explorer 5 unit 8)

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1. Frank zamierza pojechac do pracy samochodem jutro.
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1. Frank is going to go to work by car tomorrow.
2. Sandra i Bruce zamierzają miec piknik
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2. Sandra and Bruce are going to have a picnic
3. Jason i Martin zamierzaja bawic sie w wesołym miasteczku
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3. Jason and Martin are going to play in a funfair
4. Rodzina zamierz odwiedzić restaurację
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4. The family is going to visit the restaurant
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6 Czy Frank zamierza pojechac do pracy samochodem jutro.
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6 Is Frank going to go to work tomorrow?
7. Czy Sandra i Bruce zamierzają miec piknik?
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7. Are Sandra and Bruce going to have a picnic?
8. Czy Jason i Martin zamierzaja bawic sie w wesołym miasteczku?
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8. Are Jason and Martin going to play in the funfair?
9. Czy rodzina zamierz odwiedzić restaurację?
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9. Is the family going to visit the restaurant?

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