Time-saving keyboard shortcuts

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Ctrl + A
commencer à apprendre
Select all
Ctrl + S
commencer à apprendre
Whenever you write an important doc, remember to click on "ctrl+s" every now and then!
Ctrl + C
commencer à apprendre
Ctrl + V
commencer à apprendre
Ctrl + K
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Insert a hyperlink
commencer à apprendre
Switch between open windows
Ctrl + T
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Open a new tab
works in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
Ctrl + N
commencer à apprendre
Open a new window
works in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
Ctrl + F4
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Close tab
commencer à apprendre
Toggle full screen
commencer à apprendre
Rename a file
Windows key + L
commencer à apprendre
Lock system
Ctrl + X
commencer à apprendre
Ctrl + F
commencer à apprendre
in docs, pdfs, emails, Excel or Google Spreadsheets for example
Ctrl + (1-9)
commencer à apprendre
Jump to the tab number (1-9)
works in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
Ctrl + H
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Find and replace
The best thing ever invented
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right arrow
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Selects the whole word to the left/right
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow
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Selects the whole text until there is a line of space
in Excel or Google Spreadsheets for example
Ctrl + Shift + left/right arrow
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Selects the whole row
in Excel or Google Spreadsheets for example
Ctrl + Shift + up/down arrow
commencer à apprendre
Selects the whole column (unless there is a line of space)
in Excel or Google Spreadsheets for example
Ctrl + Click
commencer à apprendre
If you want to select more than one file, mantain the ctrl button pressed

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