Threats environmental

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kwasny deszcz
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acid rain
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
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air pollution
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become extinct
dwutlenek węgla
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carbon dioxide
zmiana klimatu
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climate change
leśnictwo komercyjne
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commercial forestry
konsumpcyjny styl życia
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consumer lifestyle
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to contaminate
wycinanie lasów
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pojemniki jednorazowego użytku
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disposable containers
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zagrozone gatunki
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endangered species
katastrofa ekologiczna
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environmental disaster
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exhaust fumes
wymarcie, wyginięcie
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extinction, extinction
ścinać drzewa
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fell trees
globalne ocieplenie
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global warming
efekt cieplarniany
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greenhouse effect
gaz cieplarniany
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greenhouse gas
szkodliwy dla środowiska
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harmful to the environment
wpływać negatywnie
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have negative impact
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to hunt
szkody nie do naprawienia
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irreparable damage
wysypisko śmieci
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wycinać lasy deszczowe
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log rainforest
topnienei lodowcow
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melting glaciers
wyciek ropy
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oil spill
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erozja gleby
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soil erosion
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odpady toksyczne
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toxic waste
marnować surowce naturalne
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to waste natural resources

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