The Library

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question réponse
What's your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
My name is
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Nazywam się
How do you spell it?
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Jak to przeliterujesz?
How old are you
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Ile masz lat
I am ten years old.
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Mam dziesięć lat.
Where do you live?
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Gdzie mieszkasz?
I live in...
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Mieszkam w...
What are you doing?
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Co robisz?
I'm reading books.
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Czytam książki
I'm reading magazines.
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Czytam czasopisma.
I'm looking for information
commencer à apprendre
Szukam informacji
I'm watching DVDs.
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Oglądam DVD.
I'm doing fine!
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Radzę sobie!
I'm having a good time.
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Dobrze się bawię.
I'm using a computer
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Używam komputera
I'm doing my homework.
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Robię moją pracę domową.
I'm writing an email.
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Piszę email
I'm listening to stories.
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Słucham opowiadań.
Are you using a computer?
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Czy korzystasz z komputera?
Are you looking for information?
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Szukasz informacji?
Are you going to the library?
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Czy idziesz do biblioteki?
What are you doing in the library?
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Co robisz w bibliotece?
Is my brother doing his homework?
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Czy mój brat odrabia lekcje?
My sister is using a computer.
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Moja siostra używa komputera.
She is reading magazines.
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Ona czyta magazyny.
He's writing in his notebook.
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On pisze w swoim zeszycie
Where are we?
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Gdzie jesteśmy?
What's happening?
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Co się dzieje?
Wait a minute!
commencer à apprendre
Poczekaj minutę!
I'm not reading a book.
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Nie czytam książki.
Is she reading her diary?
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Czy ona czyta swój pamiętnik?
Are you reading a comic?
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Czytasz komiks?
Yes, I am
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No, I'm not
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