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flaw [The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed significant flaws within our health care systems.]
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the distribution of wealth [The Covid-19 pandemic has also raised ethical concerns about the distribution of wealth.]
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pozostać w nienaruszonym stanie commencer à apprendre
remain intact [Despite a slight reduction in panel size, study validity remained intact.]
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rozpowszechnianie, szybki wzrost liczby, rozprzestrzenianie commencer à apprendre
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strain on something [This could put a strain on existing health care infrastructures.]
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bolster something [Rising strains on public health care are likely to bolster the role of private entities.]
całkowicie zależeć od czegoś commencer à apprendre
hinge on [Innovations in this sector will likely hinge on digital health records.]
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exacerbate [However, the high cost of these innovations will exacerbate health care disparities.]
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put a strain on [This could put a strain on existing health care infrastructures, leading to disparities in access to care.]
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Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby typu C commencer à apprendre
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na tle czegoś / w kontekście czegoś commencer à apprendre
against a backdrop of something [Against this backdrop of progress, they nevertheless stress that antibiotic resistance remains a real challenge.]
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take its toll [The lack of oxygen took its toll and the passengers started to faint.]
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nakładać ciężar / obciążać commencer à apprendre
place a burden on [The ageing of population will place a considerable burden on health services.]
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a general practitioner (GP)
bardziej ukierunkowane leczenie commencer à apprendre
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choroba układu krążenia, choroba sercowo-naczyniowa commencer à apprendre
cardiovascular disease (CVD)
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