test 30n

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spełniać się
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come true
dreams always come true
widownia, publiczność
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The audience was pleasantly surprised with the play
być zaskoczonym
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be taken aback
I was taken a back when he told me the truth
Być pijanym
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Be drunk
Stay away from the swimming pool if you’re drunk
zamienic z kims slowo
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have a word with sb
Can I have a word with you?
Nie spiesz się, rob to w swoim tempie
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Take your time
Just take your time, think carefully, and do it right
rozliczac sie, prowadzic rachunki
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Do the accounts
Rób coś ostrożnie/ z uwagą/ z troską
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Do sth with care
She washes the baby with care
Ostatnio, niedawno
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Recently + present perfect
Recently, I haven’t watched TV
Być pod presją
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Be under pressure
I’m under pressure to finish the project on time
Być na zwolnieniu chorobowym/lekarskim
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Be on sick leave
He isn’t at work He is on sick leave
Dostarczyć, doreczac
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When will the parcel be delivered?
Bez opóźnienia, bezzwłocznie
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Without delay
You should deliver the A letter without delay
zdołać coś zrobic
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Manage to
I managed to finish the exam before the time was up
Zobaczyć cos tylko przez moment
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Catch a glimpse of
I caught a glimpse of him while he was getting on the train
Uczęszczać, uczestniczyć w
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They attend school every day. I attended the lecture
Pilny zainteresowany/ troszczące się
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Be attentive
she is an attentive listener. The nurse is attentive to her patients’ needs
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Football Championships
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This place is too small for my needs. I need to satisfy my needs
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My aunt is a generous person
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I appreciate your generosity
Zagrożone gatunki
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Endangered species
We need to protect endangered species
Nierealny, niesamowity
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unreal situation. The idea is unreal
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she said it in a convincing way. He’s very convincing
Gwałtowna kłótnia
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Violent arguments
They don’t talk to each other after violent arguments
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(przemoc domowa)
Domestic violence is a common problem
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There are limitless possibilities
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The contract obliges us to pay for the delay
Obowiązek, zobowiazanie
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You have no obligation to help us
Twoja kolej
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It’s your turn
Whose turn it is now? -Yours. It’s my turn now to mow the lawn
Ciepło, serdecznosc
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This radiator gives enough warmth
Włącz grzejnik, kaloryfer
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Turn on the radiator
Kierowniczka, szefowa
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Wejsc na szczyt
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Get to the top
She wants to get to the top as career is very important for her
Czym się zajmujesz? (zawodowo)
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What do you do for a living?
Rozstrzygnięć (Spór), ustalać
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Settle an argument, settle the time, settle the place
Za pomocą czegos
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By means of
the burglar broke the Window by means of a brick
Przekupić, łapówka, wręczyć łapówkę
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He tried to bribe a police officer
Dbać o kogoś, utrzymywać kogoś
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Provide for sb
Both my parents provide for all the children
Składać komuś uszanowania
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Pay your respects to sb
All the employers paid respects to their boss
Nastawienie do
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Attitude to
What’s your attitude to people who drop litter?
bardzo tanio, za bezcen
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For a song
I bought this secondhand dress for a song
Wyprzedaż (aby pozbyc sie towaru)
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Clearance sale
I bought these shoes at the clearance sale
Punkt zwrotny
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Turning point
Losing a job was a turning point in my life
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I assume she won’t come. She is assumed to be really outgoing
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They made an attempt to win the gold medal. She attempted to smile
ostro kogos krytykowac
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Run sb down
People run down the government. She was run down
dostac stypendium
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Be granted a scholarship
he was granted a scholarship

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