test 21n

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Przysparzać komuś wiele problemów
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give sb a hard time
My children sometimes give me a hard time
Dołącz do sekty religijnej
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Join a religious sect
co cię stworzyło?
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what made you?
What made you angry at her?
być złym na kogoś
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be angry at sb = be angry with sb
Why are you angry at me?
W latach sześćdziesiątych
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in the sixties
what was fashionable in the sixties?
Jako dziecko
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As a child
as a child, I played a lot of sports
W przeciwnym wypadku
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or else
Leave now or else you will be late
rzucić w (aby uderzyc)
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throw at
he threw snowballs at me
rzucić do (zeby ktos zlapal)
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throw to
he threw a ball to me
Ulepić bałwana
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Build a snowman
pozbyc sie czegos
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Get rid of
I need to get rid of my old shoes
Fałszywa broń
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A fake gun
mieć wiarę w kogoś: wierzyc w kogos
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have faith in sb
I have faith in you I know you will succeed
przekroczyć granicę
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cross the border
Illegal immigrants try to cross the border
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he cut his hand and he had eight stitches
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zauwazyc/ Ogłoszenie/ zawiadomienie
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She didn’t notice any changes the notice says that the match is cancelled
Zauważalny, dostrzegalny
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The scar on his forehead is easily noticeable
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She drinks mainly water
Sprzeciwiać się
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Be in opposition to
I m in opposition to the new rule
Zdecydowane działanie
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Decisive action
You need to take a decisive action to solve this problem
Przemycać (kogos/cos)
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smuggling drugs is illegal
według legendy...
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according to the legend...
Odważny, dzielny
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Firefighters are courageous
Rozsądna cena
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Reasonable price
You can buy food at reasonable prices here
klocic sie
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Have an argument
we had an argument yesterday
Wynajmujący (właściciel) miszkanie/ budynek
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Właścicielka mieszkania
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Spokojny, pokojowy
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A peaceful demonstration
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Być entuzjastycznym wobec
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Be enthusiastic about
He’s enthusiastic about football
Osiągnąć pełnoletność
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come of age
You can vote when you come of age
Być w pełni odpowiedzialnym za
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Be fully responsible for
You are holy responsible for your life
Popłynąć w Rejs
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go on a cruise
Last summer, we went on a cruise around the world
Linia brzegowa
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mieć tendencję do
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Tend to
she tends to tell lies
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contradict a statement, contradict arguments
Wykluczać, pomijać
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they excluded me from the group
Pogratulować komuś czegoś
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Congratulate sb on
she congratulated him on his bravery
Chwalić kogoś coś
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Praise sb
The teacher praised the students for working hard
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I admire people who know what they want
Fałszować grając
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Play out of tune
he can’t play the guitar. he plays out
Fałszować śpiewając
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Sing out of tune
I didn’t join the choir because I sing out of tune
Poddać się
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Give in
after fighting for a long time, they eventually gave in
Jakie masz zdanie na temat...?
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what’s your view on?
What’s your view on working abroad?
Stanowczo sprzeciwiać się
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firmly object to
I firmly object to any changes
Leczyć kogoś na
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Treat sb for
He was treated for pneumonia
Zapalenie płuc
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Zakochać się po uszy
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fall in love head over heels

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