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jak patrzenie, jak trawa rośnie commencer à apprendre
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wywołać burzę w szklance wody commencer à apprendre
to couse a storm in a teacut
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zwolnienie z powodu cięcia kosztów, zwolnienie ponieważ ludzie są zbędni commencer à apprendre
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np. zbliżanie się do pozytywnego końca projektu commencer à apprendre
gdy coś próbujesz zrobić i się nie udaje commencer à apprendre
pójść za czyimś przykładem commencer à apprendre
a small increase or slight upward trend. commencer à apprendre
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a panel designed to conceal the legs of a person sitting especially at a desk or table. commencer à apprendre
. (of food) belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet. commencer à apprendre
a person who is bad, dishonest, or unreliable; a good-for-nothing: a bad egg who had served several years in prison. commencer à apprendre
Podchodź do tego z dystansem commencer à apprendre
Take it with pinch of salt
the very best of a particular group of people or things. "the researchers and institutions in this network are the cream of the crop" commencer à apprendre
used to refer to a situation in which someone can make a lot of money for very little effort. "come to Hollywood and get on the gravy train" commencer à apprendre
a person's livelihood or main source of income. "their bread and butter is reporting local events" commencer à apprendre
in the fewest possible words. " commencer à apprendre
in a nutshell "she put the matter in a nutshell
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Przestrzegaj prawa, zasad, regulacji, polityki commencer à apprendre
Abide by the law, rules, regulations, policy
to be in a difficult situation that demands careful and considered behaviour. commencer à apprendre
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A metasyntactic term used for any object whose actual name the speaker does not know or cannot remember; commencer à apprendre
Thingamajig / whatchamacallit
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this is an acquired taste
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Dotacja / wsparcie finansowe commencer à apprendre
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to have many jobs or roles commencer à apprendre
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evaluation / assessment / appraisal
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