Telephone expresions

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question English réponse English
put me through to
commencer à apprendre
connect me with
call back
commencer à apprendre
​to phone somebody again or to phone somebody who phoned you earlier
hang on
commencer à apprendre
come up
commencer à apprendre
occurred, happened
rushed off
commencer à apprendre
left quickly
get back to
commencer à apprendre
call back
hang up
commencer à apprendre
end phone conversation
cut off
commencer à apprendre
telephone call ends abruptly
set up
commencer à apprendre
put it off
commencer à apprendre
pass on a messge to someone
commencer à apprendre
give a message to someone
get through to
commencer à apprendre
to make somebody understand or accept what you say
take down
commencer à apprendre
to write something down

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