Teen wig artist

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a hater
haters are actually fans
poświęcać czas na coś
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to take the time to do sth
People are taking the time to make a bad comment.
napisać zły/negatywny komentarz
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to make a bad comment
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a wig
a wig artist
siedemnastoletni twórca peruk
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a 17-year-old (celebrity) wig artist
w grze
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in the game
mieć pasję
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to have a passion (for sth)
He was a quiet man with a passion for writing poetry. (NiV)
She left her job to pursue her lifelong passion for painting. (NiV)
znęcać się nad kimś (zwłaszcza w szkole)
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to bully sb
I was bullied throughout my years.
poważnie / ciężko
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The building was severely damaged. (NiV)
I was severely bullied.
mieć trudny okres w życiu
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to have hard time (doing sth)
I have had a very hard time finding friends.
dno (bardzo trudna sytuacja)
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a low point
sięgnąć dna
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to hit a low point
It was one of the real low points in my life.
ludzkie włosy
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human hair
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farba (np. do włosów)
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a dye
skubać / wyrywać pęsetą
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to pluck
linia włosów
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a hairline
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to curse
He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly. (NiV)
Sorry for cursing.
zasmucać kogoś, denerwować kogoś
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to get to sb
I can't listen to him any longer, he's getting to me! (NiV) / This message got to me and I started crying. (NiV)
Success gets to the haters more.

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