Teen explorer 7 unit 8 cz.1

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question réponse
1. Musisz/Nie musisz
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1. You have to/You don't have to(You needn't)
2. Musisz (bo chcesz)
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2. You must
3. Nie wolno (zakaz)
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3. You mustn't
4. rozgrzewac się
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4. warm up
5. ćwiczyć
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5. work out
6. Nie poddawaj się!
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6. Don't give up!
7. Kontynuuj!
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7. Go on!
8 Dowiedz się!
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8 Find out!
9. wyprzedać się /To jest wyprzedane!
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9. sell out /It's sold out!
10. Musisz zainteresować sie sportem
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10. You have to take up sports
11. Musisz porzucic ten sport
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11. You have to drop out this sport
12. Musisz dogonic ich
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12. You have to catch up them
13. Musisz pokonać ich
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13. You have to beat them
14. Kozłuj piłką!
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14 Bounce the ball!
15 Rzuć piłką!
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15 Throw the ball!
16. Nie przestawaj!
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16. Keep going!
17. Musimy wygrać turniej!
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17. We have to win the tournament!
18. Zagwiżdż (w gwizdek)
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18. Blow the whistle
19. Zanurkuj!/Nurkuj (z rurką)
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19. Dive/Snorkel!
20. Uderz w piłkę
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20. Hit the ball
21. Kopnij piłke
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21. Kick the ball
22. stracic punkt
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22. miss a point
23 wygrac-przegrac
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23 win-lose
24 Serwuj!
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24 Serve!

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