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question réponse
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Jeg er enig med dig!
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I agree with you!
Jeg er delvist enig.
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I partially agree.
Er du ikke enig med mig?
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Don't you agree with me?
Jeg er enig med ham.
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I agree with him.
Det lader til, hun er enig med dig.
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It seems that she agrees with you.
Kan vi blive enige om det?
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Can we agree on that?
Det er der bred enighed om
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There's (wide) agreement on that.
Jeg tror, vi alle er enige om...
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I think we all agree that...
Det er okay, hvis du ikke er enig med mig.
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It's okay if you don't agree with me.
Uenige meninger
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Disagreeing Opinions
Jeg er uenig med dig.
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I disagree with you.
I have to admit I disagree with you a little bit.
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Jeg må indrømme, jeg er lidt uenig med dig.
We disagree.
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Vi er uenige.
I think...
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Jeg synes...
My opinion is...
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Min mening er...
If you ask me, (then)...
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Hvis du spørger mig, (så)...
Well, I disagree with you on that. I'm of the belief/conviction that...
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Der er jeg altså uenig med dig. Jeg er af den overbevising, at...
Min holdning er...
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My attitude/stance is that...
(Men) det er bare min mening.
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(But) that's just my opinion.
Han var uenig med mig.
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He disagreed with me.
Vi kan slet ikke blive enige om det.
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We can't agree about it all.
Jo mere uenig man er med nogen, jo pænere skal
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man tale til dem
The more you disagree with someone, the more
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politely (nicely) you have to speak to them.
Hvad synes du?
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What do you think?
Hvad tænker du om det?
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What do you think about it?
Vi er lodret uenige.
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We totally disagree.
What is your opinion about that?
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Hvad mener du om det?
Værdier og prioriteter
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Values and priorities
Values and priorities
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Values ​​and priorities
Jeg sætter pris på...
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I appreciate...
For mig, er det vigtigt at...
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For me it's important to...
... er vigtig/vigtigt for mig.
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... is important to me.
Hvad er nogle af dine værdier?
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What are some of your values?
Hvad prioriterer du højest?
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What is your highest priority?
Det er en højprioritet.
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It's a high-priority.
Familien kommer først.
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Family comes first.
Alt andet er sekundært.
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Everything else is secondary.
Intet er vigtigere end det.
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Nothing is more important than that.
Jeg prøver at være et godt menneske.
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I try being a good person.
Jeg kan godt lide folk, som...
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I like people who...
Jeg har respekt for dem, som...
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I (have respect for) respect those who...
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Lad os tale om det.
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Let's talk about it.
Jeg vil gerne diskutere noget med dig.
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There's something I would like to discuss with you.
Lad os diskutere det på et senere tidspunkt.
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Let's discuss it at a later time.
Vi skændes ikke, vi diskuterer bare.
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We're not arguing, we're just discussing.
Lad os snakke om tingene.
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Let's talk about things.
Lad os gennemgå det.
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Let's go through it.
Vi fik en god diskussion.
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We had a good discussion.
Der er ingen diskussion.
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There's no discussion.
Det er indiskutabelt!
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It's indisputable!
Prøv at se det fra hans synsvinkel.
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Try to see it from his point of view.
Prøv at sætte dig i mit sted.
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Try to put yourself in my place.
Hvad er dit argument?
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What is your argument?
Det er et godt argument.
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That's a good argument.
Korrigering og redigering
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Correcting and editing
Er det okay, jeg retter dig?
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Is it alright that I correct you?
Kan du rette den?
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Can you correct it?
Kan du tjekke den?
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Can you check it?
Er der nogen fejl?
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Are there any errors/flaws/mistakes?
Hvis jeg lige må rette dig...
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If I may correct you...
Måske burde du rette den.
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Maybe you should correct it.
Jeg rettede...
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I corrected...
Her er mine rettelser.
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Here are my corrections.
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(Eller) rettere sagt...
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(Or) to be more accurate...
Den trænger til nogle forbedringer.
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It needs some improvements
Det skal forbedres/optimeres.
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It has to be improved/optimized.
Hvordan kan vi forberede den/det?
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How can we improve it?
Skal vi ændre lidt på den?
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Should we change it a little?
Er der blevet foretaget nogen ændringer?
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Has there been made any changes?
Jeg skal lige redigere den.
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I just have to edit it.
Jeg er i gang med at redigere den lige nu.
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I'm editing it right now.
Taler om fortiden
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Talking about the past
Jeg så engang en UFO.
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I once saw an UFO.
Så var der dengang, hvor hun gik fallit.
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Then there was the time when she went bankrupt.
Engang for længe siden...
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Once upon a time...
Der var engang, hvor...
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There was a time when...
For mange år siden.
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Many years ago.
For et par år siden.
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A couple of years ago.
For nogle måneder siden.
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A couple of months ago.
For lidt tid siden.
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A little while ago.
I sidste uge...
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Last week...
Taler om fremtiden
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Talking about the present
Vi spiser lige nu.
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We're eating right now.
Jeg ... for tiden.
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I... at the moment.
I øjeblikket...
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At the moment...
I de her dage...
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In these days...
Nu er...
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Now is...
I dag...
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I går...
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The day before yesterday...
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I forgårs...
Her den anden dag...
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Just the other day...
Forleden dag...
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The other day...
Tidligere i dag...
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Earlier today...
Taler om fremtiden
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Talking about the future
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Før eller senere...
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Sooner or later...
Inden længe...
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Before too long...
Inden for den nærmeste fremtid...
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Within the near (nearest) future...
Jeg har tænkt mig, at...
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I intend to...
En dag, vil jeg...
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One day I will...
Om et par timer.
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In a couple of hours.
Om en uge.
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In a week.
Om fem år.
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In 5 years.
En eller anden dag, skal jeg nok...
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Someday I will...
Min plan er at...
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My plan is to...
Jeg planlægger...
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I'm planning...
En skønne dag...
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Hvornår bliver det?
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When is it going to be?
Hvor lang tid vil der gå?
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How long will it be? (How much time is going to pass
Tror du, nogensinde, det vil ske?
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Do you think it's ever going to happen?
Han har i sinde, at...
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He intends to...
Hun agter, at...
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She intends to...
Husker og minder om
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Remembering and recalling
Der var engang, hvor...
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There was a time when...
Jeg kan huske dengang, hvor...
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I remember the time when...
Kan du huske, dengang vi var børn?
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Do you remember the time when we were kids?
Jeg tænker tilbage på...
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I'm thinking back at...
For mange år siden var jeg...
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Many years ago I was...
Det minder mig om, da...
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It reminds me of (when)...
Det er ligesom dengang, hvor...
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It's just like the time when...
Sammenligning af grunde og motiver
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Comparing Reasons and motives
Lad os sammenligne dem.
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Let's compare them.
Solen er større end jorden.
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The sun is bigger than the earth.
Du er højere end mig, er du ikke?
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You're taller than me, aren't you?
Lad os sammenligne... med...
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Let's compare... to...
Sammenlignet med en racerbil, er din nye bil ikke særlig imponerende.
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Compared to a racer-car, your new car isn't very impressive.
Du kan slet ikke sammeligne dem.
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You cannot compare them at all.
Det er noget af en sammenligning!
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That's quite a comparison!
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Hvorfor gør/gjorde du det?
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Why are you doing/why did you do that?
Jeg gør det, fordi...
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I'm doing it because...
Jeg gjorde det, fordi...
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I did it because...
Hvorfor gør/gjorde du det...?
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Why did you do/did that?
Hvad er grunden?
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What's the reason?
Grunden er/var...
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The reason is/was...
Og grunden til det var...
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And the reason for that was...
På grund af...
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Because of...
Chance, risiko og sandsynlighed
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Chance, risk and probability
Hun gjorde det for at...
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She did it in order to...
Han gjorde det med det formål, at...
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He did it with the purpose of...
Formålet var, at...
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The purpose was to...
Derfor gjorde vi det.
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That's why we did it.
Tanken var, at...
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The idea (thought) was to...
Hendes motiv var...
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Her motive was...
Hun har en skjult dagsorden.
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She has a hidden agenda.
Hvad er chancen?
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What's the chance?
Hvor stor er chancen?
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How big is the chance?
Det her er vores eneste chance.
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This is our only chance.
Skal jeg tage chancen?
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Should I take the chance?
Tag chancen!
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Take the chance!
Det er en unik mulighed.
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It's a unique opportunity.
Det er en sjælden mulighed.
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It's a rare opportunity.
Smed, mens jernet er varmt.
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Strike while the iron is hot.
Der er en vis risiko.
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There's a certain risk.
Meningen med det, er at...
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The point/meaning with it is to...
Hans intention var...
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His intention was...
Unikhed og nyhed
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Uniqueness and novelty
Det er lidt/meget risikabelt.
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It's a little/very risky.
Hvad er risikoen?
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What's the risk?
Der er en risiko for...
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There's a risk that...
Er det sandsynligt?
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Is it likely?
Det kunne godt ske.
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It could happen.
Det er ikke til at sige.
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(We) can't tell.
Det er meget/ikke så sandsynligt.
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It's very/not that likely.
Det er ret usandsynligt.
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It's pretty unlikely.
Det sker nok ikke.
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It probably won't happen.
Den er helt unik!
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It's totally unique!
Jeg har aldrig set noget lignende.
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I've never seen anything like it.
Det var noget helt specielt.
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It was something truly special.
Hun er virkelig noget for sig.
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She's truly in her own class.
Det er første gang, jeg...
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It's the first time I...
Han har aldrig... før.
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He has never... before.
Det er helt nyt for mig.
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It's completely new to me.
Jeg har ingen erfaring med det her.
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I have no experience with this.
Det er ikke set før!
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It's never been seen before!

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