TB3-List...15 y 16

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question réponse
We’ve had a good time.
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Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien.
Thank you for everything you’ve done.
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Gracias por todo lo que has hecho.
What would I do without your help?.
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¿Qué haría yo sin tu ayuda?.
I did it myself.
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Lo hice yo mismo.
I can’t lift it.
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No lo puedo levantar (cosa pesada).
You’ll have to speak louder.
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Tendrás que hablar más fuerte, o más alto.
Let’s give him another chance.
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Démosle a el otra oportunidad.
How much time do we have left?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo nos queda?.
We have three hours left.
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Nos quedan tres horas.
A lot of decisions have been made.
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Se han tomado muchas decisiones.
Our goal hasn’t been achieved.
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Nuestra meta no se ha logrado.
He took advantage of the situation.
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Él se aprovechó de la situación.
Don’t be too hard on them.
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No seas demasiado duro con ellos.
Tell me what I have to do.
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Dime lo que tengo que hacer.
It will be done in the near future.
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Se hará en un futuro próximo.
What will be done?.
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¿Qué se hará?.
What has to be done.
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Lo que se tiene que hacer.
A crime has been committed.
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Se ha cometido un crimen.
I’ll provide you with the passport.
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Te proporcionaré con el pasaporte.
The embargo hasn’t been lifted yet.
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No se ha levantado el embargo aun.
Put it right here.
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Ponlo aquí mismo.
Don’t get upset.
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No te enputes. No te disgustes.
There’ll be another war if we don’t do something.
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Habrá otra Guerra si no hacemos algo.
The world has never had a century of peace.
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El mundo nunca ha tenido un siglo de paz.
This soldier has been dead for two days.
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Este soldado ha estado muerto desde hace dos días.
He must have died the day before yesterday.
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Debe de haber muerto antier.
How do you know he’s dead?.
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¿Cómo sabes que está muerto?.
He’s not breathing.
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No está respirando.
He was killed by an explosion.
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Ha muerto por una explosión.
It must have been a strong explosion.
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Debió haber sido una explosión fuerte.
I have to feed a lot of people.
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Tengo que dar de comer a mucha gente.
I support my family.
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Mantengo a mi familia.
Look out. or watch out.
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Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
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No te preocupes, tendré cuidado.
Don’t do it if you don’t want to.
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No lo hagas si no quieres.
I come here because I like to.
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Vengo aquí porque me gusta.
Nobody’s asked you to come.
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Nadie te ha pedido que vengas.
I’ll make my own decisions.
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Tomaré mis propias decisiones.
There should be more desks.
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Debería haber más escritorios.
Who took away the boxes?.
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¿Quién se llevó las cajas?.
What boxes are you talking about?.
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¿De qué cajas estás hablando?.
About the ones that were here this morning.
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De las que estaban aquí esta mañana.
They are being painted.
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Están siendo pintadas.
Who gave the order to paint them?. I did, sir.
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¿Quién dio la orden de que fuesen pintadas?. Yo, señor.
Have them brought back here.
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Haz que se traigan aquí otra vez.
But they’re in bad condition.
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Pero están en malas condiciones.
I don’t care how they are.
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No me importa cómo estén.
But they’ve already been painted.
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Pero ya se han sido pintadas.
Have them brought here anyway.
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Que se traigan aquí de todas formas.
I’ve been here since this morning.
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He estado aquí desde esta mañana.
He’ll get angry if you tell him.
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Se enputará si se lo dices.
I don’t intend to tell him.
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No tengo intención de decírselo.
But he’ll find out sooner or later.
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Pero tarde o temprano se enterará.
I won’t be here when he finds out.
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No estaré aquí cuando se entere.
There still may be a solution.
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Todavía podria haber una solución.
What is it?.
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¿Qué es?.
We could rob a bank.
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Podríamos robar un banco. Podríamos atracar un banco.
That would be too dangerous.
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Eso sería demasiado peligroso.
Besides someone could get hurt.
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Además alguien podría hacerse daño.
Then, what do you suggest we do?.
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Entonces ¿Qué sugieres que hagamos?.
I suggest we borrow the money.
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Sugiero que pidamos prestado el dinero.
How are you going to get so much money?.
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¿Cómo vas a conseguir tanto dinero?.
There has to be a way.
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Tiene que haber una manera.
Someone has been here.
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Alguien ha estado aquí.
It has been raining for three days.
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Ha estado lloviendo desde hace tres dias. Lleva tres días lloviendo.
Why haven’t they done anything yet?.
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¿Por qué no han hecho nada todavía?.
They weren’t told to do anything.
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No se les dijo que hicieran nada.
The war is over.
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La Guerra se ha terminado.
I’m tired of waiting for him.
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Estoy cansado de esperarlo.
How long does it usually take him to come?.
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¿Usualmente cuánto se toma en venir?. ¿Cuánto suele tardar en venir?.
It usually takes him about an hour.
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usualmente se tarda aproximadamente una hora.
I wonder where he is.
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¿Me pregunto dónde él está?.
Something must have happened to him.
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Algo debe de haberle pasado.
It’s strange that he hasn’t arrived.
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Es extraño que no haya llegado.
Maybe he’s had an accident.
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A lo mejor ha tenido un accidente.
How long are you going to wait?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo vas a esperar?.
A few minutes more.
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Unos minutes más.
And then? What will you do?.
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Y después ¿qué harás?.
I have no idea.
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No tengo ni idea.
There’ve been some changes recently.
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Ha habido unos cambios recientemente.
What kind of changes are you talking about?.
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¿De qué clase de cambios estás hablando?.
They are going to transfer you to my department.
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Te van a trasferir a mi departamento.
Do you mean we’re going to work together?.
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¿Quieres decir que vamos a trabajar juntos?.
That’s right.
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Así es.
It’s about time.
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Ya era hora.
Where did you get that information?.
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¿Dónde conseguiste esa información?.
I’ve known it for a long time.
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Lo he sabido desde hace mucho tiempo. Lo sé desde hace mucho tiempo.
Why didn’t you tell me anything?.
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¿Por qué no me dijiste nada?.
I promised to keep it a secret.
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Prometí mantenerlo en secreto.
But you could have told me.
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Pero podías habérmelo dicho a mí.
But the decision wasn’t final.
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Pero la decisión no era definitiva.
Is it now?.
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¿Lo es ahora?.
Everyone will be informed tomorrow.
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Todo el mundo será informado mañana.
Will it mean a raise?.
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¿Significará un aumento salarial?.
Do you think It'll work?. Of course, it will.
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¿Crees que funcionará?. Por supuesto que sí.
How long have you been planning this?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo has estado planeando esto?.
It has been an idea of mine for a long time.
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Ha sido idea mía desde hace mucho tiempo.
Who will I report to?.
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¿De quién dependeré?.
You’ll be my right-hand man.
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You’ll be my right-hand man. Anglais
Serás mi mano derecha.
Wherever she is I’ll find her.
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Dondequiera que ella esté la encontraré.
Wherever they are I’ll find them.
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Donde quiera que estén los encontraré.
Wherever you are I’ll find you.
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Donde quiera que estés, te encontraré.
Will you find him wherever he is?.
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¿Lo encontrarás dondequiera que esté ?.
Will you find her wherever she is?.
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¿La encontrarás dondequiera que esté?.
You must have many suitors.
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Tu debes de tener muchos pretendientes.
Cristo Stoik, speaks in broken English that is hard to understand.
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Cristo Stoiko, habla en Inglés mocho que es difícil de entender.
I speak English, well lets say, broken English.
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Yo hablo ingles, bueno digamos, Inglés mocho.
It will be done what has to be done.
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Se hará lo que se tiene que hacer.
Is it now?.
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¿Lo es ahora?.
Do you think It'll work?.
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¿Crees que funcionará?.
Of course it will.
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Por supuesto que sí.

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