tax law

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question English réponse English
Tax avoidance
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making a tax lower in a legal way
Tax evasion
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not paying taxes, which is illegal
Excise duty
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tax imposed on luxurious products
Tax arrear
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the amount created when sb hasn’t payed the tax on time
Default interest
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interest imposed on the amounts of money not payed on time
Levy a tax
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to impose a tax
Tax rebate\refund
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money which is paid back to the taxpayer
Tax remitter
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employer who deducts withholding tax from the salary and pays it to the tax office
Przedmiot opodatkowania
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object of taxation
Podmiot opodatkowania
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subject of taxation
Stawka podatkowa
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tax rate
Ulga podatkowa
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tax relief
Zwolnienie z podatku
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tax exemption
Ordynacja podatkowa
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tax ordinance
Podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych
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legal person’s income tax
Podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych
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natural person’s income tax
Podatek rolny
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agricultural tax
Podatek leśny
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forest tax
Podatek od nieruchomości
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realestate tax
Podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych
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tax on civil law acts
Podatek od dziedziczenia
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inheritance tax
Podatek od gier hazardowych
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tax on games
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value-added tax
Podatek należny
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output tax
Podatek naliczony
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input tax

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