Brief history of Russia

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The founding of the Kievan Rus led by Oleg of Novgorod
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Prince Vladimir I converted to Orthodox Christianity
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Mongols started invading Russia and conquered it
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Ivan the Great freed Russia from the Mongols
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Ivan the Terrible became the first Czar, he began annexation of Siberia
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The Romanov dynasty started ruling Russia
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Peter the Great built the new capital - St. Petersburg and introduced the Western culture
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Catherine the Great took power, the era of enlightenment began; Russia received a part of Poland
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Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated and the French Invasion was stopped
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The Crimean War started, the Russian Empire lost
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Alexander II issued the Emancipation Reform and freed the serfs
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Alaska was sold to the United States
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The Russian Revolution ended the Russian Imperial Rule and the Soviet Union was soon established
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The family of Czar Nicholas II was murdered
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Stalin became a dictator and made USSR a military power; more than 20 million people were killed in the Great Purge
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Germany invaded Poland and the Second World War started
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The War ended, Russia occupied the east of Europe
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The start of the Cold War, a period of tension between the Communistic countries and the West
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Nikita Khrushchev succeeded Stalin
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Sputnik, the first artificial satellite was launched
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Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly in space
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Khrushchev withdrew missiles from Cuba
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Gorbachev initiated "glasnost" and "perestroika" trying to improve the economy
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The nuclear accident in Chernobyl
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The fall of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation was formed, Boris Yeltsin became the first Russian president
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Russia invaded Chechnya to stop the independence movement
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Vladimir Putin succeeded Yeltsin
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Chechen rebels seized a theatre in Moscow, about 130 hostages were killed
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Dmitry Medvedev was elected president
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The New START Treaty was signed, Russian and USA decided to cut their nuclear arsenals
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Putin was re-elected president
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The accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia
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FIFA Confederations Cup held in Russia
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FIFA World Cup held in Russia

Learn Russian history

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world by area with great economic power and political influence. Russia's capital is Moscow, the place where the most billionaires in the world live. The territory of the Russian Federation is vast and there are many nations that live there. Russian history is amazing and interesting. The brief history of Russia starts around A.D. 500 when human settlements started building the future Kiev. If you are curious when was Russia founded, it was in 862. The history timeline continues with the expansion of the empire and its break into more states, including Muscovy. The Mongol invasion of Russia resulted in the Russian principalities becoming vassals. Only in 1480, Ivan the great freed the country and there were no more Mongols in Russia. Tsarist Russia began its existence.

Discover more about the history of Russia

The flashcards will present you some of the most important events in the history of Russia. You will also learn modern and contemporary history, including the Russian Revolution dates. After the Revolution that was led by Lenin, the leader of Russia, Czar Nicholas II is murdered and Stalin comes to power. Russian history continues with the main events of the history of Soviet Russia. A flashcard will present you the map of Russia during the Second World War. Out of the famous Russians, the flashcards will present you Gorbachev, who initiated glasnost and perestroika. His democratical reforms led to the break up of the Soviet Union. The first president of the Russian Federation was Yeltsin, succeeded by Vladimir Putin. Master the flashcards of the Russian history lesson to learn more about the origin and founding of the country and what events it went through. Learn more about Russian history with VocApp's lessons. The lesson Leaders of the Soviet Union and Russia, for example, will present you all of the leaders of Soviet Russia and Russian Federation with a brief description of their activity. Impress your friends and teachers with your knowledge!

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