lietuvių kalba lituanien

This lesson will help you to learn the most important places in Lithuanian that will definitely help you in the future. Memorize these 31 flashcards and you are ready for your trip to Lithuania!

31 fiche vaivasarkaite

Fun, easy and fast way to learn numbers in Lithuanian!

66 fiche vaivasarkaite

This lesson you will find main words about activities that will help you to shape your conversation.

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Introduce yourself, your family or your friends in Lithuanian by memorizing flashcard!

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This lesson will help you to learn basics of any typical conversation you might need in the future while traveling around Lithuania.

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If not now, WHEN? In this lesson we have main questions that will help you to improve basics skills of communicating in Lithuanian.

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Learning new words of foreign language might be challenging sometimes. In this lesson you can discover words that are similar to English and most likely to your mother tongue.

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Have you ever wondered how Lithuanian language sounds like? This short lesson will help you to learn the answers to any question you might have about Lithuanian language only in 10 seconds!

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In this lesson you are able to learn the most useful words and phrases about different types of food.

32 fiche vaivasarkaite

Šioje pamokoje pateikiami anglų kalbos žodžiai skambantys panašiai lietuvių ar kitoje kalboje, todėl tai greitas būdas žengti pirmuosius žingsnius mokantis naujos kalbos!

11 fiche vaivasarkaite

Affichage de 101-120 sur 143 éléments.
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