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question réponse
accident emergency
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awaryjne wypadek
administer oxygen/drugs
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podawać tlen / leki
ambulance crew
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załoga karetki pogotowia
ambulance service
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pogotowie ratunkowe
ambulance station
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stacja pogotowia ratunkowego
ambulance technician
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technik pogotowia ratunkowego
apply splints
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zastosować szyny
arrive at the scene
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przybyć na miejsce zdarzenia
assess the patient's condition
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ocenić stan pacjenta
asthma attack
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atak astmy
construction accident
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wypadek budowlany
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emergency care assistant
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pomoc w nagłych wypadkach
essential treatment
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niezbędne leczenie
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gave direct contact with
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dał bezpośredni kontakt z
give rise to
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dać podwyżkę
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opieka zdrowotna
heart attack
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atak serca
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high-tech equipment
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sprzęt high-tech
life saving decisions
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decyzje ratujące życie
massive bleeding
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masywne krwawienie
medicial emegrency
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nagły wypadek medyczny
mobile emergency clinic
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mobilna klinika ratunkowa
restore the heart rhythm
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przywrócić rytm serca
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traffic accident
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wypadek drogowy
work closely with
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ściśle współpracować z
work shifts
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zmiany pracy

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