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question réponse
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
jak się nazywasz?
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What is your name?
ile masz lat?
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how old are you?
skąd pochodzisz?
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where are you from
jakie jest twoje hobby
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what is your hobby
kto to jest?
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who is this?
jak się masz?
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how do you do?
skąd on pochodzi?
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where is he from?
gdzie on mieszka?
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Where does he live?
jakie jest jego hobbi
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how is his hobbi
jakie jest jego imie
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what is his name
zdrowe nawyki
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healthy habits
zdrowe jedzenie
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healthy food
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jazda na rowerze
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jeżdżę na rowerze
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I ride a bike
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spacery po lesie
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walks in the woods
chodzenie po górach, wędrówka
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walking in the mountains, hiking
kontakt z przyrodą
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contact with nature
życie zgodne z sobą
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living in harmony with yourself
spacerować po lesie
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walk in the woods
gdzie on mieszka?
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Where is he live?
co robisz?
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what are you doing?
jakie jest twoje hobby
commencer à apprendre
how is your hobby

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