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jąkać się
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to stutter
Jąkam się.
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I stutter. / I have a stutter.
Najtrudniejszym aspektem czegoś jest...
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The hardest part of sth is...
The hardest part of stuttering is not the physical stutter.
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both LUGGAGE and BAGGAGE are uncountable; do NOT say: baggages or luggages
luggage (NiV)
Mam dużo bagażu.
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I have a lot of baggage. / I have a lot of luggage. (NiV)
bagaż emocjonalny
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emotional baggage
mental and emotional baggage
pierwsze wrażenie
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the first impression
I don't trust first impressions.
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I look like I'm in pain.
to be IN pain
Lubię pomagać ludziom.
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I like helpING people.
pod wieloma względami
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in many ways
przez coś
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because of
because of stuttering I am a better communicator
biegły / biegle mówiący
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I want to be fluent IN English. (NiV)
słuchacz / osoba, która słucha
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a listener
Stuttering can make you a better listener.
troskliwy / myślący o innych
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Nie powoduje, że jesteś mniej wartościowym człowiekiem.
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It doesn't make you less of a person.
na tym etapie / w tym momencie
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at this point

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