Staszek and Mietek

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Tea with electricity
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Herbata z prądem
Kompot with Electricity.
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Kompot z elektrycznością.
Staszek likes a few drops of electricity in his Rosol.
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Staszek lubi kilka kropel elektryczności w swoim Rosolu.
Stachu is waiting patiently, for the Monopol to open.
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Stachu czeka cierpliwie, aż Monopol się otworzy.
Marian and Staszek have forgotten where they parked their car. And where they live.
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Marian i Staszek zapomnieli, gdzie zaparkowali samochód. I gdzie mieszkają.
Meitek is very proud of his rubber boots.
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Meitek jest bardzo dumny ze swoich kaloszy.
For Valentine's Day, Meitek gave himself a bottle of Bimber.
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Na Walentynki Meitek dał sobie butelkę Bimberu.

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