Starland 4 unit 2 reading Iron Man p. 22

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1, Amazing Iron Man
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1, Niesamowity człowiek z żelaza
2. Tony Stark is an engineer in his father's business
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2. Tony Stark jest inżynierem w firmie swojego ojca
3. Stark Industries in the USA
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3. Stark Industries w USA
4. Pepper Potts is his loyal secretary
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4. Pepper Potts jest jego lojalną sekretarką
5. Tony has got a special metal suit
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5. Tony ma specjalny metalowy strój
6. When (kiedy)
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6. Kiedy (kiedy)
7. When he has it on
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7. Kiedy ma go na sobie
8. he is Iron Man
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8. on jest Iron Manem
9. Iron Man can fly
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9. Iron Man potrafi latać
10. He is strong
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10. On jest silny
11. and he can protect the world from bad people
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11. i potrafi ochronić świat
12. Iron Monger is very bad
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12. Iron Monger jest bardzo zły
13. He is his enemy
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13. On jest jego wrogiem
14. Can Iron Man stop him?
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14. Czy Iron Man może go powstrzymać?
15. Can Pepper help Iron Man
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15. Czy Pepper może pomóc Iron Manowi
16. Watch this brilliant film to find out
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16. Obejrzyj ten znakomity film żeby się dowiedzieć

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