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obywatel świata
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A citizen of the world
imponująca motywacja
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impressive motivation
7 lat temu
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7 years ago
ta sytuacja wydarzyła się rok temu
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this situation happened a year ago
dwie kobiety
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Two women
jeden policjant
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one policeman
wrócić ze sklepu
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come back from the shop
jej mąż
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her husband
sklep muzyczny
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A music shop
dziecięcy szpital
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children's hospital
biec w zespole
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run in a team
on był Poważnie ranny
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he was seriously injured
twardy dysk
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A Hard Drive
darmowy program antywirusowy
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A free antivirus program
zgadzać się z radą
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to agree with the advice
właściciel pubu
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A pub s owner
głośni sąsiedzi
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noisy neighbors
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the ground floor
najwyższe piętro
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the Top Floor
transport publiczny
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public transport
zbyt głośny
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too noisy
trudny i drogi
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difficult and expensive
trzymać nożyczki
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hold scissors
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foot / feet
w jej buzi
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in her mouth
osobisty ochroniarz
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A personal bodyguard
chińska aplikacja
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A Chinese application
imponująca porcelana
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impressive chinase
uprzejmość nic nie kosztuje a wszystko kupuje
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civility costs nothing but it buys everything
długa kolejka
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A long queue
lekcja etykiety
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etiquette classes
współpracować z policją
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cooperate with the police
niebezpieczny przywilej
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A dangerous privilege
poczekajmy i zobaczmy
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let's wait and see
chronić kobietę
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protect a woman
pusty budynek
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A empty building
zostawić rowery
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leave Our bikes
karta magnetyczna
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A magnetic card
siłownia w piwnicy
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gym in the basement
koperty i znaczki
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envelopes and stamps
studiować cierpliwie
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study patiently
tworzyć dziurę w budżecie
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to create a hole in the budget
stracić na wadze
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to lose weight
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to put on weight
wyciągnąć gwoździe
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pull out nails
zarabiać pieniądze
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earn money
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A light plane
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w rzeczywistości
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dwie ofiary
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two victims
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to admit
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to keep
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A supporter
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to get stuck
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to slip
rzadko kiedy
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hardly ever
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chiński emeryt
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A chineste pensioner
stosunek do
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attitude to
szkoła średnia
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secondary school
skorzystać z czegoś
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to take advantage of this
różne prace w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
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diferent part-time jobs
pięcio gwiazdkowy hotel
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five-star hotel
dwu letni syn
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two year old son
minimalizować możliwie problemy
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minimize possible problems
tanie loty
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cheap flights
mniej stresujacy
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less stressful
samo zatrudniony nauczyciel
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self employed teacher
mieć zero kontroli
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to have no control
osobisty ochroniarz
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A personal bodyguard
aplikacja chinase
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chinase application
imponująca porcelana
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impresive china

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