Splendid - "future" words

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question English réponse English
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the act or process of moving forward
Your model needs some advancement but it has a lot of potential.
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the complete removal or destruction something:
While I don't expect the eradication of poverty, I think that these social programs will have some positive impact.
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odzyskać / to recover or regain
I want to retrieve my grandmother's ring.
opt for something
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to choose or decide on something
Many people opt for sustainable fashion to reduce their environmental impact.
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złagodzić, ulżyć / To make something less painful.
The doctor gave her some medicine to alleviate the pain.
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Wyczerpanie, uszczuplenie / the reduction or exhaustion of resources.
The depletion of natural resources is a major global concern.
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Zmniejszyć, złagodzić / To reduce the severity or impact of something.
Governments must take action to mitigate climate change
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Przewyższać, prześcigać / To exceed or go beyond expectations.
Her performance surpassed everyone's expectations.
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Zapisać się, zarejestrować / To officially register or sign up for something.
He decided to enroll in a programming course.
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Pojawić się, wyłonić się / To become visible
New technologies continue to emerge in the digital world.
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Naciągany, mało prawdopodobny / Difficult to believe; unlikely
His explanation seemed far-fetched and unrealistic.
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zamożny / Having a lot of money or valuable possessions.
She comes from a wealthy family with a successful business.

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