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this is arguably best pizza in town
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we have to put this option in perspective
z technicznego punktu widzenia commencer à apprendre
Technically speaking, you should contact [...] Ściśle mówiąc, należy się skontaktować [...]
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Arguably it's the best pizza in town
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You also use after all to say that something is true or may be true in spite of what had previously been thought. Perhaps it isn't such a bad village after all. I realised he was telling the truth after all.
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We launched our campaign yesterday, in spite of all the difficulties. Wczoraj uruchomiliśmy/rozpoczęliśmy naszą kampanię, mimo wszystkich trudności.
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Let’s see another movie! It’s too late. Besides, I’m sleepy.
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you have to tell her otherwise she will be angry
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Kate eventually decided to go with us although he already had some plans
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The first twenty minutes were boring, but in the end I enjoyed it.
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high prices deter us from buying
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you can try but the likelihood you win is low
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big chunk of my project work is done
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She is prone to avoid responsibility
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my boss is very receptive he likes new ideas
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what are your insights on this matter?
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I don't anticipate anything though
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Zostałem złapany w krzyżowy ogień commencer à apprendre
I got caught in crossfire
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wszechstronny, zrozumialy commencer à apprendre
zniewalający, przekonujacy commencer à apprendre
the lawyer's argument was so compeling
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our company is thriving despite all the setbacks
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make a pitch for something Excellent presentation, and he made a pitch for funds raising as well
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take over all rights and obligations
porywacze nie zamierzali popełnić samobójstwa ani nie ryzykowali wykrycia commencer à apprendre
hijackers weren't about to commit suicide, nor were they going to risk detection
zakładowy fundusz socjalny commencer à apprendre
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możemy jeszcze osiągnąć nasz budżet commencer à apprendre
we may reach our budget yet
nie powinieneś był jej mówić commencer à apprendre
you shouldn't have told her
był nie tylko głodny, ale i spragniony commencer à apprendre
not only was he hungry but also thirsty
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I was shocked by the magnitude of the crisis. You don't see the magnitude of this problem
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z technicznego punktu widzenia commencer à apprendre
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w każdym razie, bo nie wiem commencer à apprendre
anyway, since I don't know
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odpowiedni organ regulacyjny commencer à apprendre
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odrębność, charakterystyczny commencer à apprendre
jakie są Twoje punkty odniesienia commencer à apprendre
what are your reference points
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ever since I can remember ever since I became a responsible
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przekonujący, zniewalajacy, przekonujące dowody commencer à apprendre
compelling, compelling evidence
niezwykle zdrowy i pozornie szczęśliwy commencer à apprendre
extremely healthy and seemingly happy
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płacić z dołu, płacić z góry commencer à apprendre
pay in arrears, pay in advance
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Pod warunkiem, że zdążysz na samolot commencer à apprendre
Provided you could get the plane on time
nie uruchomił jeszcze silnika commencer à apprendre
he had yet to start the engine
nie otrzymał jeszcze odpowiedzi commencer à apprendre
he had yet to recieve a reply
zdecydowanie/zdecydowanie/absolutnie commencer à apprendre
by all means/ definitely/ absolutely
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i nie wypił jeszcze kolejnego drinka commencer à apprendre
and he has yet to take another drink
Nic ci nie jest? Tak. Jednak nadal lekki ból głowy. commencer à apprendre
are you ok? yes. Still little headache though.
Nie byłbyś taki zrelaksowany, gdybyś nie miał planu commencer à apprendre
yo wouldn't be so relaxed if you didn't have a plan
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Skorelowana temperatura barwowa commencer à apprendre
Correlated color temperature
wykorzystać dostępne zasoby commencer à apprendre
to exploit available resources
bezpodstawny, bezpodstawny commencer à apprendre
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offset węglowy/kompensacja commencer à apprendre
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