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at blive til
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hun er afhængig
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she is addicted/ dependent
Hun er udsat for
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She is exposed to
Hun sætter et skilt op med...
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She puts up a sign with...
at holde op med
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to stop with
Penge, man kunne have brugt på noget andet
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Money that could have been spent on something else
Han blæser i et alkometer
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He blows into a breathalyzer
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Alkohol påvirker også hjernen
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Alcohol also affects the brain
Alkohol gør hjernen langsom.
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Alcohol slows down the brain.
at bevæge (sig)
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to move
Vi kan blive mere glade og ubekymrede
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We can become more happy and carefree
Alkohol påvirker også vores opførsel
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Alcohol also affects our behavior
en henvisning
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a referral (skierowanie)
et overbelaste
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an overload (przeciazenie)
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udholdelige smerter
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unbearable pain (znosny bol)
u-udholdelige smerter
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bol nie do zniesienia
frygtelige smerter
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terrible pain
Hvor gør det ondt? / Hvor ondt gør det?
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Where does it hurt? / How much does it hurt?
jeg drejer hånden
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I turn my hand
jeg ligger i min seng
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I'm lying in my bed
jeg bøjer mit hoved ned mod brystet
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I bow my head down to my chest
jeg tisser
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I pee
en albue
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an elbow
jeg løfter min taske
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I lift my bag
jeg har ondt i min kæbe
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my jaw hurts
jeg har ondt i håndleddet
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my wrist hurts
jeg har ondt i mit haleben
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I have pain in my tailbone
det sitrer
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it trembles (drzy)
det jager i rygen
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it chases in the back (szczyka w plecach?)
det stikker
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it stings (kluje)
det brænder
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it burns
det svier
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it pinches (szczypie)
det strammer
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it tightens (sciska/ uciska)
det pulser
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it pulses
han banker
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he knocks (uderza)
han borer
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he drills (wierci)
han trykker
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he presses
han skærer
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he cuts (ciac? obierac? kroic?)
han kribler
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he tingles
trænger til at blive trænet
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needs to be trained
at trænge til
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to need
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back muscles
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abdominal muscles
en lænd
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a lower back (dolne plecy)
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back exercises
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abdominal exercises (cwiczenia miesni brzucha)
isnende smerter
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freezing pains (rozdzierajacy / potworny bol)
det er værre / det er væk
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it's worse / it's gone
en stik-kende smerte
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a stabbing pain (przeszywający / klujacy bó)
det ene ben... så det andet ben...
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one leg... then the other leg...
at feje
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to sweep (zamiatac)
at hamre sig
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to hammer oneself (wb
at støde ind
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to bump into (uderzyc sie)
at brænde sig på ild
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to burn oneself on fire
et stearinlys
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a candle
et gelænder
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a railing (gylynder;))
en trappe
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a staircase (schody)
de er ømme i lang tid
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they are sore for a long time (są obolałe przez długi czas)
de får os til at gå udenom ting
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they make us bypass things (sprawiają, że unikamy różnych rzeczy)
at gå forsigtigt
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to walk carefully
at holde fast
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to hold fast
spidse genstande
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pointed objects (spiczaste przedmioty)
på en anden måde
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in another way
at bevæge sig
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to move
at sidde i samme stilling
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to sit in the same position
at blive ramt af / at få en infektion
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to be affected by / to get an infection
pludselig / akutte
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sudden / acute
en nål
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a needle
at undgå
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to avoid (unikac)
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nausea (nudnosci)
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heartbeat (kołatanie serca)
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pale (blady)
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dizzy (zawroty glowy)
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itch (swędzenie)
unormal/ unormalt/ abnormal/ abnormalt
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abnormal (nienormalny)
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numbing (odretwialy/ znieczulony/
at brække sig / at kaste op
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to throw up / to vomit
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faints (omdlenie)
ingen appetit / appetitløs
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no appetite / appetiteless
du har lyst til...
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you want to...
et slag
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a blow / punch (cios / uderzenie)
maden kommer op igen / du kaster op
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the food comes up again / you vomit
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stomach cramps
du mærker...
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you feel...
jeg lider af...
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i suffer from... (cierpie na...)
hunden løber ud AD døren / hunden løber GENNEM døren
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the dog runs out THE door / the dog runs THROUGH the door
at hvile sig / at slappe af
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to rest / to relax
De forsvinder ofte igen
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They often disappear again
at forsvinde
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to disappear
en dunkende fornemmelse
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a throbbing sensation (uczucie pulsowania)
du koldsveder
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you cold sweat
det prikker
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it stings (mrowi)

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