Social situations

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question English réponse English
miss out on (something)
commencer à apprendre
not go to something that was good; not take a good opportunity
not be up for (something)
commencer à apprendre
not want to do it / not have the energy to do it
get along with (someone)
commencer à apprendre
have a good relationship with the person
fit in
commencer à apprendre
be similar or compatible with a group
stop in / stop by / drop by
commencer à apprendre
make a short visit
slip out
commencer à apprendre
leave quietly; without attracting attention
come across
commencer à apprendre
give an impression
blow (someone) off
commencer à apprendre
rudely ignore the person
show up
commencer à apprendre
appear or arrive
live (something) down
commencer à apprendre
recover from the shame / embarrassment of a situation, as people eventually forget it
rag (someone) about (something)
commencer à apprendre
tease the person, make joking comments to the person about the situation
pass for
commencer à apprendre
look like, so that other people could believe it
bump into / run into
commencer à apprendre
meet someone unexpectedly
order (someone) around / boss (someone) around
commencer à apprendre
give the person orders/commands, constantly telling them waht to do and trying to control them
look up to (someone)
commencer à apprendre
admire the person
not be cut out for (an activity)
commencer à apprendre
the activity doesn't match your personality or abilities
head out / take off
commencer à apprendre
leave (informal)
meet up with (someone)
commencer à apprendre
encounter a person at a particular time or place
tag along / come along
commencer à apprendre
accompany a person when they go somwhere

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