slowniczek 05 str 84 cz2

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question réponse
szczotkowac zeby wlosy
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brush your teeth hair
sprawdzac email
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check email
sprzatac ze stolu
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clear the table
zmywac naczynia
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do the washing up
uporzadkowac cos
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do sth out
ukladac wlosy
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do your hair
jesc na miescie
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eat out
najesc sie czyms
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fill up on sth
odswiezyc sie
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freshen up
pojsc wczesniej spac
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get an early night
ubierac sie
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get dressed
szykowac sie do szkoly
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get ready for school
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get up
oplukac cos
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give sth a rinse
wracac do domu
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go home
klasc sie spac
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go to bed
uczyc sie do pozna
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have a late night studying
pozno wstac/lezec dluzej w lozku
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have a lie in
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heat through
nakrywac do stolu
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lay the table
polozyc sie
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lie down
ladowac zmywarke
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load the dishwasher
przyrzadzic posilek
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make a meal
scielic lozko
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make your bed
wynosic smieci
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put out the rubbish
naladowac baterie
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recharge the batteries
nastawic budzik
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Set the alarm
opowiadac historie
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tell stories
odprezyc sie
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budzic sie
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wake up
wykonywac obowiazki
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do chores
rozwieszac pranie
commencer à apprendre
hang out the washing
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help out
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pick up
nastawic pranie
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put on a wash
zalatwiac sprawy
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run errands
moczyc sie w wannie
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soak in a bath

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