słownictwo bielska

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commencer à apprendre
look for
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look out
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put up with
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put someone up
nie móc się skupić
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put someone off
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stand for
stanąć w obronie
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stand up for
skończyć się
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run out
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run over
szybko sprawdzić
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run through
wpaść na kogos
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run into
włamać się do
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break into
psuć się/załamywać się
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break down
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bring up
sprowadzić kogoś, przywrócić świadomość
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bring someone round
pojawiać się
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turn up
okazać się
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turn out
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turn down
towarzyszyć komuś do drzwi
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see someone out
przejrzeć coś/kogoś
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see through
pożegnać się
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see someone off
wykonać, zastosować
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carry out
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carry on
dać się ponieść emocjom, być podekscytowanym
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get carry away
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hold on
podpuścić kogoś, make someone annoyed
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run someone up the wrong way
make someone annoyed
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get someone's back up
zrobić komuś wykład; dać nauczkę
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give someone an earful
tell someone how angry you are
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give someone a piece of your mind
know every detail of it
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know something inside out
brzmieć znajomo
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have a familiar ring to it
znać coś dobrze
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know his stuff
brzmieć znajomo
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ring a bell
nie mam pojęcia
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don't have a clue
in any way
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for the life of me
brzmi dla mnie znajomo
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have a familiar ring to me
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put two and two together
came to the wrong conclusion
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get the wrong end of the stick
majstrować przy czymś
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tinker with sth
make changes to an organisation in order to improve it
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shake things up
become more energetic and active than before
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perk up
zamień coś w coś, change and became sth different
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turn sth into sth
zamienić się
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change over
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call up
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store up
przywoływać wspomnienia
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flood back
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kojarzyć coś z czymś
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assosiate sth with sth
makes a picture, image
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conjure up
stop yourself from thinking about something unpleasant
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block out
czuły punkt
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a sore point
odpłacać się komuś pięknym za nadobne
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give someone a taste of their own medicine
unpleasant but has to be accepted
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a bitter pill to swallow
do something to make something unpleasant more acceptable
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sugar the pill
want to travel
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have itchy feet
być szczęśliwym
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be on cloud nine
być w siódmym niebie
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be in seventh heaven
być szczęśliwym
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be over the moon
rajcować / emocjonować się czymś
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get a real kick out of sth
zrób coś dla zabawy
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do something for kicks
skakać z radości
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jump for joy
to be very happy
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be floating on air
someone who complains all the time
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a misery guts
uśmiechnij się i znieść to
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just grin and bear it
to nie jest koniec świata
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it's not the end of the world
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down in the dumps
mam już dość
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i'm fed up
tracić panowanie nad sobą
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go off the deep end
make someone very engry
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drive someone up the wall
a new person on charge who makes changes
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a new broom
osoba psująca imprezę
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a wet blanket
a pompous, self-opinioned person
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a stuffed shirt
ktoś, kto spędza dużo czasu przed telewizorem
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a couch potato
someone who expresses opinion about things they know very little abput
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an armchair critic
someone who express opinion about things they know very little about
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a backseat driver
someone who stands by you only when things are going very well
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a fair weather friend
a gossip who wants to know everything
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a noisy parker
someone who does not like to stay at one place
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a rolling stone
źle się czuje
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under the weather
kiepsko się czuć
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feel off colour
naładuj baterie
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recharge your batteries
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on the mend
feeling well
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as right as rain
zdrowy jak rydz
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fit as a fiddle
her ideas or behavior is strange
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she is off her rocker/ trolley
ona jest przypadkiem beznadziejnym
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she is a basket case
jest tak szalony jak ciasto owocowe
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he is as nutty as a fruitcake
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kick the bucket
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bite the dust
natknąć się
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come across
zdobyć, odziedziczyc
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come by
być podobnym do
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take after
startować, odlecieć
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take off
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take over
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take up
spełniać np. oczekiwania
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come up to
kontynuować/dziać się
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go on
przeboleć, dojść do siebie
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get over
przygnębiać kogoś
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get somebody down
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get away
zdradzić np. sekret
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give away
poddawać się/rezygnować
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give up
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make up
opiekować się
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look after
osiąga najniższy poziom i tam zostaje
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bottoms out
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peters out
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wind up
zakończyło się
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dried up
rozpadać się
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falling apart
utrzymać coś, trzymać się czegoś
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hang on to
nagle zaatakować lub nakrzyczeć
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flew at
nagle zaatakować lub skrytykować
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rounded on
wybuchać gniewem
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flare up
poszczycić psem
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set his dog on
usunąć, pozbyć się
commencer à apprendre
wipe out

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