Słownictwo 🧹🛒

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question réponse
jaka szkoda
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what a pity
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same to you
jaka jest pogoda
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what is the weather
rozweselać się/ glowa do goru
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cheer up
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czy to miejsce jest zajęte?
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Is this seat taken?
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Enjoy your meal!
Rozgość sie
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Make yourself at home.
Ja też
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me too
ktora jest godzina?
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What time is it?
jak masz na imie
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what's your name
chyba zartujesz
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you must be joking
masz racje
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you are right
czy moglbys powtorzyc?
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Could you repeat?
poczęstuj sie
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help yourself
zapnij pasy
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fasten your seatbelt
nie ma za co!
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don’t mention it
jak sie masz
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how are you
na twoim miejscu
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if I were you
co sie dzieje?
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what is the matter?
nie zgadzam się z tobą
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i don’t agree with you
skrec w lewo
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turn left
wejdz prosze
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Come in, please
w czym mogę pomóc
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How can I help you
nie dotykaj tego
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Don’t touch it
czy mógłbyś wyświadczyć mi przysługę?
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could you do me a favour?
a może pójdziemy do parku?
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how about going to the park?
to swietny pomysl
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that’s a great idea
jak chciałbyś zapłacić
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how would you like to pay
nie ma za co
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not at all

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