Słówka VI

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nad jeziorem
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by a/the lake
nad rzeką
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by a/the river
nad morzem
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by the sea
na ruchliwej/spokojnej ulicy
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in a busy / quiet street
w mieszkaniu /domu
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in a flat / house
w cichej okolicy
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in a quiet neighbourhood
w mieście/wiosce
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in a town / village
na wsi
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in the countryside
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
na wybrzeżu
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on the coast
na peryferiach
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on the outskirts
na parterze/ pierwszym piętrze
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on the first/second floor
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing up
odkurzać meble
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dust the furniture
prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
nakrywać do stołu
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lay the table
ścielić łóżko
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make the bed
wynosić śmieci
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take the rubbish out
podlewać rośliny
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water the plants
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in front of
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next to
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gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
w jakim domu mieszkasz?
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What type of house do you live in?
ile pokoi jest w twoim domu?
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how many rooms are there in your house?
co znajduje się w twoim pokoju?
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what is there in your room?
jak daleko jest z twojego domu do stacji kolejowej?
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How far is your house from the train station?
Jak duże jest twoje mieszkanie?
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How big is your flat?
Na którym piętrze jest twoje mieszkanie?
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Which floor is your flat on?
Co znajduje się w twoim miasteczku/mieście?
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What is there in your town / city?

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