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question réponse
znosic, wytrzymac z
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put up with
ochrzanic kogos
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tell somebody off
wcinac sie, wtracac
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butt in (on)
wziąć sie za coś
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get down to
miec sens, trzymac sie kupy
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add up
miec racje
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have a point
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you bet!
trafic w sedno
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hit the nail on the head
miec tak samo
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feel the same way
rozumiem Twoj punkt widzenia
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I see where you're coming from
jakim cudem?
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how come?
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i will win git
byc lekko zmeczonym(fizycznie lub psychicznie)
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burned out/ run down/ wipoed out/ worn out
odbis sie na kims
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take its toll on sth
ulec pokusie
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give in to temptation
idelany dla
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right up sb’s alley
miec duzo na glowie
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have a lot on one’s plate
wyrzucac cos sobie
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kick onself
puscic farbe
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spill the beans
ignorowac kogos olewac
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give sb the cold shoulder/cold-shoulder someone
miec nastroj na
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be in the mood for
zacisnac zeby
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bite the bullet
miec ochote na
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feel like/ fency

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