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czyscic kuchenke
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clean the cooker
sprzatac ze stolu/nakryc
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clear/lay the table
udekorowac ciasto
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decorate a cake
wykonywac wszysrkie prace domowe
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do all the housework
scierac kusz z pulek
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dust the shelves
oprozniac/zaladowac pralke
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empty/load the washing machine
skladac ubrania
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fold the clothes
scielic lozko
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make the bed
odkladac na miejsce ubrania
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put away clothes
zamiatac podloge
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sweep the floor
wyrzucac smieci
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take out the rubbish
sprzatac pokoj
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tidy your room
zmywac/wycierac nauczynia
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wash/dry the dishes
podlewac kwiaty
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water the plants

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