słówka do porodu

5  1    39 fiche    marlenaprzybysz
Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
wpisz, np. Yes
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wpisz, np. Tak
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operacje chirurgiczne
Problems with general anaesthesia
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problemy ze znieczuleniem ogólnym (narkozą)
Problems with regional anaesthesia
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problemy ze znieczuleniem częściowym, miejscowym
Blood transfusion
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transfuzja krwi
Blood disorder
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choroba krwi
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żółtaczka zakaźna/ wirusowe zapalenie wątroby, żółtaczka pokarmowa
Heart problems/Rheumatic Fever
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problemy z sercem/choroba reumatyczna
Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
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Diastolic hypertension
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nadciśnienie rozkurczowe
Systolic hypertension
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nadciśnienie skurczowe
Asthma/Breathing problems/TB
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astma/problemy z oddychaniem/gruźlica
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Endocrine problems
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problemy hormonalne
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Nervous System/Neurological
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system nerwowy
Urinary/Kidney problems
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problemy z moczem/nerkami
Vaginal infections
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infekcje pochwy
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Sexually transmitted disease
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choroby weneryczne
Chicken Pox
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Medication & drug substance abuse
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nadużycia lęków, uzależnienia
Fertility investigations
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badania płodności
Pelvic injuries
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uszkodzenia, uraz miednicy
Back injuries
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uszkodzenia, uraz pleców
Mental health/Psychological problems
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problemy na tle psychicznym
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Hereditary disease/disorder
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choroby dziedziczne
Learning disabilities
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trudności w uczeniu się
Nausea/vomiting/morning sickness
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nudności/wymioty poranne
Vaginal Bleeding
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krwawienie z pochwy
Viral infection
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infekcje wirusowe
Last Cytology Smear
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wynik ostatniego wymazu cytologicznego
Drug allergies
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alergie na leki
Other allergies
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inne alergie
Full blood count –
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morfologia krwi
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Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
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Wirus zapalenia wątroby typu B

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