słówka do email

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question réponse
commencer à apprendre
po pierwsze
commencer à apprendre
first of
po drugie
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secondly / second of all
po trzecie
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Thirdly / third of all
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion / to my mind
co więcej
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what’s more / morevor
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however / although
myśle że
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I think that
przypuszczam że
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I suppose that
wierzę że
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I believe that
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All in all / in all / to sum up
Czekam na Twój e-mail
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I’m wohing for your email
Odpisz mi
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write me back
Odpisz mi niedługo
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write me back soon
do zobaczenia wkrótce
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see you soon
do zobaczenia
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see you
commencer à apprendre
pozdrowienia nieoficjalne
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creatings from
najlepsze pozdrowienia
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Best regards
Dlaczegoby nie pójść
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Why don’t we go
co ty na to żeby pójść do kina
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Now about going to the cinema
co ty na to żeby ugotować obiad
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What about cooking dinner?
co ty na to żeby obejrzeć film
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How about welding a movie?

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