słówka 3

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question réponse
tworzyć biżuterię
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make jewellry
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a lifeguard
pracować w ogradach ludzi
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work in people's gardens
opiekować się dziećmi
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look after children
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a waiter
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a waitress
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a shop assistant
testować gry video
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test video games
to jest tak denerwujące
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it's such a pain
koniec końca dnia
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at the end of the day
to nie jest w moim interesie
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it isn't really my thing
dać czemuś szanse
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give it a go
sądze że
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I reckon
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pracować na pół etatu/cały etat
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part-time job
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być na nogach
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be on your feet
zarabiać pieniądze
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earn money
sprzedawać ręcznie zrobione towary
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sell handmade goods
przyjmować zamówienie
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take order
pracować z domu
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work from home
pracować w zespole
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work in a team
pracować na kasie
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work on the checkout

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