slowka 15-16.02

 0    21 fiche    aleksandrakielbratowska5
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ja nie oczekuje prezentu
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I don't expect a gift
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nie moge na niego liczyc
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I can't count on him
dojrzaly zwiazek
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mature relationship
jestesmy ukształtowani
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we are developed
nie licze na komplementy
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I don't rely on compliments
sprostac oczekiwaniom
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meet the expectations
poczucie wartosci
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dieta zbalansowana
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a balanced diet
piję za mało wody
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I drink too little water
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
moge sobie pozwolic na nowy telefon
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I can afford a new phone
ta restauracja jest niedroga
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this restaurant is inexpensive/affordable
nie moge sie oprzec czekoladzie
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I can't resist chocolate
stac sie weganka
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become vegan
jem intuicyjnie
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I eat intuitively
zakwas z buraka
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beetroot kvass fermented beetroot juice
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a radish
chrupiacy, chrupki
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crunchy, crunchy

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