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magister sztuk humanistycznych commencer à apprendre
MA /ˌem ˈeɪ; US / abbr. Master of Arts; a second degree that you receive when you complete a more advanced course or piece of research in an arts subject at university or college
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macabre /məˈkɑ: brə; US / adj. unpleasant and frightening because it is connected with death a macabre tale/joke/ritual ▶ makabryczny
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machete /məˈʃeti; US / noun [countable] a wide heavy knife used as a cutting tool and as a weapon ▶ maczeta
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a sewing/knitting machine a washing machine pralka automatyczna ⇨ note at tool ▶ maszyna machine /məˈʃi: n; US / noun [countable] [often in compounds a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. A machine usually needs electricity, gas, steam, etc. in order to work a machine for making pasta
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maˈchine gun noun [countable] a gun that fires bullets very quickly and continuously ▶ karabin maszynowy
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machinery /məˈʃi: nəri; US / noun [uncountable] machines in general, especially large ones; the moving parts of a machine farm/agricultural/industrial machinery There’s something stuck in the machinery. ▶ maszyneria mechanizm
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2 a person whose job is to make or repair machines ▶ mechanik konstruktor/ka maszyn machinist /məˈʃi: nɪst/ noun [c] 1 a person whose job is operating a machine, especially machines used in industry for cutting and shaping things, or a sewing machine ▶ operator/ka maszyny
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mackerel /ˈmækrəl; US / noun [countable] (pl. mackerel) a sea fish that you can eat, that has greenish-blue bands on its body smoked mackerel ▶ makrela
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macroeconomics /ˌmækrəʊi: kəˈnɒmɪks; US -ˌekəˈn- / noun [uncountable] the study of large economic systems, such as those of whole countries or areas of the world ▶ makroekonomia □ macroeconomic /; US / adj. macroeconomic policy ▶ makroekonomiczny
Zwykle nie używa się obecnie mad ani insane do określenia osoby umysłowo chorej. Odpowiednim zwrotem jest mentally ill. commencer à apprendre
2 (Brit.) not at all sensible; stupid You must be mad to drive in this weather. Have a good shopping trip, but don’t go mad (tylko nie szalej za bardzo) and spend too much! ▶ szalony zwariowany mad /mæd; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 having a mind that does not work normally; mentally ill They realized that he had gone mad. ▶ obłąkany pomylony
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5 not controlled; wild or very excited The audience was cheering and clapping like mad. When Brad Pitt appeared on the hotel balcony his fans went mad. ▶ dziki oszalały wściekły 3[not before a noun] mad (at/with sb) (about sth) very angry His laziness drives me mad (doprowadza mnie do szału)! • (especially US) Don’t get/go mad at him. He didn’t mean to do it. ▶ wściekły
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ˈmade-up adj. 1 wearing make-up a heavily made-up face/woman ▶ umalowany 2 not true or real; invented a made-up story/word/name ▶ wymyślony
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madness /ˈmædnəs; US / noun [uncountable] 1 crazy or stupid behaviour that could be dangerous It would be madness to take a boat out on the sea in such rough weather. In a moment of madness she agreed to have dinner with him. ▶ szaleństwo
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a woman’s/computer/gardening magazine a magazine article/interview/survey ▶ czasopismo magazine /ˌmæɡəˈzi: n; US ˈmæɡəzi: n / (also informal mag /mæɡ; US /) noun [countable] a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month containing articles, photographs, etc. often on a particular topic
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magenta /məˈdʒentə; US / adj. reddish-purple in colour ▶ o kolorze między czerwienią i fioletem □ magenta noun [uncountable] ▶ kolor fioletowo-czerwony
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maggot /ˈmæɡət; US / noun [countable] a young insect before it grows wings and legs and becomes a fly ▶ larwa
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2 the art of doing tricks that seem impossible in order to entertain people ▶ sztuczki magiczne 3 a special quality that makes sth seem wonderful I’ll never forget the magic of that moment. the magic of India ▶ czar magia magic1 /ˈmædʒɪk; US / noun [u] 1 a secret power that some people believe can make strange or impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things The witch had used her magic to turn the children into frogs. ▶ czary magia
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2 having a special quality that makes sth seem wonderful Respect is the magic ingredient in our relationship. She has a magic touch with children. ▶ magiczny magic2 /ˈmædʒɪk; US / adj. 1 (used in or using magic) a magic spell/potion/charm/trick There is no magic formula for passing exams – just hard work. ▶ magiczny czarodziejski
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2 wonderful and exciting Our holiday was absolutely magical. ▶ magiczny □ magically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ magicznie w czarodziejski sposób cudownie magical /ˈmædʒɪkl; US / adj. 1 that seems to use magic a herb with magical powers to heal ▶ magiczny czarodziejski
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magician /məˈdʒɪʃn; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who performs magic tricks to entertain people ▶ magik iluzjonist-a/ka ⇨ look at conjuror 2 (in stories) a man who has magic powers ▶ czarodziej/ka
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magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt; US / noun [countable] a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business a media/property/shipping magnate ▶ magnat potentat
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magnesium /mæɡˈni: ziəm; US / noun [uncountable] (symbol Mg) a light, silver-white metal that burns with a bright white flame ▶ (chem.) magnez
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magnet /ˈmæɡnət; US / noun [countable] a piece of iron, steel, etc. that can attract and pick up other metal objects ▶ magnes
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2 having a quality that strongly attracts people a magnetic personality ▶ porywający przyciągający □ magnetism /ˈmæɡnətɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] iron’s magnetism Nobody could resist his magnetism. ▶ magnetyzm magnetic /mæɡˈnetɪk; US / adj. 1 having the ability to attract metal objects Let’s see if this metal is magnetic or not. magnetic fields a magnetic tape/disk ▶ magnetyczny
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magnetize /ˈmæɡnətaɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1 (technical) to make sth magnetic ▶ magnetyzować 2 to strongly attract sb Cities have a powerful magnetizing effect on young people. ▶ pociągać fascynować porywać
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□ magnificence /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wspaniałość świetność —magnificently /; US / adv. ▶ wspaniale świetnie magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt; US / adj. extremely impressive and attractive What a magnificent castle! You’ve done a magnificent job. ▶ wspaniały świetny
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ˈmagnifying glass noun [countable] a round piece of glass, usually with a handle, that is used for making things look bigger than they are ▶ szkło powiększające magnify /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (magnifying; magnifies; past tense, past participle magnified) 1 to make sth look bigger than it is, usually using a special piece of equipment to magnify something under a microscope ▶ powiększać
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magnitude /ˈmæɡnɪtju: d; US -tu: d / noun [uncountable] the great size or importance of sth ▶ ogrom ważność wielkość
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magpie /ˈmæɡpaɪ; US / noun [countable] a noisy black and white bird that is attracted by, and often takes away, small bright objects ▶ sroka
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mahogany /məˈhɒɡəni; US / noun [uncountable] the hard dark reddish-brown wood from a tropical tree that is used especially for making furniture ▶ mahoń
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maid /meɪd; US / noun [countable] a woman whose job is to clean in a hotel or large house ▶ pokojówka służąca
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ˈmaiden name noun [countable] a woman’s family name before marriage ▶ nazwisko panieńskie ⇨ note at name ⇨ look at née
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ˌmaiden ˈvoyage noun [countable] the first journey of a new ship The ’Titanic’ sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage. ▶ dziewiczy rejs
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2 the letters, etc. that you receive There isn’t much mail today. junk mail niezamawiana korespondencja (zwykle reklamowa) ▶ poczta korespondencja 3= email □ mail verb [transitive] (especially US) ▶ wysyłać (pocztą) mail /meɪl; US / (Brit. also post) noun [uncountable] 1 the system for collecting and sending letters and packages to send a parcel by airmail/surface mail (pocztą lotniczą/lądową) a mail van furgonetka pocztowa ▶ poczta usługi pocztowe
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mailbox /ˈmeɪlbɒks; US / noun [countable] 1 (US) = letter box (2) 2 (US) = postbox 3 a computer program that receives and stores email ▶ skrzynka pocztowa
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ˈmailing list noun [countable] a list of the names and addresses of people to whom advertising material or information is regularly sent by a business or an organization Would you like to be on our mailing list? ▶ lista adresowa
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ˌmail ˈorder noun [uncountable] a method of shopping. You choose what you want from a catalogue and the goods are sent to you by post. ▶ sprzedaż wysyłkowa
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He doesn’t earn very much but he’s happy, and that’s the main thing. ▶ główny najważniejszy main1 /meɪn; US / adj. [only before a noun] most important My main reason for wanting to learn English is to get a better job. a busy main road What would you like for your main course? a main-line railway station
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in the main (formal) generally; mostly We found English people very friendly in the main. ▶ przeważnie głównie na ogół
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2(the mains) [pl.] (Brit.) the place where the supply of gas, water or electricity to a building starts; Turn the water off at the mains. Plug the radio into the mains (do sieci elektrycznej). mains gas/water/electricity ▶ główny zawór main2 /meɪn; US / noun 1 [countable] a large pipe or wire that carries water, gas or electricity between buildings The water main has burst. ▶ główna rura wodociągowa/kanalizacyjna/gazowa główny przewód elektryczny
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mainland /ˈmeɪnlænd; US / noun [sing.] the main part of a country or continent, not including the islands around it They took the ferry back from the Isle of Skye to the mainland. mainland Greece ▶ ląd stały kontynent
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mainly /ˈmeɪnli; US / adv. mostly The students here are mainly from Japan. ▶ w większości przeważnie głównie
główny nurt, dominujący trend commencer à apprendre
mainstream, dominant trend mainstream /ˈmeɪnstri: m; US / noun [sing.] the ideas and opinions that are considered normal because they are shared by most people; The Green Party is not in the mainstream of British politics. mainstream education ▶ główny nurt
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2 to keep sth in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly to maintain a road/building/machine The house is large and expensive to maintain. ▶ konserwować utrzymywać w dobrym stanie maintain /meɪnˈteɪn / verb [t] 1 to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. We need to maintain the quality of our goods but not increase the price. to maintain law and order to maintain a constant temperature ▶ utrzymywać zachowywać
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4 to support sb with your own money He has to maintain a child from his previous marriage. ▶ utrzymywać mieć na utrzymaniu 3 to keep saying that sth is true even when others disagree or do not believe it I still maintain that I was right to sack him. She has always maintained her innocence. ▶ utrzymywać twierdzić
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2 (Brit.) money that sb must pay regularly to a former wife, husband or partner especially when they have had children together He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife. ▶ alimenty maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns; US / noun [uncountable] 1 keeping sth in good condition This house needs a lot of maintenance. car maintenance ▶ konserwacja utrzymywanie w dobrym stanie
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maize /meɪz; US / (US corn) noun [uncountable] a tall plant which produces yellow grains in a large mass that are cooked and eaten ▶ kukurydza
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majestic /məˈdʒestɪk; US / adj. impressive because of its size or beauty a majestic mountain landscape ▶ majestatyczny królewski □ majestically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ majestatycznie po królewsku
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2 (His/Her/Your Majesty) [countable] (formal) (used when speaking to or about a royal person) Her Majesty the Queen ▶ (Wasza/Jego/Jej) Królewska Mość majesty /ˈmædʒəsti; US / noun (pl. majesties) 1[uncountable] the impressive and attractive quality that sth has the splendour and majesty of the palace and its gardens ▶ majestat
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major1 /ˈmeɪdʒə(r); US / adj. 1[only before a noun] very large, important or serious The patient needs major heart surgery. There haven’t been any major problems. ▶ główny poważny
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major2 /ˈmeɪdʒə(r); US / noun 1 (abbr. maj.) [countable] an officer of a middle level in the army or the US air force ▶ major
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This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals. ▶ większość majority /məˈdʒɒrəti / noun (pl. majorities) 1[sing., with sing. or pl. verb] majority (of sb/sth) the largest number or part of a group of people or things The majority of students in the class come/comes from Japan.
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Labour had a huge majority over the Conservatives. The government does not have an overall majority (bezwzględnej większości). ▶ (w głosowaniu/wyborach) przewaga (nad kimś) 2[countable, usually sing.] majority (over sb) (in an election) the difference in the number of votes for the person/party who came first and the person/party who came second He was elected by/with a majority of almost 5 000 votes.
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be in the/a majority to form the largest number or part of sth Women are in the majority in the teaching profession. ▶ być w większości stanowić większość
to make a suggestion przedstawić propozycję to make a statement wydać oświadczenie commencer à apprendre
to perform a certain action to make progress to make a mistake/a noise to make trouble/a mess I’ve made an appointment to see the doctor. Umówiłem się na wizytę do lekarza. to make a guess zgadnąć to make a comment wygłosić komentarz make1 /meɪk; US / verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle made /meɪd; US /) 1 to produce or create sth She makes all her own clothes. to make bread This model is made of steel, and that one is made out of used matches.
Podjął dobrą decyzję. • They made a generous offer. Przedstawili szczodrą ofertę. Make często łączy się z rzeczownikami, tworząc konstrukcje, które znaczą to samo, co odpowiadający im czasownik np. make a decision = decide. W takich wyrażeniach można też użyć przymiotnika: He made the right decision. commencer à apprendre
You don’t need to know much of a language to make yourself understood. The polite staff make a very good impression. ▶ wywoływać powodować (że) I’ll make it clear to him (dam mu wyraźnie do zrozumienia) that we won’t pay. Make sure (upewnij się, że) you lock the car. We left early to make certain of arriving in time (aby mieć pewność, że przyjedziemy na czas).
6 to force sb/sth to do sth You can’t make her come with us if she doesn’t want to. They made me repeat the whole story. ▶ zmuszać kazać W stronie biernej należy używać to: He was made to wait at the police station. commencer à apprendre
5 to become sth; to achieve sth I’m hoping to make head of the department by the time I’m thirty. ▶ zostawać stawać się I’ll make it my business to find out (postanowiłem, że dowiem się) what they’re planning. The beautiful weather really made our holiday. Piękna pogoda sprawiła, że mieliśmy doskonałe wakacje. An umbrella can make a useful weapon. ▶ wyznaczać wybierać
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makeover /ˈmeɪkəʊvə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] the process of improving the appearance of a person or a place, or of changing the impression that sth gives She looked like a different person after her makeover. ▶ zmiana wizerunku/wyglądu
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maker /ˈmeɪkə(r); US / noun [countable] a person, company or machine that makes sth a film-maker If it doesn’t work, send it back to the maker. an ice cream maker a dressmaker krawcowa ▶ producent/ka wytwór-ca/czyni
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2[sing.] sb’s character He can’t help his temper. It’s part of his make-up. ▶ charakter ˈmake-up noun 1 [u] powder, cream, etc. that you put on your face to make yourself more attractive. Actors use make-up to change their appearance when they are acting to put on/take off make-up She wears a lot of make-up. ▶ makijaż charakteryzacja
nieprzystosowany społecznie commencer à apprendre
maladjusted /ˌmæləˈdʒʌstɪd; US / adj. (used about a person) not able to behave well with other people ▶ nieprzystosowany (społecznie) □ maladjustment /ˌmæləˈdʒʌstmənt; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nieprzystosowanie
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malaria /məˈleəriə; US / noun [uncountable] a serious disease in hot countries that you get from the bite of a mosquito ▶ malaria zimnica
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male2 /meɪl; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a male person or animal ▶ mężczyzna samiec ⇨ male1 /meɪl; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW belonging to the sex that does not give birth to babies or produce eggs a male goat a male model/nurse ▶ płci męskiej męski samczy
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□ malfunction noun [countable, uncountable] The drug caused a malfunction in the brain. ▶ niewydolność awaria malfunction /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/ verb [i] (used about a machine, etc.) to fail to work correctly He was killed when his parachute malfunctioned. Zginął z powodu awarii technicznej spadochronu. malfunctioning body cells ▶ źle działać źle funkcjonować
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malice /ˈmælɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a wish to hurt other people ▶ złośliwość
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□ maliciously /; US / adv. ▶ złośliwie malicious /məˈlɪʃəs; US / adj. having or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings malicious gossip/lies/rumours He took malicious pleasure in telling me what she had said. ▶ złośliwy SYNONYMS malevolent, spiteful
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□ malign adj. [usually before a noun] (formal) causing harm a malign force/influence/effect ▶ zgubny malign /məˈlaɪn; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to say bad things about sb/sth publicly She feels she has been much maligned by the press. ▶ szkalować SYNONYM slander
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malignant /məˈlɪɡnənt; US / adj. (used about a disease, or a tumour) likely to cause death if not controlled He has a malignant brain tumour. ▶ (nowotwór itp.) złośliwy
złe odżywianie. niedożywieni commencer à apprendre
malnutrition, malnourished malnourished /ˌmælˈnʌrɪʃt; US -ˈnɜ: r- / adj. in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food The children were badly malnourished. ▶ niedożywiony źle odżywiany malnutrition /ˌmælnju:ˈtrɪʃn; US -nu:- / noun [uncountable] bad health that is the result of not having enough food or enough of the right kind of food ▶ niedożywienie złe odżywianie 7
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malpractice /ˌmælˈpræktɪs/ noun [u, c] careless, wrong or illegal behaviour while in a professional job medical malpractice błąd w sztuce medycznej a malpractice suit He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices. ▶ nadużycia malwersacje
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malt /mɔ: lt; US / noun [uncountable] grain that is used for making beer and whisky ▶ słód
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maltreat /ˌmælˈtri: t; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to treat a person or an animal in a cruel or unkind way ▶ maltretować poniewierać □ maltreatment /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ maltretowanie poniewieranie
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mammal /ˈmæml; US / noun [countable] an animal of the type that gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk from its own body Whales, dogs and humans are mammals. ▶ ssak
Niektórzy nie akceptują użycia rzeczownika man w znaczeniach 2 i 3 , ponieważ można odnieść wrażenie, że słowa te nie obejmują kobiet. Zamiast man i mankind osoby te używają rzeczowników humanity, the human race lub people. 3[countable] a person of either sex, male or female All men are equal. No man could survive long in such conditions. ▶ człowiek istota ludzka commencer à apprendre
2[uncountable] humans as a group; the human race Early man lived by hunting. the damage man has caused to the environment ▶ rodzaj ludzki człowiek man1 /mæn; US / noun (pl. men /men; US /) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] an adult male person a handsome man in his mid-twenties men, women and children ▶ mężczyzna
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Paula can’t manage next Tuesday (nie może przyjść w przyszły wtorek) so we’ll meet another day. ▶ potrafić umieć sobie radzić manage /ˈmænɪdʒ; US / verb 1[i, tr] [often with can or could] to succeed in doing or dealing with sth difficult; to be able to do sth However did you manage to find us here? I can’t manage this suitcase. It’s too heavy.
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Can you manage with just one assistant? It’s hard for a family to manage on just one income. ▶ dawać sobie radę radzić sobie 2[intransitive] manage (without/with sb/sth); manage (on sth) to deal with a difficult situation; to continue in spite of difficulties My grandmother couldn’t manage without her neighbours.
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3[transitive] to be in charge or control of sth She manages a small advertising business. You need to manage your time more efficiently. ▶ kierować zarządzać prowadzić (np. firmę)
taki, z którym można sobie poradzić commencer à apprendre
Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable. ▶ taki, z którym można sobie poradzić manageable /ˈmænɪdʒəbl/ adj. not too big or too difficult to deal with The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level. Dług został zmniejszony do poziomu, przy którym łatwiej jest nim zarządzać.
zarządzanie, kierownictwo W lp management można użyć z czasownikiem występującym w lp lub lm: The management is/are considering making some workers redundant. commencer à apprendre
2[countable, uncountable, with sing. or pl. verb] the people who control a business or company The hotel is now under new management. ▶ zarząd dyrekcja kierownictwo management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the control or organization of sth Good classroom management is vital with large groups of children. ▶ zarządzanie kierownictwo
manageress /ˌmænɪdʒəˈres; US / noun [countable] a woman who is in charge of a shop or restaurant ▶ dyrektorka kierowniczka commencer à apprendre
2 a person who looks after the business affairs of a singer, actor, etc.; a person who is in charge of a sports team the England manager ▶ menedżer manager /ˈmænɪdʒə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a man or woman who controls an organization or part of an organization a bank manager a sales manager kierownik sprzedaży an assistant manager zastępca dyrektora ▶ dyrektor/ka kierowni-k/czka
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managerial /ˌmænəˈdʒɪəriəl; US / adj. connected with the work of a manager Do you have any managerial experience? ▶ kierowniczy menedżerski
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ˌmanaging diˈrector noun [countable] a person who controls a business or company ▶ dyrektor naczelny
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mandarin /ˈmændərɪn; US / noun [countable] a type of small orange ▶ mandarynka
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mandatory /ˈmændətəri; US -tɔ: ri mænˈdeɪtəri / adj. (formal) that you must do, have, obey, etc. a mandatory life sentence ▶ obowiązkowy
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mandible /ˈmændɪbl/ noun [c] 1 the lower of the two bones in your face that contain your teeth ▶ żuchwa 2 either of the two parts that are at the front and on either side of an insect’s mouth, used especially for biting and crushing food ▶ żuwaczka
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mane /meɪn; US / noun [countable] the long hair on the neck of some animals ▶ grzywa
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mango /ˈmæŋɡəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. mangoes or mangos) a tropical fruit that has a yellow and red skin and is yellow inside ▶ mango mangowiec
studzienka kanalizacyjna (odprowadzenie) commencer à apprendre
manhole /ˈmænhəʊl; US / noun [countable] a hole in the street with a lid over it through which sb can go to look at the pipes, wires, etc. that are underground ▶ studzienka właz kanalizacyjny
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manhood /ˈmænhʊd; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being a man rather than a boy to reach manhood ▶ męskość wiek męski
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mania /ˈmeɪniə; US / noun 1 [countable] (informal) a great enthusiasm for sth World Cup mania is sweeping the country. ▶ szał mania obsesja 2[uncountable] a serious mental illness that may cause sb to be very excited or violen ▶ (psych.) mania
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2 a person who has a stronger love of sth than is normal a football/sex maniac ▶ fanaty-k/czka (czegoś) maniac /ˈmeɪniæk; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who behaves in a wild and stupid way to drive like a maniac (jak wariat) ▶ obłąkan-y/a szaleniec mania-k/czka SYNONYMS lunatic, madman
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manic /ˈmænɪk; US / adj. 1 full of nervous energy or excited activity His behaviour became more manic as he began to feel stressed. Things are manic at work at the moment. W tej chwili w pracy mamy istne szaleństwo. ▶ szaleńczy
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manicure /ˈmænɪkjʊə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] treatment to make your hands and nails look attractive to have a manicure ▶ manicure manikiur
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□ manifest adj. manifest failure/anger ▶ wyraźny oczywisty —manifestly /; US / adv. manifestly unfair ▶ wyraźnie w oczywisty sposób /ˈmænɪfest / verb [i, t] (formal) manifest (sth/itself) (in/as sth) to show sth or to be shown clearly The disease manifests as red lumps on the skin. Mental illness can manifest itself in many forms. ▶ przejawiać (coś/się) (czymś) objawiać się czymś
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manifestation /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (formal) a sign that sth is happening ▶ dowód (czegoś/na coś) przejawianie (się)
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manifesto /ˌmænɪˈfestəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. manifestos) a written statement by a political party that explains what it hopes to do if it becomes the government in the future ▶ manifest
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2 to use, move or control sth with skill to manipulate the controls of a machine ▶ manipulować (np. przyciskami) zręcznie kierować manipulate /məˈnɪpjuleɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to influence sb so that they do or think what you want Clever politicians know how to manipulate public opinion. ▶ (przen.) manipulować
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□ manipulation /məˌnɪpjuˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ manipulacja zręczne kierowanie (czymś) manipulowanie
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manipulative /məˈnɪpjələtɪv; US -leɪt- / adj. 1 able to influence sb or force sb to do what you want, often in an unfair way manipulative behaviour He’s extremely manipulative, so don’t let him persuade you. ▶ manipulacyjny intrygancki
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mankind /mænˈkaɪnd; US / noun [uncountable] all the people in the world A nuclear war would be a threat to all mankind. ▶ ludzkość rodzaj ludzki