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utykać, kuleć, kuśtykać
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limp, limp, hobble
hobble /ˈhɒbl; US / verb [intransitive] to walk with difficulty because your feet or legs are hurt He hobbled home on his twisted ankle. ▶ kuleć utykać kuśtykać
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hobby /ˈhɒbi; US / noun [countable] (pl. hobbies) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW something that you do regularly for pleasure in your free time Danesh’s hobbies are flower arranging and mountain biking. ▶ konik hobby
hokej na trawie
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field hockey
W USA hockey nazywa się zwykle field hockey w celu odróżnienia od ice hockey.
hockey /ˈhɒki; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a game that is played on a field by two teams of eleven players who try to hit a small hard ball into a goal with a curved wooden stick ▶ hokej na trawie
wieprz świnia
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hog pig
hog1 /hɒɡ; US; / noun [countable] a male pig that is kept for its meat ▶ wieprz
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hold - held - held
to take the weight of sb/sth Are you sure that branch will be strong enough to hold you? ▶ utrzymywać
hold1 /həʊld / verb 1[tr] to take sb/sth and keep them or it in your hand He held a gun in his hand. The woman was holding a baby in her arms. He manages to write by holding the pen between his toes. Hold my hand. This is a busy road. ▶ trzymać
zawierać, mieścić w sobie
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5[transitive] to keep a person in a position or place by force The terrorists are holding three men hostage. A man is being held at the police station. ▶ trzymać zatrzymywać
4[transitive] to contain or have space for a particular amount The car holds five people. How much does this bottle hold? ▶ zawierać mieścić (w sobie)
trwać, utrzymywać się
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7[t] to have sth, usually in an official way Does she hold a British passport? She holds the world record in the 100 metres. He holds eighty per cent of the shares in the company. How long does a US president hold office? ▶ mieć posiadać
6[intransitive] to remain the same I hope this weather holds till the weekend. What I said still holds – nothing has changed. ▶ trwać utrzymywać się być aktualnym obowiązywać
uważać, że; utrzymywać
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10[tr] to organize an event; to have a meeting, an election, a concert, They’re holding a party for his fortieth birthday. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The elections will be held (odbędą się) in the autumn. ▶ wydawać organizować ()
9[transitive] to believe that sth is true about a person I hold the parents responsible for the child’s behaviour. ▶ uważać, że
prowadzić rozmowę
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12[intransitive, transitive] to wait until the person you are calling is ready I’m afraid his phone is engaged. Will you hold the line? ▶ czekać/nie odkładać słuchawki  
to have a conversation It’s impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise. ▶ prowadzić (rozmowę)
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2[sing.] a hold (on/over sb/sth) influence or control The new government has strengthened its hold on the country. władza silna ręka the part of a ship or an aircraft where goods are stored Five men were found hiding in the ship’s hold. ▶ ładownia
hold2 /həʊld; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] the act or manner of having sb/sth in your hand(s) to have a firm hold on the rope judo/wrestling holds ▶ chwyt
torba podróżna
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travel bag / holdall
holdall /ˈhəʊldɔ: l; US / noun [countable] a large bag that is used for carrying clothes, etc. when you are travelling ▶ torba podróżna
posiadacz, okaziciel
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2 something that contains or holds sth a toothbrush holder ▶ futerał teczka pojemnik zbiornik
holder /ˈhəʊldə(r); US / noun [countable] [in compounds] 1 a person who has or holds sth a season ticket holder the world record holder in the 100 metres holders of European passports ▶ posiadacz/ka okaziciel/ka właściciel/ka
opóźnienie, spóźnienie
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2 the act of stealing from a bank, etc. using a gun The gang have carried out three hold-ups of high street banks. ▶ zbrojny napad
ˈhold-up noun [countable] 1 a delay ‘ What’s the hold-up?’ ‘ There’s been an accident ahead of us.’ ▶ opóźnienie spóźnienie
dziura, dół, otwór
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hole, bottom, hole
2[countable] the place where an animal lives in the ground or in a tree a mouse hole ▶ jama nora
hole /həʊl; US / noun 1[co] an opening; an empty space in sth solid The pavement is full of holes. There are holes in my socks. I’ve got a hole in my tooth. The repair of the roof has made a big hole in their savings. ▶ dziura dół otwór
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4[sing.] (informal) a small dark and unpleasant room, flat, etc. This place is a hole – you can’t live here! ▶ dziura nora
3 [countable] (in the sport of golf) the hole in the ground that you must hit the ball into. Each section of the golf course is also called a hole an eighteen-hole golf course Barbara won the seventh hole. ▶ dołek
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leaky / holey
holey /ˈhəʊli; US / adj. aholey piece of clothing or material has a lot of holes in it ▶ dziurawy
wakacje, urlop, ferie
Leave oznacza okres nieobecności w pracy z jakiegoś specjalnego powodu: sick leave zwolnienie chorobowe • maternity leave urlop macierzyński • unpaid leave urlop bezpłatny.
W Br. ang. vacation oznacza czas, gdy zamknięte są uniwersytety i sądy: Maria wants to get a job in the long vacation.
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Mr Phillips isn’t here this week. He’s away on holiday (jest na urlopie). I’m going to take a week’s holiday (wezmę tygodniowy urlop) in May and spend it at home. the school/Christmas/Easter/summer holidays wakacje/ferie/święta
holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ; US / noun 1(US vacation) [cou, u] a period of rest from work or school (often when you go and stay away from home) We’re going to Italy for our summer holidays this year. How much holiday do you get a year in your new job?
święto, dzień wolny
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holiday, day off
Holiday używa się w tym znaczeniu zarówno w brytyjskiej jak i amerykańskiej angielszczyźnie. Dzień wolny od pracy jest też często nazywany a day off: I’m having two days off next week when we move house.
2 [countable] a day of rest when people do not go to work, school, etc. often for religious or national celebrations Next Monday is a holiday. New Year’s Day is a bank/public holiday in Britain. ▶ święto dzień wolny (od pracy)
obóz wakacyjny
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holiday camp
ˈholiday camp noun [countable] (Brit.) a place that provides a place to stay and organized entertainment for people on holiday ▶ obóz wakacyjny
letnik, urlopowicz
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holidaymaker /ˈhɒlədeɪmeɪkə(r); -dimeɪ-; US / noun [countable] (Brit.) a person who is away from home on holiday ▶ letni-k/czka urlopowicz/ka
święty, świętość
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holy, holiness
2 (used about a person) good in a moral and religious way a holy life/man ▶ święty □ holiness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ świętość
holy /ˈhəʊli; US / adj. (holier; holiest) 1 connected with God or with religion and therefore very special or important the Holy Bible holy water The Koran is the holy book of Islam. ▶ święty
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2 treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a disease holistic medicine ▶ holistyczny □ holistically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ holistycznie
holistic /həʊˈlɪstɪk; hɒˈl-; US; / adj. 1 (informal) considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts a holistic approach to life ▶ holistyczny
pusty, wydrążony
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hollow, hollow
2 (used about parts of the face) sinking deep into the face hollow cheeks hollow-eyed ▶ zapadnięty 3 (used about a sound) seeming to come from a hollow place hollow footsteps ▶ (dźwięk) głuchy
hollow1 /ˈhɒləʊ; US / adj. 1 with a hole or empty space inside a hollow tree ▶ pusty wydrążony wklęsły 4 not sincere a hollow laugh/voice hollow promises/threats ▶ nieszczery
kotlina, zagłębienie
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hollow, hollow
hollow sth out to take out the inside part of sth They hollowed out a tree trunk to make a canoe. ▶ wydrążać/wyżłabiać coś
hollow2 /ˈhɒləʊ; US / noun [countable] an area that is lower than the land around it ▶ wklęsłość (np. terenu) zagłębienie kotlina
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holly tree
holly /ˈhɒli; US / noun [uncountable] a plant that has shiny dark green leaves with sharp points and red berries in the winter. It is often used as a Christmas decoration. ▶ ostrokrzew
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holocaust /ˈhɒləkɔ: st; US ˈhəʊlə- / noun [countable] a situation where a great many things are destroyed and a great many people die a nuclear holocaust ▶ zagłada Holocaust
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hologram /ˈhɒləɡræm; US ˈhəʊl- / noun [countable] an image or picture which appears to stand out from the flat surface it is on when light falls on it ▶ hologram
duch święty
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Holy Spirit
the ˌHoly ˈSpirit (also the ˌHoly Ghost) noun [sing.] Christians believe God consists of three parts: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Ghost ▶ Duch Święty
wielki tydzień
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Holy Week
ˈHoly Week noun [countable] (in the Christian Church) the week before Easter Sunday ▶ Wielki Tydzień
hołd, cześć
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homage /ˈhɒmɪdʒ; US / noun [uncountable, countable, usually sing.] (formal) homage (to sb/sth) something that is said or done to show respect publicly for sb Thousands came to pay/do homage (złożyć hołd) to the dead leader ▶ hołd cześć
dom, mieszkanie
Uwaga! Przed home nie używa się przyimka to: It’s time to go home. • She’s usually tired when she gets home. Mając na myśli czyjś dom, należy powiedzieć at Jane and Andy’s lub at Jane and Andy’s place/house/flat.
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house, flat
Stephen went abroad and made his home (zamieszkał) in Canada. Now we’ve got this computer, we’d better find a home for it (znajdźmy dla niego jakieś miejsce). ▶ dom mieszkanie
/həʊm / noun 1[co, unco] the place where you live or where you feel that you belong She left home at the age of 21. Children from broken homes (z rozbitych domów) sometimes have learning difficulties. That old house would make an ideal family home.
dom, kolebka
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home, cradle
3[sing.] the home of sth the place where sth began Greece is said to be the home of democracy. ▶ (przen.) kolebka 2 comfortable, as if you were in your own home Please make yourself at home. I felt quite at home on the ship. ▶ jak (u siebie) w domu
a place that provides care for a particular type of person or for animals a children’s home dom dziecka an old people’s home dom spokojnej starości ▶ (instytucja państwowa, społeczna itp.) dom
domowy, rodzinny
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home, family
2 (esp Brit.) connected with your own country The Home Secretary is responsible for home affairs. ▶ krajowy wewnętrzny 3 (used in sport) connected with a team’s own sports ground The home team has a lot of support. a home game ▶ swój miejscowy
home2 /həʊm; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 connected with home home cooking your home address/town a happy home life ▶ domowy rodzinny
do domu, do kraju
home4 /həʊm; US / verb  PHRASAL VERB  home in on sb/sth to move towards sb/sth The police homed in on the house where the thieves were hiding. ▶ namierzać kogoś/coś
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 IDIOMS  bring sth home to sb to make sb understand sth fully Looking at those pictures of hungry children really brought home to me how lucky we are. ▶ przekonywać kogoś uzmysławiać coś komuś/sobie
home3 /həʊm; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW at, in or to your home or home country She’ll be flying home for New Year. We must be getting home soon. Musimy wkrótce wracać do domu. ▶ do/w domu do/w kraju
nabywca domu
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home buyer
homebuyer /ˈhəʊmbaɪə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who buys a house, flat, etc. ▶ nabywca domu/mieszkania
powrót do ojczyzny
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homecoming /ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of returning home, especially when you have been away for a long time ▶ powrót do domu/ojczyzny
z własnej chodowli
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ˌhome-ˈgrown adj. (used about fruit and vegetables) grown in your own garden ▶ własnej hodowli
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homeland /ˈhəʊmlænd; US / noun [countable] the country where you were born or that your parents came from, or to which you feel you belong Many refugees have been forced to leave their homeland. ▶ ojczyzna kraj ojczysty
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homeless /ˈhəʊmləs; US / adj. 1 having no home ▶ bezdomny 2(the homeless) noun [pl.] people who have no home ▶ bezdomni □ homelessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ bezdomność
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ˌhome-ˈmade adj. made at home; not bought in a shop home-made cakes ▶ domowego/własnego wyrobu domowy
ministerstwo spraw wewnętrznych
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the home office
the ˌHome ˈSecretary noun [countable] (Brit.) the minister who is in charge of the Home Office ▶ Minister Spraw Wewnętrznych
the ˈHome Office noun [sing.] (Brit.) the department of the British Government that is responsible for the law, the police and prisons within Britain and for decisions about who can enter the country ▶ Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych
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□ homeopathic (Brit. also homoeopathic) /ˌhəʊmiəˈpæɵɪk / adj. homeopathic medicine ▶ homeopatyczny homeopath (Brit. also homoeopath) /ˈhəʊmiəpæɵ; ˈhɒmi-; US; / noun [co] a person who treats sick people using homeopathy ▶ homeopat(k)a
homeopathy (Brit. also homoeopathy) /ˌhəʊmiˈɒpəɵi; ˌhɒmi-; US; / noun [uncountable] the treatment of a disease by giving very small amounts of a drug that would cause the disease if given in large amounts ▶ homeopatia
stęskniony za domem
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homesick /ˈhəʊmsɪk/ adj. homesick (for sb/sth) sad because you are away from home and you miss it She was very homesick for (bardzo tęskniła za) Canada. ▶ stęskniony za domem/ojczyzną □ homesickness /; US / noun [u] ▶ tęsknota za domem/ojczyzną
miasto rodzinne
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home town
hometown /ˈhəʊmtaʊn; US / noun [countable] the place where you were born or lived as a child ▶ miasto rodzinne
praca, zadanie domowe
Zwróć uwagę, że homework to rzeczownik niepoliczalny i dlatego nie można go użyć w lm. Mając na myśli jakiś pojedynczy fragment pracy domowej, trzeba powiedzieć a piece of homework, a dużo zadań domowych – a lot of homework.
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work, homework
The minister had not done his homework (nie przygotował się) and there were several questions that he couldn’t answer. ▶ praca/zadanie domowe
homework /ˈhəʊmwɜ: k; US / noun [uncountable] work that is given by teachers for students to do at home Have we got any homework? We’ve got a translation to do for homework.
morderczy, zabójczy
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homicidal homicide
homicide /ˈhɒmɪsaɪd; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (especially US) the illegal killing of one person by another; murder ▶ zabójstwo
homicidal /ˌhɒmɪˈsaɪdl; US / adj. likely to murder sb a homicidal maniac ▶ morderczy zabójczy
jednolity, homogeniczny
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homogeneous /ˌhɒməˈdʒi: niəs; US / adj. made up of parts that are all of the same type ▶ jednolity jednorodny homogeniczny
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homonym /ˈhɒmənɪm; US ˈhəʊm- / noun [countable] a word that is spelt and pronounced like another word but that has a different meaning ▶ homonim
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homophobia /ˌhɒməˈfəʊbiə; ˌhəʊm-; US / noun [uncountable] a strong dislike and fear ofhomosexual people ▶ homofobia □ homophobic /; US / adj. ▶ homofobiczny
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homophone /ˈhɒməfəʊn; US / noun [countable] a word that is pronounced the same as another word but that has a different spelling and meaning ‘ Flower’ and ‘ flour’ are homophones. ▶ homofon
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□ homosexual noun [countable] ▶ homoseksualista —homosexuality /ˌhəʊməˌsekʃuˈæləti ˌhɒm-; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ homoseksualizm
homosexual /ˌhəʊməˈsekʃuəl ˌhɒm-; US / adj. sexually attracted to people of the same sex ▶ homoseksualny ⇨ look at heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian
ostrzyć, udoskonalać
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2 to make a blade sharp or sharper The knife had been honed to razor sharpness. The hook should be honed to a needle-sharp point. ▶ (na)ostrzyć
hone /həʊn/ verb [t] hone sth (to sth) 1 to develop and improve sth, especially a skill, over a period of time She honed her debating skills at college. His body was honed (wyćwiczone) to perfection. ▶ udoskonalać (do czegoś)
szczery, uczciwy
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honest, honest
2 showing honest qualities an honest face I’d like your honest opinion, please. ▶ uczciwy szczery □ honesty /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ uczciwość prawość
honest /ˈɒnɪst/ adj. 1 (used about a person) telling the truth Just be honest – do you like this skirt or not? We need somebody who’s completely honest for this job. To be honest, I don’t think that’s a very good idea. ▶ uczciwy szczery prawy
szczerze, uczciwie
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honestly and honestly
2 (used for emphasizing that what you are saying is true) I honestly don’t know where she has gone. ▶ naprawdę szczerze 3 (used for expressing disapproval) Honestly! What a mess! ▶ naprawdę!
honestly /ˈɒnɪstli; US / adv. 1 in an honest way He tried to answer the lawyer’s questions honestly. ▶ szczerze uczciwie
miód, kochanie, skarbie
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honey /ˈhʌni/ noun 1 [un] the sweet sticky substance that is made by bees and that people eat Would you like honey on your bread? ▶ miód 2[countable] (informal) a way of addressing sb that you like or love Honey, I’m home. ▶ kochanie skarbie
plaster miodu
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honeycomb /ˈhʌnikəʊm; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a structure of shapes with six sides, in which bees keep their eggs and honey ▶ plaster miodu
miesiąc miodowy
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honeymoon /ˈhʌnimu: n; US / noun [countable] a holiday that is taken by a man and a woman who have just got married We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. We had our first argument while we were on our honeymoon. ▶ miesiąc miodowy
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honk /hɒŋk; US; / verb [intransitive, transitive] to sound the horn of a car; to make this sound ▶ trąbić (klaksonem)
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2(often Honorary) (abbr. Hon) not paid He is the Honorary President. ▶ honorowy
honorary /ˈɒnərəri; US -reri / adj. 1 given as an honour (without the person needing the usual certificates, etc.) to be awarded an honorary degree ▶ honorowy honoris causa
honor, cześć
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2[sing.] (f) It was a great honour to be asked to speak at the conference. He did me the honour of mentioning my name in the introduction. ▶ zaszczyt 3[u] the quality of doing what is morally right I give you my word of honour. ▶ honor
honour /ˈɒnə(r) / noun 1 [u] the respect from other people that a person, country, etc. gets because of high standards of behaviour and moral character to fight for the honour of your country the guest of honour ▶ honor cześć ⇨ look at dishonour
zaszczyt, honory
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honor, honor
in honour of sb/sth; in sb/sth’s honour out of respect for sb/sth A party was given in honour of the guests from Bonn. ▶ na cześć kogoś/czegoś
5[countable] something that is given to a person officially to show great repect He has been given several honours for his work with disabled children. ▶ zaszczyt honory
zaszczycać, honorować
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honor, honor
2 to do what you have agreed or promised They have failed to honour the peace agreement. ▶ dotrzymywać (obietnicy/słowa) honorować (np. weksel)
honour2 (US honor) /ˈɒnə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1honour sb/sth (with sth) to show great (public) respect for sb/sth or to give sb pride or pleasure I am very honoured by the confidence you have shown in me. ▶ zaszczycać uczcić
honorowy, uczciwy
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honorable, honest
2 [only before a noun] (the Honourable) (abbr. the Hon) a title that is given to some high officials and to Members of Parliament when they are speaking to each other ▶ czcigodny □ honourably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ honorowo uczciwie
honourable (US honorable) /ˈɒnərəbl; US / adj. 1 acting in a way that makes people respect you; having or showing honour The only honourable thing to do was to resign. an honourable person ▶ honorowy uczciwy  OPPOSITE  dishonourable
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hoody (also hoodie) /ˈhʊdi; US / noun [countable] (pl. hoodies) (Brit., informal) a jacket or sweatshirt with a hood ▶ kurtka/bluza z kapturem
hood /hʊd; US / noun [countable] 1 the part of a coat, etc. that you pull up to cover your head and neck in bad weather ▶ kaptur 2 (especially Brit.) a folding cover for a car, etc. We drove all the way with the hood down. ▶ budka daszek
kopyto, racica
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hoof, hoof
hoof /hu: f; US / noun [countable] (pl. hoofs or hooves /hu: vz; US /) the hard part of the foot of horses and some other animals ▶ kopyto racica
hak, kołek
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hook, peg
off the hook telephone not in position ▶ (słuchawka telefoniczna) źle odłożona get/let sb off the hook (infor to free yourself/sb else from a difficult situation My father paid the money I owed and got me off the hook. ▶ wyciągać kogośz tarapatów
hook1 /hʊk / n [c] 1 a curved piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is used for hanging sth on or for catching fish Put your coat on the hook over there. a fish-hook ▶ hak kołek 2 (used in boxing) a way of hitting a right hook ▶ cios sierpowy
zahaczać, zaczepiać
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2[tr] to put sth around sth else so that you can hold on to it or move it Hook the rope through your belt. ▶ przeciągać/przekładać coś przez coś łapać na hak
hook2 /hʊk; US / verb 1 [int, t] to fasten or catch sth with a hook or sth in the shape of a hook; to be fastened in this way We hooked the trailer to the back of the car. The curtain simply hooks onto the rail. ▶ zahaczać (się) zaczepiać (się)
zahaczać, zaczepiać
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hook up
A large proportion of the nation’s households are hooked up to the Internet. The BBC is hooked up to American TV by satellite. ▶ podłączać się/kogoś/coś (do czegoś)
hook up (to sth); hook sb/sth up (to sth) to connect sb/sth to a piece of electronic equipment, to a power supply or to the Internet She was then hooked up to an IV drip. Check that the computer is hooked up to the printer.
zakrzywiony, haczykowaty
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hooked /hʊkt; US / adj. 1 shaped like a hook a hooked nose ▶ zakrzywiony haczykowaty 2[not before a noun] (informal) be/get hooked (on sth) to need sth that is bad for you, especially drugs to be hooked on gambling ▶ być w szponach (czegoś)
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hooligan /ˈhu: lɪɡən; US / noun [countable] a person who behaves in a violent and aggressive way in public places football hooligans ▶ chuligan ⇨ look at lout, yob □ hooliganism /ˈhu: lɪɡənɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ chuliganizm
obręcz, koło
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hoop /hu: p; US / noun [countable] a large metal or plastic ring ▶ obręcz koło
trąbić, ryczeć
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hoot1 /hu: t; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to sound the horn of a car or to make a loud noise The driver hooted (his horn) at the dog but it wouldn’t move. They hooted with laughter at the suggestion. ▶ trąbić (klaksonem) ryczeć
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3[countable] the loud sound that is made by the horn of a vehicle ▶ trąbienie (klaksonu) gwizd (pociągu) wycie (syreny statku)
hoot2 /hu: t; US / noun 1 [countable] (especially Brit.) a short loud laugh or shout hoots of laughter ▶ parsknięcie (śmiechem) krzyk 2[sing.] (informal) a situation or a person that is very funny Bob is a real hoot! ▶ ubaw błazen
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to vacuum-clean, hoover
PHRASAL VERB  hoover sth up to remove sth from a carpet, floor, etc. with a vacuum cleaner to hoover up all the dust ▶ odkurzać coś
hoover /ˈhu: və(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (Brit.) to clean a carpet, etc. with a machine that sucks up the dirt This carpet needs hoovering. We’d better hoover up before our visitors arrive. ▶ odkurzać  SYNONYM  vacuum  
hop on/onto sth; hop off sth (informal) to get onto/off a bus, etc. (quickly) ▶ wskakiwać/wyskakiwać (do/z czegoś)
hop in/into sth; hop out (of sth) (informal) to get in or out of a car, etc. (quickly) Hop in! I’ll give you a lift to town. ▶ wskakiwać/wyskakiwać (do/z czegoś)
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3hop (from sth to sth) to change quickly from one activity or subject to another I like to hop from channel to channel when I watch TV. ▶ przeskakiwać
hop1 /hɒp/ verb [in] (hopping; hopped) 1 to jump on one leg I twisted my ankle so badly I had to hop all the way back to the car. ▶ skakać na jednej nodze 2 (used about an animal or a bird) to jump with both or all feet together ▶ skakać
podskok na jednej nodze, chmiel
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3 (hops) [pl.] the flowers of this plant that are used in making beer ▶ chmiel
hop2 /hɒp; US / noun 1 [countable] a short jump by a person on one leg or by a bird or an animal with its feet together ▶ podskok (na jednej nodze) 2 [countable] a tall climbing plant with flowers ▶ chmielina
mieć nadzieję
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to hope (to do)
‘ Are you coming to London with us?’ ‘ I’m not sure yet but I hope so.’ We’re hoping for snow in January – we’re going skiing. Let’s hope we find a parking space. ▶ mieć nadzieję ufać, że
hope1 /həʊp / verb [int, tra] hope that...; hope to do sth; hope (for sth to want sth to happen or be true I hope that you feel better soon. Hoping to hear from you soon. ‘ Is it raining?’ ‘ I hope not. I haven’t got a coat with me.’
in the hope of sth/that... because you want sth to happen I came here in the hope that we could talk privately. ▶ w nadziei na coś/że w oczekiwaniu czegoś/że
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2[sing.] a person, a thing or a situation that will help you get what you want Please can you help me? You’re my last hope. ▶ nadzieja
hope2 /həʊp; US / noun 1[c, un] (a) hope (of/for sth); (a) hope of doing sth; (a) hope that... the feeling of wanting sth to happen and thinking that it will What hope is there for the future? There is no hope of finding anybody else alive.
pełen nadziei
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2 making you think that sth good will happen a hopeful sign ▶ obiecujący rokujący nadzieję
hopeful /ˈhəʊpfl/ adj. 1 hopeful (about sth); hopeful that... believing that sth that you want will happen He’s very hopeful about the success of the business. The ministers seem hopeful that an agreement will be reached. ▶ pełen nadziei
miejmy nadzieję, spodziewajmy się
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2 showing hope She smiled hopefully at me, waiting for my answer. ▶ z nadzieją optymistycznie
hopefully /ˈhəʊpfəli; US / adv. 1 (informal) (used to say what you hope will happen) Hopefully, we’ll be finished by 6 o’clock. ▶ mam/y nadzieję, że jak dobrze pójdzie, to
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2(especially Brit., informal) hopeless (at sth) (used about a person) often doing things wrong; very bad at doing sth You’re hopeless. You always forget my birthday. I’m absolutely hopeless at tennis. ▶ beznadziejny
hopeless /ˈhəʊpləs; US / adj. 1 giving no hope that sth/sb will be successful or get better Most of the students are making progress, but Michael is a hopeless case. It’s hopeless. There is nothing we can do. ▶ beznadziejny
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hopelessly /; US / adv. They were hopelessly lost. ▶ beznadziejnie rozpaczliwie —hopelessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ beznadziejność
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horde /hɔ: d; US / noun [countable] a very large number of people There were hordes of people shopping in town on Saturday. ▶ horda tłuszcza tłum
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 IDIOMS  on the horizon likely to happen soon There are further job cuts on the horizon. ▶ w perspektywie 2(horizons) [pl.] the limits of your knowledge or experience Foreign travel is a good way of expanding your horizons. ▶ horyzonty
horizon /həˈraɪzn / noun 1 [sing.] the line where the earth and sky appear to meet The ship appeared on/disappeared over the horizon. ▶ horyzont
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horizontal /ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl; US -rəˈz-; / adj. going from side to side, not up and down; flat or level The gymnasts were exercising on the horizontal bars. ▶ poziomy ⇨ look at vertical, perpendicular □ horizontally /-təli; US / adv. ▶ poziomo
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hormone /ˈhɔ: məʊn; US / noun [countable] a substance in your body that influences how you grow and develop ▶ hormon
róg, klakson
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horn, horn
3 the thing in a car, etc. that gives a loud warning sound Don’t sound your horn late at night. a ship’s foghorn ▶ klakson
horn /hɔ: n; US / noun [countable] 1 one of the hard pointed things that some animals have on their heads ▶ róg 2 one of the family of metal musical instruments that you play by blowing into them the French horn ▶ róg
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hornet /ˈhɔ: nət; US / noun [countable] a large wasp that can give you a painful sting ▶ szerszeń
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horoscope /ˈhɒrəskəʊp/ noun [c] (also stars [pl.]) a statement about what is going to happen to a person in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born What does my horoscope for next week say? ▶ horoskop
straszliwy, horendalny
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horrendous /hɒˈrendəs; US; / adj. (informal) very bad or unpleasant The queues were absolutely horrendous. ▶ straszliwy horrendalny □ horrendously /; US / adv. ▶ straszliwie horrendalnie
okropny, paskudny
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2 shocking and/or frightening a horrible murder/death/nightmare ▶ straszny okropny przerażający □ horribly /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ strasznie okropnie
horrible /ˈhɒrəbl / adj. 1 (informal) bad or unpleasant It was horrible sitting there all on my own This coffee tastes horrible! Don’t be so horrible! I’ve got a horrible feeling that I’ve forgotten something. ▶ straszny paskudny okropny
przerażający, straszny
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2(informal) very bad or unpleasant We had a horrific journey – we were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours. ▶ okropny paskudny □ horrifically /-kli; US / adv. horrifically expensive ▶ strasznie okropnie przerażająco
horrific /həˈrɪfɪk; US / adj. 1 extremely bad and shocking or frightening a horrific murder/accident/attack ▶ przerażający straszny
przerażać, przerażający
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horrify, horryfying
□ horrified /; US / adj. He was horrified when he discovered the truth. ▶ przerażony —horrifying /; US / adj. ▶ przerażający
horrify /ˈhɒrɪfaɪ; US; / verb [transitive] (horrifying; horrifies; past tense, past participle horrified) to make sb feel extremely shocked, disgusted or frightened I was horrified by the conditions they were living in. ▶ przerażać
przerażenie, wstręt
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horror, disgust
2[countable] something that makes you feel frightened or shocked I’ll never forget the horror of what I saw that day. a horror film horror a horror story the horrors of war ▶ okropność makabra
horror /ˈhɒrə(r); US; / noun 1 [uncountable, sing.] a feeling of great fear or shock They watched in horror as the building collapsed. She has a horror of rats. ▶ przerażenie wstręt
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appetizer, hors d’oeuvre, starter
hors d’oeuvre /ˌɔ: ˈdɜ: v; US / noun [countable] (pl. hors d’oeuvres /ˌɔ: ˈdɜ: v; US /) a small amount of food, usually cold, usually served before the main part of a meal ▶ przystawka przekąska
A male horse is a stallion, a female horse is a mare and a young horse is a foal. A horse neighs.
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(the horses) [pl.] (inf) horse racing He won some money on the horses. ▶ wyścigi konne on horseback sitting on a horse Policemen on horseback (na koniach) were controlling the crowds. ▶ konno Policja jeżdżąca konno nazywa się także mounted police.
horse /hɔ: s; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [countable] a large animal that is used for riding on or for pulling or carrying heavy loads a horse and cart horse riding jazda konna ▶ koń
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horse chestnut
2(also informal conker /ˈkɒŋkə(r); US /) the smooth brown nut from this tree ▶ kasztan (owoc)
ˌhorse ˈchestnut noun [countable] 1 a large tall tree with pink or white flowers, and nuts that grow inside cases that are covered with sharp points ▶ kasztanowiec zwyczajny
jeżdziec, kawalerzysta
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horseman /ˈhɔ: smən; US / noun [countable] (pl. -men /-mən; US /) a man who rides a horse well an experienced horseman ▶ jeździec kawalerzysta
koń mechaniczny
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horsepower /ˈhɔ: spaʊə(r); US / noun [countable] (pl. horsepower) (abbr. h.p.) a measure of the power of an engine a ten horsepower engine ▶ koń mechaniczny
wyścigi konne
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horse racing
ˈhorse racing (also racing) noun [uncountable] the sport in which a jockey rides a horse in a race to win money ▶ wyścigi konne Horse racing takes place at a racecourse. People often bet on the results of horse races.
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horseradish /ˈhɔ: srædɪʃ; US / noun [uncountable] a plant with a hot-tasting root which is used for making a cold sauce ▶ chrzan

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